Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Saw It Coming 1.284 Miles Away

Statement of Purpose Of The Third Word In Every Fourth Sentence
I've always hated the dividing up of people into groups, whether it's the continental drift (in case you don't know, that's what formed the continents, you'll have to find out about this from someone else), or figuring out who knows how to do arithmetic and who doesn't, or Munsters watchers versus Addams Family watchers (you youngsters out there may have missed that particular dividing line between all people).

However, fate has put me in a group by myself (and not just when it comes to the fact that I'm on the far left yet believe our invasion of Iraq was justified in the same way the precaution of mandatory car insurance is justified). And this "group" (me) has come to where it must put others in groups:
  1. Cannot begin to believe the stuff I go on about and never will if scrutiny of the evidence involves committing more than five minutes of your time.
  2. Are torn down to your very soul regarding the question of whether or not I am secretly remarkably super-important.
  3. Don't care, are just amused by the whole thing, perhaps I'm a delusional liar or perhaps I'm crazy or perhaps it's all true, whatever.
  4. Total believer, and you've checked my evidence enough to avoid misrepresenting who I am when speaking to others.
  5. You dispute my assertions for corrupt reasons, such as because you've been bought off, or see what power is doing and want to be obedient to it, or you can't be bothered with evidence, or you allowed yourself to be indoctrinated against me without making up your own mind, or someone hit you on the head and now you're too stupid to add two plus two but don't mind baselessly disputing things off the beaten track anyway.
The only group I will be addressing today is Group 4 (if you're in Group 2, this will only make you feel more torn over what is or isn't true). I'm almost an old man (at Denny's I even get the senior citizen discount), and don't have the strength to deal with the rest of you. I do not say everyone has to have the time to check the voluminous stuff that supports what say. I would ask that reasonable people might consider that, if my "premise" is correct about my secret super-importance, I am on a certain level going up against enormous powers as an individual, and the tactics employed to protect the reputation of a Hush Puppies Shoes, or any billion-dollar enterprise, cannot be assumed to be ethical or even legal.

Let It Shine
In my Statement of Blog Purpose (found at the beginning of each of my blog articles), I make reference to when I was sort of part of two groups, The Beatles and The Stones (though I believe a certain plane exists where The Beatles and The Stones are part of the same group, and there even exists a plane on which we all can be seen as part of this same group, except the people who wear white socks with dress shoes, I hate those people, and even if you change to brown socks it is too late I will still hate you, I just hate you, we, that is, me and my white-sock-hating group, really hate you. But perhaps I digress).

Leon Russell is going to be appearing on Saturday Night Live in a few days (April 2nd). If you read my second blog ever, August 10, 2008 ("A Few Words About My Statement Of Blog Purpose"), I refer to Leon Russell in relation to something that I believe specially concerns myself and the Stones.

In the spirit of ship christening and recognizing my responsibilities to the world as an important person (though secretly important), even when others ignore my responsibilities and what they should really be doing to assist me in the fulfillment of my responsibilities (by the way, I LOVE Hush Puppies Shoes and always have, they just feel right) instead of sitting with your hands folded while corrupt people march in and take over my situation and persecute me (contrary to the popular post-Nazi era belief that the word "persecution" has been replaced in the dictionary by "persecution complex", as if no one gets persecuted 'cause people don't do stuff like that).... where was I, oh yes, in the spirit of ship christening....

For the first time since this Rolling Stones material-generating incident I was made part of in the '60s, I made a certain inside-reference to it, contained in what I posted Thursday, March 24th. Two days later, a member of the Rolling Stones drives by me and nods when we see each other. Ron Wood. I should mention that a section of my second-to-last blog (3/14/11) was entitled, "A Bleep Is As Good As A Bloip To A Deaf Horse". See, I changed around "A Nod Is As Good As A Wink To A Blind Horse," see, which is the name of an important Faces album, see, which Ron Wood was important on.

So I have to wonder, don't I?

Don't They Warn You
Tim Burton, my fellow CalArts alumni whom I influenced so incredibly much, if that was you I saw standing by the Warner Bros. Studios gates in the downpour as I drove by on Wednesday, sorry if you were expecting a lift. As it is I have my hands full defending to outsiders that it actually does rain out here, and so am loathe to experience anything further that might be met with disbelief when described.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wheel Of Ortun And More

I am pleased to announce I have just recently posted a new comedy idea, based on a certain TV game show, to archive.org, (though I'm sure I've already said too much already):


If You Count This One, I've Got A Million More Just Like It
And now, an incomplete case pointing somewhere or another built entirely upon outlandish statements I have previously made:
  • I have previously made the outlandish statement that when Paul McCartney does a song for a movie, I am consistently able to objectively (now there's a lightning rod of a word for those who presume the things I report must surely come from a desire to twist and deceive) see where I/my material have been tied in with it.
  • I have previously made the outlandish statement (don't worry, I'm not planning to list every outlandish statement I've ever made) that Paul McCartney's surprise appearance on SNL about 4 or 5 years ago, where he and Steve Martin were in a sketch on the subject of poison in one's drink, resulted from my request 8 days previous, through an intermediary and for reasons I won't bore you with here, that he (P.M.) do a comedy sketch in relation to my Recipe For Fun video (YouTube).
  • I have previously made the outlandish statement that the major Hollywood producer, Stuart Cornfeld, who is currently producing a movie about rare birds that stars Steve Martin (Martin's new album entitled "Rare Bird Alert" has lead vocals by Paul McCartney) and is someone whom I knew in 1975 to a degree, continues to manifest my influence in his work, as do so many in "Hollywood", as I am an amazing sort. In fact, it is my belief that when his business partner, Ben Stiller (they run Red Hour Films together), appeared at the Oscars in 2010 with blue skin and a fishing rod, that was because one of my major videos, "Gosk" (Parts 1 and 2, at archive.org) has two major characters in blue skin with fishing rods (I shall spare you a retelling of my influence on Avatar this time around, however, please feel free to look it up in previous blogs).
In conclusion, everything remains as usual for me, though outlandish-sounding for the general population when reported. As usual.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Old Garden And More

Announcing OLD GARDEN
I have a new song, "Old Garden", which is a work-in-progress, and is the second version as a work-in-progress is what it is, and I'm nevertheless awfully proud no matter what nobody says:


In the first part I took where I first sang the song into a cheap $30 recorder, process it, then I return later with more words and also add electric guitar throughout, and finally, some sound editing all around. Bingo, my vegetables au gratin are done, that is, they're done enough to be a work-in-progress, at least as far as my tastes are concerned. Is this song in limbo then? I do not even know, it may be done, in a sense anyway.

Unfortunately, the song has an earthquake reference among its few lyrics, purely coincidental, so already it's born with ten strikes against it for sounding like pandering to the tragedy of the moment. Or, I have the delightful alternative of representing myself as having come up with this half-an-hour before the Japanese earthquake, which appears to be the situation, or at the very least, I was not aware of any earthquake when I came up with it. I think there was an ad about how long some product retains its usefulness, so I had to sing about the earth outliving its usefulness, which led me to the part where the ground shakes as an example. Oh yeah, I wanna be saddled with selling the idea that I was first, ahead of the actual earthquake. Probably I'll come back to this after the dust has settled, no one is thinking about earthquakes, you know, then I'll refine the song a bit, kind of slide it over to Paul (M) and/or Eric (C), they can grab something off it, the rest will be history. Nothing new to me - just scan these here blogs. I know what's happening, baby.

A Bleep Is As Good As A Bloip To A Deaf Horse
Do you remember that movie, "After The Fox," specifically, the scene where Peter Sellers is talking to a beautiful woman while the voice of a cigar-smoking fat man seems to come out of her, because a cigar-smoking fat man is at the next table, his back turned and so disguising the fact that he is speaking with Sellers, meanwhile the beautiful woman somehow knowing exactly how to lip sync to the words of the cigar smoker even when responding to Sellers' questions? Well, anyway, that may perhaps be a partial explanation of why I think I might be in some kind of strange communication to some degree with some kind of cigar-smoking Peter Sellers or two, or, no, I think I'm Peter Sellers in this one. Once again, I shall keep further details apart from the world, and not feel a drop of guilt as you're busy anyway and it wouldn't be worth it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jonathan Kent, Jor-El and Milton Berle Made Me Who I Am

In my previous blog article (3.1.11) more evidence was provided of my impact on the soon-to-end TV show, "Smallville". *
*One might also look upon evidence in that direction as ipso facto simultaneously relating to a particular other matter that I occasionally bring up pertaining to Tim Burton, Iran, Times Square, other things (see my 8/28/10 blog article).

The March 4h "Smallville" contained something that may or may not be related to me. One would not say that the idea in question has never been used by anyone, far from it - in various forms, it is an old idea. However, my sense of this (have I not yet established my remarkably acute sense of things?) is that their specific usage may have been apropos of my usage. As I've detailed on previous occasions, I believe the excellent writers of "Smallville" have previously used my ideas for season finales and many other things (which I do not feel offended by in the least, I love the show, plus, they wrote a movie for the first person who told me of the school I attended who I am not in any kind of contact with but I believe has used his influence here and there towards making people aware of me though I have nothing solid in regard to this), so this possibility would be familiar territory to me.
In my shooting script for a video that I never did shoot, "Gosk 3" (posted as a link from my website http://www.angelfire.com/blog2/jonathandsteinhoff/page14.html), I refer to one of the artifacts aboard the spacecraft as follows:

"#9 Unlike most of the objects with shelves and captions, the shelf for this object is located in the first room of the spaceship, where the couch and the monitors are, in some spot that wasn’t shown in “Gosk-Part I” or “Gosk-Part II”. Its shelf is empty, and features a caption describing its (missing) object as “Product of a Failed Attempt to Create an Earthling Grandchild of George Washington and King George of England.” The greenish-blue egg-shaped rock is lying in the middle of the floor near the shelf."

This shooting script came up in my August 28, 2010 blog, while I was on a subject that also included reference to "Smallville".

And now, from the 3.4.11 episode of "Smallville":

So as you can see, in both instances, this specifically regards the creation of an entity who is the offspring of two famous nemeses, courtesy of laboratory experimentation.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Can See For Miles And, I'm Sorry, Could You Please Remove Your Hat

With A Song In My Sky
As I have indicated in a certain number of earlier blogs (going back to early 2010), the TV show, "Smallville", which in general has occasionally made inside-references regarding me/my material, has more recently (if early 2010 can be still be considered recent) been focusing more specifically on the songs I did on my "Enough To Eclipse" music CD (copyright June 2005).

I attribute this, at least in part, to the fact that Sean Daniel, the first person from whom I learned of the school I attended (CalArts), produced a movie written by the "Smallville" writers ("Mummy 3"). The person with whom he produced that movie, Jim Jacks, is a Facebook friend, so who knows, this could come from Jim and Sean, then it goes to Steven (Spielberg, an old friend of Sean's), back to "Smallville", over to Paul (McCartney - no time to explain where he fits in), then to Tim (Burton, also interconnected, but then I'd have to bring up the Iranian President), over to "Smallville", then over here. Or whatever. Read my blogs, it all makes sense probably.

And so, as "Smallville" gets ready to say goodbye (sadly.... unless it's all a trick and "Metropolis" begins next season with the same characters?), the series finale being in May, I believe their February 25, 2011 episode made yet another reference to a song on my 2005 "Enough To Eclipse" music CD. My song, "Almost Like Saying Goodbye," can either be heard for free, by going to where it's posted at iSound:


or by paying to hear it, by going to CD Baby:


I find it only fair to forewarn you, it is considered highly unfashionable to actually pay me anything for my creativity. In fact, you needn't even bother listening to it to see my point - the title is enough. Read on.

And here is the videoclip from the 2.25.11 "Smallville", which I believe is consistent with what I've been mentioning in my blogs since early 2010, that they are making inside-references in connection with things on my "Enough To Eclipse" music CD, in this case, my song, "Almost Like Saying Goodbye":

More George Harrison Birthday Thoughts
In my February 25th blog I tried to express that George Harrison, though mainly thought of in connection with Paul, Ringo and John, deserved my vote for also being thought of outside of that company. This was an obvious enough sentiment, highly unoriginal, however, I didn't feel the situation called for wild unpredictability on my part, at least, not right then and there.

And now, I would like to add that one might also think of George Harrison in the company of "The Graduate" and "Raging Bull". (credits: I got this idea from what Steven Spielberg said at the Oscars the night before last.)