Despite this blog site's unfortunate limitation of not being able to testify as to when I post - it indicates time and date of posting, but apparently makes it my option as to what time and date are set - I will nevertheless be making this the new home of my "Monk" and other TV/movie videoclip postings.
My "Monk" videoclip postings help illustrate how almost every "Monk" episode ever made incorporates inside references to my material, possibly the result of (or initiated by) the fact that the former head of USA Networks (which makes "Monk") was the first person from whom I learned of the college I attended (CalArts). [On this subject, one may also wish to read my Oct. 26th blog, wherein I refer to how, at my 9-5, I also happen to be responsible for organizing the rebroadcast, to Kaiser Permanente employees throughout Southern California, an IHI satellite broadcast of a conference program that includes an appearance by Tony Shaloub (star of "Monk") in a comedy sketch, occurring in several weeks.]
Up until now I have been posting these TV/movie types of videoclips at YouTube rather than at where I tend to post my works of a more independent significance. YouTube is now a problem. I was notified by YouTube that, per Fox, I had violated their rules with the posting of a "Simpsons" clip (which I posted because it was related to my other "Simpsons" clips). I have subsequently removed all of my "Simpsons" clips from YouTube. In a description I had posted at YouTube that went with the posting of one of my "Simpsons" clips, I pointed out that whenever "The Simpsons" makes inside references to my material, it tends to also involve "Limbo", a CalArts student film my class made in 1973-1974 (also related: during the '70s a supervising director of "The Simpsons" used to live down the hall from me at CalArts, the two of us knowing people in common). YouTube automatically testified to/posted intransmutably the date of this "Limbo" tendency reference regarding "The Simpsons". Two weeks later a "Simpsons" episode featured Homer doing the limbo dance (while singing the limbo dance song). This tended to substantiate my statement regarding what I saw going on with "The Simpsons". The chronology of my statement was important.
Prior to the days when I would post my "Simpsons" clips on YouTube, I would email my "Simpsons" videoclips to a former CalArts classmate who had also been involved with the "Limbo" scenes referenced (I emailed these clips to at most three other people). This individual is a friend of Senator Kennedy (his father once was a famous senator with whom Kennedy co-sponsored more bills than with anyone else), and although this former classmate and I were never more than acquaintances, I felt it noteworthy, as "The Simpsons" is the only show to feature a Ted Kennedy character (the Mayor of Springfield). I also consider it noteworthy that this former classmate had years ago incorporated an inside reference to my contribution to "Limbo" on a TV show he produced, on the same exact episode that included a Senator Kennedy guest appearance. [Perhaps at some future time I will go into my various "Kennedy Connections".]
PRECISELY TWO MINUTES before YouTube sent me the email indicating I was in violation due to the "Simpsons" clip, my "" technology (a technology I use and inform people I use) indicated to me that this same former classmate had reopened an email I had once sent him (excluding a few Obama/Kennedy subjects, I have only sent this individual "Simpsons" related emails). The next "Simpsons" TV episode was about Lisa Simpson receiving a secret message from Homer via a crossword puzzle published in a magazine (Homer had arranged it with the people who created the crossword puzzle).
Some may expect this to leave me with the sense that inside references should not be made public. That as I point attention to the references, I nevertheless should not try to prove that I know what I'm talking about. That if people make fortunes from my ideas, this fact can be buried by (1) mixing together in one's mind these idea-usage occurrences with things that are nothing more than inside references, and (2) burying/eliminating the evidence that these idea usages and inside references are even taking place. Assassinate my character/ intelligence/ credibility, all with my willing consent by engaging my complicity in a Mafia-like code of silence.
It should be pointed out that this former classmate might have somehow been tricked into performing his "Simpsons"-related act (opening a "Simpsons"-related email exactly two minutes before I was sent the "Simpsons"-related violation notice from YouTube) when he did. It would not have been difficult for someone on the inside to have set him up to appear guilty. Yet at the same time, one might have to consider that this same former classmate is also a longtime friend of Craig Bronfman, whose family-owned Seagrams bought Universal when Spielberg was there. Spielberg would be among those with the most to gain by cajoling me into this code of silence "game" - though I also sometimes wonder why Spielberg so often chooses to be influenced by my material, which in a non-corrupt world would make him seem quite guilty to any intelligent person in possession of the easy-to-access (at least for now) facts. I see where it may all be seen as a friendly sort of thing in the end (see previous blogs for references to Cornfeld and Daniel, two Spielberg & Steinhoff-related people). Who needs money?
The following videoclip relates the November 28, 2008 "Monk" episode to my 1998 "Gosk" material (my three most referred-to works are my "Gosk", "Uncle's Dream" and "Mall Man" videos):
And finally, a follow-up to my previous blog of November 22nd. In that blog I made reference (and provided a link) to the music video for my song, "The Gravity". That song includes a description of waiting a ridiculous amount of time for my waitress to return with the check, yet she leaves the restaurant without bringing me my check. That very same night (11.22.08), "Saturday Night Live" performed a comedy sketch in which Fred Armisen played a character waiting a ridiculous amount of time for his pizza in a restaurant/bar, until he leaves without it. Those who have been following my blogs would not have difficulty connecting these (though those seeing my November 22nd blog for the first time after November 22nd would unfortunately have no evidence of the chronology of events just described).
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Fireman Theory, or Cheerio

In the past few weeks there has been quite a set of things hurling me into the center of it all sort of kind of, not one of which do I care to discuss at this time, and so on to other matters.
Sir Paul McCartney has an unknown (Whatever that word means: if 500 people know something that no one else knows are they outnumbered, thereby not knowing? Or if 501 people disagree, believing that the thing cannot actually be said to be known, do they win?) history of doing things of secret significance when it comes to me. The absurd/crazy sound of that has played no small part in maintaining the unknown-ness of these actions.
For me to continue from my McCartney premise, it would therefore seem that I must throw the pupils in my Beginners class to the side of the road. I will then ask the people in my Intermediate class to keep them company, patch up their bruises (we were traveling at about 40 mph when we threw the Beginners class to the side of the road, so I expect there to be some bruises, not to mention screams of "Lunatic!" that I would rather not hear. Have you Intermediates any gags on you?). And so on this one I can only proceed with my Advanced class.
Now this is just a theory, based on tendencies and facts:
When I did the title song of my "The Gravity" CD in 2002 (not to be confused with my "Gravity" cassette from the late '80s, early '90s, different song, different stage of my musical development), and I made reference to the breakfast cereal Cheerios, ("I just want to go out into that world that I used to see on my box of Cheerios when I was young"), I knew something would be made of it by the Cheerios people. I did not include a reference to Cheerios for that reason, however, my experience informed me that there was an excellent chance it would get picked up on in some way by Cheerios. Sure enough, Cheerios shortly thereafter did a TV commercial of two trucks, one carrying Cheerios and the other carrying their new thing to combine with Cheerios. Now before the Beginners class insists there is nothing contained in this fact (I know you Beginners are still there), I hasten to describe how I had once created a thing where there was a lobster truck and a spilled truck with butter. I was sure to see in the Cheerios commercial an idea I had used, and though others might have independently come up with the same idea, how is it that it was Cheerios, which I already expected to do something. In addition to this, Cheerios did another TV commercial where a little boy refers to his heart as making a "clerp" sound. Clerp is the name of one of the central characters in my "Gosk" videos. And let us not forget the scene (though we may try) in "Ready To Rumble", where a truck carrying toilet paper collides with a truck carrying filled port-o-johns. David Arquette, the star of "Ready To Rumble", is part of a group that includes a star of my "Gosk" video, Robbie, who at one point was also going to star Rosanna Arquette in his Anita O'Day movie (he ended up doing an Anita O'Day documentary instead, starring Anita O'Day). Robbie also once introduced me to David Arquette's assistant, Whitney. Paul McCartney, it has been well publicized, is a good friend of Rosanna Arquette (particularly publicized after his split from Heather Mills, in fact, Rosanna Arquette was one of the only names associated with McCartney in the media during that period). Those who accept these facts as known may or may not feel inclined to allow me to do a tad less hastening in my explanation, yet the rest, well, they like to make me hasten. I must hasten to add this, hasten to add that, not fair, really.
Paul McCartney's newest release is "Electric Arguments" by The Fireman (a two-man group, McCartney and Youth), due out in a day or two. Based on the above-referenced unknown history of Paul McCartney, I had to see if there was anything of mine to correlate with his new CD (one can hear it on MySpace, courtesy of McCartney, and view the cover all over the place). All that I could come up with was a correlation between his "The Fireman" CD cover and my "The Gravity" CD video cover (see images above). Now anyone in the world could win the argument that for two people to each draw a circle does not imply a relationship. An intelligent person would be required to defend that, depending on the specific context, such an implication certainly could exist. Even half-circles, even quarter circles, even a one-inch line. Context is everything.
When I think of the name, "The Fireman", I hear a few possible things, one of which is what I heard repeated throughout this week's "Life On Mars" TV episode: the cliche of what a kid (Youth?) wants to be when he grows up - a fireman. On "Life On Mars" the kid wanted to be an astronaut or a policeman, but it comes to the same thing. This is the week of the new Fireman release, and in that cliche of wanting to be a fireman, I also hear the line from my "The Gravity": "I just want to go out into that world that I used to see on my box of Cheerios when I was young". A child's perspective on the world and one's future place in the world.
So this is my theory of where McCartney might be pointing. And if he is, because I am only 78% certain, it isn't something my Beginners or even my Intermediates can accept. And if you lousy Beginners and Intermediates think I leave it to you to tell me my true role in the world, you'd better finish your Wheaties.
Electric Arguments,
The Fireman
Sunday, November 9, 2008
If It's Not In The News It Couldn't Have Happened
I believe my previous, November 6th blog did some stage setting for this blog.
Well, firstly, no it didn't seem that Ben Stiller had anything to say on Letterman for my benefit. Yet nevertheless I should make mention of the fact that my Stuart ("Ben Stiller's Producer Partner at Red Hour") Cornfeld video, which accompanied my August 13th blog, featured a pirate costume and a thought towards seeing it in context, while Stiller told of a pirate costume being witnessed out of its proper context. So, same discussion perhaps, though nothing pointing to me.
A few other things of general significance have happened regarding me since my last blog, however, tons of backstory would be required to zero in on the context into which I would put these particular things. One involves Karl Rove, but it's sort of a long way to go and for what? Another involves me apparently being followed around over this past weekend by people cued by a sophisticated database of information regarding me, but what else is new? So I guess a few things will get buried, at least for now.
In my last (11/6/08) blog I promised a more explicit rendering of the result from my having created the comedy sketch idea, "The Weight" (first referred to in my Oct. 26th blog). In a way, my previous, November 6th blog already said it all on this subject, for those willing to do the due diligence follow-up research on their own. Nevertheless, I've also made a videoclip, just to make things more difficult for the skeptical, and for those pretending to be skeptical for ulterior purposes:
And lastly, my occasionally referred to comedy sketch idea (intended for SNL), "Peek-a-Boo, ICU", first referred to in my Sept. 28th blog, a sketch idea which led to an oft-referred to occurrence during the Brokaw-moderated second presidential debate (though one doesn't hear anyone attributing it to my sketch idea), experienced another inside-reference. On the November 1st Saturday Night Live, during the second-to-last sketch of the evening (on a night when McCain himself, in person, was occasionally surfacing in comedy sketches, poised to provide a certain form of closure to the world preceding the November 4th election), one looking for my "Peek-a-Boo" would have been particularly aware of this moment:
Well, firstly, no it didn't seem that Ben Stiller had anything to say on Letterman for my benefit. Yet nevertheless I should make mention of the fact that my Stuart ("Ben Stiller's Producer Partner at Red Hour") Cornfeld video, which accompanied my August 13th blog, featured a pirate costume and a thought towards seeing it in context, while Stiller told of a pirate costume being witnessed out of its proper context. So, same discussion perhaps, though nothing pointing to me.
A few other things of general significance have happened regarding me since my last blog, however, tons of backstory would be required to zero in on the context into which I would put these particular things. One involves Karl Rove, but it's sort of a long way to go and for what? Another involves me apparently being followed around over this past weekend by people cued by a sophisticated database of information regarding me, but what else is new? So I guess a few things will get buried, at least for now.
In my last (11/6/08) blog I promised a more explicit rendering of the result from my having created the comedy sketch idea, "The Weight" (first referred to in my Oct. 26th blog). In a way, my previous, November 6th blog already said it all on this subject, for those willing to do the due diligence follow-up research on their own. Nevertheless, I've also made a videoclip, just to make things more difficult for the skeptical, and for those pretending to be skeptical for ulterior purposes:
And lastly, my occasionally referred to comedy sketch idea (intended for SNL), "Peek-a-Boo, ICU", first referred to in my Sept. 28th blog, a sketch idea which led to an oft-referred to occurrence during the Brokaw-moderated second presidential debate (though one doesn't hear anyone attributing it to my sketch idea), experienced another inside-reference. On the November 1st Saturday Night Live, during the second-to-last sketch of the evening (on a night when McCain himself, in person, was occasionally surfacing in comedy sketches, poised to provide a certain form of closure to the world preceding the November 4th election), one looking for my "Peek-a-Boo" would have been particularly aware of this moment:
Election Night,
Saturday Night Live
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Things I Will Never Say Out Loud
Before the "Things I Will Never Say Out Loud" portion of this blog, I first want to express my exhilaration at Barack Obama's election. This real-life suspense can really deplete one's energy, especially when one shudders at what might have happened if McCain hadn't taken a dive by choosing Palin. At last the push for attitudinal stupidity that's been gradually insinuating itself into everything everywhere has been countered, through the election of someone who went to Harvard, the hardest school to get into in the country. That Obama graduated first in his class at Harvard and then made President of the U.S. has to stand as a beacon for those perpetually browbeaten by the stupid, and their arrogant accusations of over-thinking whenever they see themselves in a situation with someone to whom they feel inferior.
In a couple of hours Ben Stiller is scheduled to appear as a guest on the Letterman show. As Stiller runs “Red Hour Films” with Stuart Cornfeld (see my blog of 8/13/08), I occasionally find such Stiller appearances to contain inside references for my benefit. Following my assessment of this Stiller appearance, I may or may not have something to bring to this blog.
One thing definitely upcoming for my next blog: I will put together a correlation of my comedy sketch idea, “The Weight” (see my previous blog), about CNN’s then upcoming election night coverage, with CNN’s actual election night coverage. In both instances, CNN contrived the gimmick of being on a spacecraft while covering the election results. In my comedy sketch, the pundits float weightlessly in a spacecraft while discussing the results. In the actual CNN coverage, they use an effect to “beam up” holograms of people reporting on the election, which is referred to as being out of the TV show, “Star Trek” (from whence comes the expression, “beam me up, Scotty”). It can be proven that my sketch “The Weight” was posted on on 10/26/08, clearly prior to CNN’s actual unveiling of this election night surprise gimmick.
In the meantime I give you this, "Things I Will Never Say Out Loud", which might seem more meaningful/less absurd to those who have more closely and intelligently followed the weight that has continually been attached to my actions throughout most of my life:
1. Several days prior to McCain’s May appearance on The Daily Show, I sent out a comedy sketch idea to someone who always circulates my ideas to SNL and The Daily Show. My idea was about how The Bowery Boys, now grown up, were all suing each other for defamation of character because when they were young they used to speak to and about each other in a derisive, disrespectful manner. At the end of my sketch, Slip Mahoney comes out a few dollars ahead of the others after each are made to pay some amount to each of the others. This causes Slip to call them all “JERKS”, and for using this word “JERKS” he is made to pay out the few dollars he had gained. Several days later on The Daily Show, a program to which my ideas are always circulated and where they often end up, McCain told Stewart that now he had to talk to him nice and with respect, as he had become the Republican’s assumed presidential nominee since his last appearance on the show. Later during that same Daily Show appearance McCain said that he suspected the Secret Service’s code word for him was “JERK”.
2. Several days before McCain brought up the whole “Joe The Plumber” thing (the third presidential debate, October), I sent an email to Ringo Starr, “Shining Time Ringo”, relating to my having contributed to his backdrop on “Shining Time Station”, a show about “Thomas The Tank Engine”. Owing to my having long been a major influence on Ringo, the context of my suddenly sending this email was automatically an important one.
3. Several weeks prior to the second presidential debate, which was hosted by Tom Brokaw in October, I wrote a comedy sketch idea, “Peek-a-Boo, ICU”, referred to in my 9/28/08 blog, which was about the then-upcoming second presidential debate, using Brokaw as a character in the sketch idea (as it was known he would be moderating). My comedy sketch derives humor primarily from McCain doing what he can to obstruct a view of himself. In the actual debate, at the very end, Brokaw gets annoyed at McCain for visually obstructing his view. Those seeking to derive humor from the actual debate made repeated references to this actual view obstruction on McCain’s part.
4. On August 15th I sent an email regarding a video I was working on, wherein I referred to how it was influenced by British comedy legend Michael PALIN and several others with whom Palin used to work. As my video was about a wolf man and this email was sent to the producer of an upcoming movie about a wolf man (the producer being someone I have consistently been an influence on, a Spielberg and Geffen friend who was the first person who told me about the college I attended, CalArts), the email had a built-in special significance. As my influence on this producer has led to my being a significant influence on Spielberg, this email may have been seen as containing a very, very special significance. On August 24th I posted my wolf man video. On August 29th McCain announced Sarah PALIN as his VP pick. Up until McCain’s thrusting of Sarah Palin into the spotlight, many would have automatically associated the name PALIN with only one person, Michael Palin. To put it another way, a contestant on a game show, if asked for a first name to put with the name “Palin”, would have automatically answered, “Michael”, that is, up until August 29th, after which the answer would have become “Sarah”.
In a couple of hours Ben Stiller is scheduled to appear as a guest on the Letterman show. As Stiller runs “Red Hour Films” with Stuart Cornfeld (see my blog of 8/13/08), I occasionally find such Stiller appearances to contain inside references for my benefit. Following my assessment of this Stiller appearance, I may or may not have something to bring to this blog.
One thing definitely upcoming for my next blog: I will put together a correlation of my comedy sketch idea, “The Weight” (see my previous blog), about CNN’s then upcoming election night coverage, with CNN’s actual election night coverage. In both instances, CNN contrived the gimmick of being on a spacecraft while covering the election results. In my comedy sketch, the pundits float weightlessly in a spacecraft while discussing the results. In the actual CNN coverage, they use an effect to “beam up” holograms of people reporting on the election, which is referred to as being out of the TV show, “Star Trek” (from whence comes the expression, “beam me up, Scotty”). It can be proven that my sketch “The Weight” was posted on on 10/26/08, clearly prior to CNN’s actual unveiling of this election night surprise gimmick.
In the meantime I give you this, "Things I Will Never Say Out Loud", which might seem more meaningful/less absurd to those who have more closely and intelligently followed the weight that has continually been attached to my actions throughout most of my life:
1. Several days prior to McCain’s May appearance on The Daily Show, I sent out a comedy sketch idea to someone who always circulates my ideas to SNL and The Daily Show. My idea was about how The Bowery Boys, now grown up, were all suing each other for defamation of character because when they were young they used to speak to and about each other in a derisive, disrespectful manner. At the end of my sketch, Slip Mahoney comes out a few dollars ahead of the others after each are made to pay some amount to each of the others. This causes Slip to call them all “JERKS”, and for using this word “JERKS” he is made to pay out the few dollars he had gained. Several days later on The Daily Show, a program to which my ideas are always circulated and where they often end up, McCain told Stewart that now he had to talk to him nice and with respect, as he had become the Republican’s assumed presidential nominee since his last appearance on the show. Later during that same Daily Show appearance McCain said that he suspected the Secret Service’s code word for him was “JERK”.
2. Several days before McCain brought up the whole “Joe The Plumber” thing (the third presidential debate, October), I sent an email to Ringo Starr, “Shining Time Ringo”, relating to my having contributed to his backdrop on “Shining Time Station”, a show about “Thomas The Tank Engine”. Owing to my having long been a major influence on Ringo, the context of my suddenly sending this email was automatically an important one.
3. Several weeks prior to the second presidential debate, which was hosted by Tom Brokaw in October, I wrote a comedy sketch idea, “Peek-a-Boo, ICU”, referred to in my 9/28/08 blog, which was about the then-upcoming second presidential debate, using Brokaw as a character in the sketch idea (as it was known he would be moderating). My comedy sketch derives humor primarily from McCain doing what he can to obstruct a view of himself. In the actual debate, at the very end, Brokaw gets annoyed at McCain for visually obstructing his view. Those seeking to derive humor from the actual debate made repeated references to this actual view obstruction on McCain’s part.
4. On August 15th I sent an email regarding a video I was working on, wherein I referred to how it was influenced by British comedy legend Michael PALIN and several others with whom Palin used to work. As my video was about a wolf man and this email was sent to the producer of an upcoming movie about a wolf man (the producer being someone I have consistently been an influence on, a Spielberg and Geffen friend who was the first person who told me about the college I attended, CalArts), the email had a built-in special significance. As my influence on this producer has led to my being a significant influence on Spielberg, this email may have been seen as containing a very, very special significance. On August 24th I posted my wolf man video. On August 29th McCain announced Sarah PALIN as his VP pick. Up until McCain’s thrusting of Sarah Palin into the spotlight, many would have automatically associated the name PALIN with only one person, Michael Palin. To put it another way, a contestant on a game show, if asked for a first name to put with the name “Palin”, would have automatically answered, “Michael”, that is, up until August 29th, after which the answer would have become “Sarah”.
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