Idiot-Proof Evidence Of Something-Or-AnotherFor those who might feel a vacuum from there not having been a Saturday Night Live last night, and/or if you're nostalgic for several SNL shows ago, or/and you're looking for proof of some kind of something or another relating to my blogs occasionally pointing at Stuart Cornfeld/Ben Stiller (who run Red Hour Films together, Stuart being someone I once sort of knew going back to 1975 and later and then back to 1975 then go to 1993), or whatever, then perhaps you will enjoy this little videoclip*:
"The Chosen Leader of Florsheim Shoes" can be found at: Totally Minor, Unimportant NewsThat sketch they did on SNL (Oct. 1st I think it was), where they regard Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing as a food to be consumed obsessively rather than as a mere salad dressing: that must have resulted from my mentioning to someone at work that Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing is so great it should be treated like a main course in itself. How? In previous blogs I've touched on how my "secret" super-importance has led to my workplace environments invariably becoming infiltrated as if I was at the center of some kind of Hollywood (and more) chessboard (which I am). Obviously you weren't there, and so those who don't check out the evidence of my being truthful (e.g., the above videoclip) will not want to give me any credibility here.
I more recently have seen additional references to me/my material in a number of things: "Unstoppable"; "The Rite"; "The Green Hornet"; probably lots of other stuff, can't recall off-hand.
I surprisingly
didn't notice anything in connection with me in the excellent new Cornfeld/Stiller/Black/ Martin/Wilson movie, "The Big Year" (please note- appreciating why the word "surprisingly" applies requires years of research).
It happens I once did a conceptual collage, "Finding Life" (below) that touches on the subject of "The Big Year", however, this would not "count", by my standards, as something to be regarded as a deliberate act on their part. They also had a character getting seasick and having to sit in the cabin of a fishing boat, as happened to me over 40 years ago when I was with the family of the then-future senior editor of "Money Magazine", Bob Klein (my family and the Kleins were old friends, and so went on a joint family vacation together in Cape Cod in the mid-60s). This also does not "count", as Cornfeld/Stiller provided no tie-in. Bob's daughter, Amy, did photograph me now and then during the '80s, but, nope, doesn't "count", as I was not a bird (and never will be). I nevertheless reserve the right to return to this as I may yet find something. Can't understand why they suddenly left me out, I don't get it....

Finding Life" from "Go Eyes, Go!", copyright 1993, posted at Archive.Org June 2007