Pails By Comparison
This link is to a new videoclip I made to show part of my influence on Spielberg's "War Horse". Some other examples of my influence on Spielberg can be found in "Steven Spielberg And The 'Mall Man' Factor," which I've also posted to Archive.Org.
Regarding the 5/11/13 SNL:
I submitted nothing for consideration for the 5/11/13 SNL, and recognized nothing on that show as having likely been from me.
Regarding the 5/4/13 SNL:
Stuff that occurred in two comedy sketches during the first half hour of the 5/4/13 SNL had clear elements in common with this comedy sketch idea I submitted for that show, "You Know When You're Outta Luck". In both mine and theirs, a focus is a contestant being endlessly discriminated against by the moderator; we see a contestant adamantly opposing the will of the moderator; a contestant being clueless regarding their presumed object (in mine, much is made of the fact that the contestant doesn't even watch the show; in theirs, a contestant competing to be like Jennifer Aniston at one point shouts obliviously, "Who the hell is Ross?").
I don't believe this comedy sketch idea, submitted 4/20/13, was any kind of influence on SNL. I identified something of mine from around then that I believe did influence this show, however, I cannot recall at this time exactly what it was specifically (I know I will recall it eventually.... but will it be worth it?).
Regarding the 4/13/13 SNL:
I would not say this videoclip says anything standing on its own, though it definitely mutters something (or at least it probably mutters something). I present it because, based on my years of careful analysis of certain behavior patterns of Tim Burton (my fellow CalArts alum and someone I consider to be among the many of great stature upon whom I have been a significant influence over the years), I am most certain (completely certain, actually, though not certain I could easily convey the entire basis for this certainty) that my self-produced Oct. 2003 "American Gothic" music video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeyUSLVwDMI) is a significant influence on the opening of Burton's movie, "Dark Shadows". Notice also it is pretty much the only time you will find the word Gothic in any of my work, which is a detail I consider to be of some relevance.

This collage of things from "Dark Shadows" and my "American Gothic" should be pastiched together in your mind with the other countless things I've stated re Tim Burton in my "Jonathan D Steinhoff's Sometimes Blog". However, if the above are seen separately.... no, much too thin to see separately, no way to get it if you see these separately!
This link is to a new videoclip I made to show part of my influence on Spielberg's "War Horse". Some other examples of my influence on Spielberg can be found in "Steven Spielberg And The 'Mall Man' Factor," which I've also posted to Archive.Org.
How might one describe Robbie Cavolina, the actor in this scene from my self-produced "Gosk" video (one of my three "major" self-produced videos)? At the time we were filming, Robbie was Joni Mitchell's art director on several of her albums, and was on the phone with her almost daily (he once won a Grammy for his documentary of Joni), Joni Mitchell's relationship with David Geffen being well known, David Geffen's relationship with Steven Spielberg having something to do with being jockeys together in WWV, I believe. (for more on how I've been intertwined into the world of these types folks yet without being intertwined, please see numerous references in my numerous blog articles!)
Saturday Night Live and Stuff
Regarding the 5/18/13 SNL:
If one checks out this comedy sketch idea I "submitted" on 5/14/13 (in my usual way of posting to Archive.Org - I also posted word of it to FB) for consideration for the 5/18/13 SNL season finale, as usual, one will find something, in the last comedy sketch of the evening / of the season / of Bill Hader and Fred Armisen as SNL cast members (as they are leaving SNL, possibly Jason Sudekis as well). Both mine and theirs significantly focus on police officers' personal world, and the presumption of the worthiness of bestowing total feelings of trust projected onto those brought inside through marriage. On almost every SNL for years and years, if not years-years-years (trying to come up with the perfect handle for this time period) for which I have offered them material, SNL has found a way to include something or two, sometimes something big, sometimes something little. I feel this was big, and so feel compelled to take this opportunity to say how glad I am that Bill and Fred are now free to get together with me to work on a project together. Please contact me, or else just do something really great on your own instead (whatever works out so that I get paid, which so far, hasn't been anything....).
One side effect:
This whole thing has altered my perception of something that happened to me a few weeks prior- I previously would have said someone who drove by me on a quiet Glendale, Ca street was 57% likely to be Fred Armisen; 13% likely to be a deliberately-placed F.A. look-alike. I would now be inclined to make that: 63% likely to be the real Fred A. and 7% likely to be a deliberately-placed look-alike.
Saturday Night Live and Stuff
Regarding the 5/18/13 SNL:
If one checks out this comedy sketch idea I "submitted" on 5/14/13 (in my usual way of posting to Archive.Org - I also posted word of it to FB) for consideration for the 5/18/13 SNL season finale, as usual, one will find something, in the last comedy sketch of the evening / of the season / of Bill Hader and Fred Armisen as SNL cast members (as they are leaving SNL, possibly Jason Sudekis as well). Both mine and theirs significantly focus on police officers' personal world, and the presumption of the worthiness of bestowing total feelings of trust projected onto those brought inside through marriage. On almost every SNL for years and years, if not years-years-years (trying to come up with the perfect handle for this time period) for which I have offered them material, SNL has found a way to include something or two, sometimes something big, sometimes something little. I feel this was big, and so feel compelled to take this opportunity to say how glad I am that Bill and Fred are now free to get together with me to work on a project together. Please contact me, or else just do something really great on your own instead (whatever works out so that I get paid, which so far, hasn't been anything....).
One side effect:
This whole thing has altered my perception of something that happened to me a few weeks prior- I previously would have said someone who drove by me on a quiet Glendale, Ca street was 57% likely to be Fred Armisen; 13% likely to be a deliberately-placed F.A. look-alike. I would now be inclined to make that: 63% likely to be the real Fred A. and 7% likely to be a deliberately-placed look-alike.
Regarding the 5/11/13 SNL:
I submitted nothing for consideration for the 5/11/13 SNL, and recognized nothing on that show as having likely been from me.
Regarding the 5/4/13 SNL:
Stuff that occurred in two comedy sketches during the first half hour of the 5/4/13 SNL had clear elements in common with this comedy sketch idea I submitted for that show, "You Know When You're Outta Luck". In both mine and theirs, a focus is a contestant being endlessly discriminated against by the moderator; we see a contestant adamantly opposing the will of the moderator; a contestant being clueless regarding their presumed object (in mine, much is made of the fact that the contestant doesn't even watch the show; in theirs, a contestant competing to be like Jennifer Aniston at one point shouts obliviously, "Who the hell is Ross?").
I posted my sketch idea to Archive.Org the morning of 5/4/13 (Archive.Org indicates the date and Greenwich Mean Time that material is posted there). I do not normally post these the morning of the day of the SNL show for which the comedy sketch idea is submitted, however, it happens. This lateness can result in it being utilized on the next week's show.
Some Thoughts for Those Claiming Skepticism
If you would assert that anything I might post prior to an SNL show could result from some sort of an inside track on what SNL will be doing ahead of time, that theory falls apart if you do the research on the innumerable occasions when I've been able to document (and describe) in my blogs certain particulars relating to other TV shows, music, movies that use my material; a good example might be something in my 12/25/12 "Jonathan D Steinhoff's Sometimes Blog" re Paul McCartney on SNL in relation to my material - I document the basis for drawing a connection between a role McCartney plays in a sketch on the 12/15/12 SNL with a much earlier McCartney SNL appearance (referenced in a July 2010 blog article, the SNL appearance having occurred much earlier than that). Thus, my July 2010 blog article reference to a McCartney SNL appearance in a Steinhoff-influenced sketch anticipates something primary to a McCartney SNL appearance in a Dec. 2012 sketch.
NOT Regarding the 4/20/13 SNL:
I don't believe this comedy sketch idea, submitted 4/20/13, was any kind of influence on SNL. I identified something of mine from around then that I believe did influence this show, however, I cannot recall at this time exactly what it was specifically (I know I will recall it eventually.... but will it be worth it?).
Regarding the 4/13/13 SNL:
I regard 2 sketches from the 4/13/13 SNL as having "originated" (though not quite sure what that word means in this instance) from my comedy sketch "submissions" for SNL from shortly before this show, "No Killa" (4.6.13) and "Don't Be Singing That" (3.10.13).
I regard 2 sketches from the 4/13/13 SNL as having "originated" (though not quite sure what that word means in this instance) from my comedy sketch "submissions" for SNL from shortly before this show, "No Killa" (4.6.13) and "Don't Be Singing That" (3.10.13).
The SNL sketches would be: the one where we see an effort to put together a theatrical piece that becomes an impossible struggle, owing to fundamental, deep-rooted disconnects in the inner psyches of certain so-called actors (clearly found in my "No Killa" sketch idea); and the SNL sketch where the characters chew hard on whether the degree to which a song is mangled by someone who didn't create it is sufficient to destroy that song's basic thing (clearly be found in my "Don't Be Singing That" idea).
A few other little things on this SNL as well, including something in Vince Vaughn's opening monologue in which he very briefly considers what the contribution of writers is to the show (a question mulled over in my "No Killa") before going on and on about, no, it's not the cast, not the writers, etc., it's the audience.
Regarding the 4/6/13 SNL:
I posted this to HuffPost 4/3/13, re Kim Jong Un: “Time to take this guy out (for pizza, of course, Huffpost moderator screeners)”.
I posted this to HuffPost 4/3/13, re Kim Jong Un: “Time to take this guy out (for pizza, of course, Huffpost moderator screeners)”.
On the 4/6/13 SNL there was a sketch in which we see discussed, the concept (not simply the action) of giving free pizza to those outside of your friend circle (2nd to last sketch of the show). As is invariably the case with my ideas and SNL, theirs was a mis-delivery of my initial thought, an error which should perhaps be ascribed to the complex times in which we all live.
This Graveyard Makes Me Dizzy
I would not say this videoclip says anything standing on its own, though it definitely mutters something (or at least it probably mutters something). I present it because, based on my years of careful analysis of certain behavior patterns of Tim Burton (my fellow CalArts alum and someone I consider to be among the many of great stature upon whom I have been a significant influence over the years), I am most certain (completely certain, actually, though not certain I could easily convey the entire basis for this certainty) that my self-produced Oct. 2003 "American Gothic" music video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeyUSLVwDMI) is a significant influence on the opening of Burton's movie, "Dark Shadows". Notice also it is pretty much the only time you will find the word Gothic in any of my work, which is a detail I consider to be of some relevance.

This collage of things from "Dark Shadows" and my "American Gothic" should be pastiched together in your mind with the other countless things I've stated re Tim Burton in my "Jonathan D Steinhoff's Sometimes Blog". However, if the above are seen separately.... no, much too thin to see separately, no way to get it if you see these separately!
Miscellaneous Excitement
As usual, there is additional "entertainment industry" product which I believe also show my influence that I've recently noticed, most of it being omitted here due to space limitations (in my brain), an influence I ascribe to my being great, of course, and which I also see as a byproduct of my being an influence on the big cheeses of show biz, which causes the smaller cheeses to want to do something in connection as well, that's the theory, anyway.
I believe the Tim Burton project, "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Eater" made some inside-reference to / usage of my material. I also found myself to be a minor influence on the movie, "ParaNorman". The entire plot of the Steve Carell movie, "Seeking A Friend for the End of the World", includes as a focus, among other things, the idea of seeking one's high school sweetheart in the midst of the entire world coming apart at the seams. This too is part of the central focus of my "Gosk" (screenplay, video, etc.), the Gosk character being sought by her high school sweetheart while the entire world is coming apart at the seams. I have sometimes found occasion in my blogs to make reference to Steve Carell, and at this point I would not have as much difficulty as the next person at wrapping my mind around the idea that I was a most significant influence on the plot of this movie (and who knows, perhaps I will also be an influence when a meteor strikes the Earth!).