As the current primary incarnation of the "Superman" legacy, "Smallville", has only several episodes remaining (the series finale is May 2011), I thought it possibly relevant to provide this photograph of one of the three then-future heads of Marvel Entertainment. For those who don't see a connection, Marvel Comics and DC Comics ("Superman" Comics) were at least at one time arch rivals ala Pepsi vs. Coke, each with their own universe of superheroes.
I took this photograph in the summer of 1968 or 1969 at Camp Timberlake in Vermont. I also knew this then-future Marvel head from homeroom while attending Valley Road Junior High School in Princeton, New Jersey. It was only a handful (four one year, five the other) of us little Princetonians who also went to the same Vermont summer camp together.
As "Smallville" comes to the end (as mentioned above), I am pleased to report new observations that they are again referencing my material. I have on many previous occasions presented my observations when "Smallville" has done this, accompanying these observations with explanations, as well as the bases in fact showing how these are not simply to be regarded as my own crazy little observations where you would have to take my word for it. I have also conjectured as to how this might at least initially have come about (could the missing "link" be Sean Daniel?, etc.). Because these types of things are part of other types of things, and so on, and that's if you have a moment or two or three.
On the 4.15.11 episode of "Smallville", I noticed a parent/child moment that could be seen as a reference to a parent/child moment in one of my three main videos, "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'" (1990; 1992; posted at archive.org Nov. 2008):
4-15-11 Smallville; 1992 Steinhoff
Due to it generally being a common enough type of moment in films, I didn't think there was enough to bring up this connection, until the following week's episode (4.22.11), in which there is again something that brings the same "Uncle's Dream" video of mine to my mind, this having become the customary tip-off that the previous observation had significance.
In the larger context of "Smallville" having on previous occasions often done things in relation to my material, which I believe I have previously been able to demonstrate, I conclude that the very last image of the 4.22.11 episode before the end credits goes back to my Dostoyevsky (this is not the first time I have observed them referencing this video of mine):
4-22-11 Smallville; 1992 Steinhoff
The other thing I noticed about the 4.22.11 "Smallville" episode was their featuring something that one can easily see as a Kafka reference (not just Kafka-esque): A timid young man who suddenly finds himself trapped inside the body of a beetle (this is an easy one; they only give you $10 for answering this question correctly on a TV game show). Kafka and Dostoyevsky are, by no stretch, both members of a small, exclusive group - legendary authors of all time - and therefore are names to associate together.
I just saw the Jack Black version of "Gulliver's Travels" (not as good as the Jonathan Swift book, though few things are), and as I half-expected, found there to be inside-references regarding me/my material. I have previously referred to Jack Black making inside-references to an AFI film set incident in 1975 in which I was knocked down by an electric shock (then future producer Stuart Cornfeld having been the first person to come up to see what had happened to me, Stuart Cornfeld being someone who has often worked with Jack Black). And so, how could I be surprised when I saw in "Gulliver's Travels" Jack Black being knocked to the ground by an electric shock? I also saw tons of stuff in this movie that could be related to one of my three main videos, "Mall Man" (1993; posted at archive.org Sept. 2005), in that both have someone who works in the mailroom lying about who he is to get ahead, then at some point suddenly taking on a special identity/special powers.