Saturday, April 12, 2014

For Those Who Have Heard Of Facebook And Enjoy Creative, Enigmatic, Reclusive Surrogate Messiah Types


Hi All,

I am NOT really here this time around to generate a new post.  Instead, this is basically to leave word at this blogsite that, going forward, it being that information regarding my hugely major adventures in this world as whatever are being posted to my Facebook, I invite all to Facebook friend me if they wish to keep an eye or whatever on things with me in relation to all.  I do not plan to also update this blogsite at the same time, going forward.

Since my last blog posting here Oct. 2013, I have been a very significant influence on ALL but several Seth Meyers episodes; many, many Fallon as Tonight Show host episodes, many, many, many Saturday Night Lives, and other stuff, as is usual for me.  I think somebody up there likes me.  I show all of this of which I currently speak on Facebook with timestamped evidence that you the reader get to put together lucky you; the evidence has lately been pretty unsubtle, I believe, thankfully, and I expect someone would likely enjoy following it.  [Maybe several would, I cannot say and would not want to commit to claiming an understanding of this sort of thing.]

I will also add that, as of this writing, I am unemployed.  I had been putting food on the table since college (late '70s) as a secretary while serving Spielberg, McCartney, Lennon, Harrison, Stones, Sting, Madonna, Scott, Michaels and many, many other central figures in entertainment in a big way creative-wise not a small way a big way I tell you though sometimes in only a small way (and often show you with timestamped evidence that requires basic deductive reasoning to arrive at obvious, unmistakable conclusions, just as those who sent me to CalArts and beyond would have wanted it, no doubt).

For some time it has been growing increasingly impossible, psychologically, for me to continue in this world as a secretary.  It is too disconnected, too much of a personal stretch on my being, alongside of the real role I have in fact been occupying for many decades, a statement, yes I know, that is outside the bs acid test of whether I have money or acknowledgment to show for it.  As anyone else with my central influence on so unbelievably many in entertainment in so huge a way would OBVIOUSLY have done years before (and with a manner of emphasis bordering on hysteria due to the particular nature of the "din in this restaurant" and the matters connected), I am pushing/hoping/asking harder for the part of it all that is accompanied by some money, you know, to go with the actual role I have been occupying, give me a little space to do my job man, if you know what I mean.  50 grand a year from anybody would be great and absurdly little and I mean I do not have to win this from Steven Spielberg though some may pretend that entity's direct involvement would be the piece that would have to fall into place first, due to my singular influence (e.g., see my previous, Oct. 2013 blog article) on his work.  But he was one of many I've influenced in a huge way, and I am not out for some personal attention in this.  I know everyone won't "get" why/how I should imagine I should be so lucky as to be paid something for raking in huge amounts for others.  And I see where the problem of there not being an exact preexisting job title for all I've contributed appears as some absurdly insurmountable obstacle to my incredibly meager request.  Nevertheless, the fact that should transcend the convoluted bs is that my contributions have collectively raked in immeasurable sums for others over the years, unmistakably, though I was never permitted traction to build upon anything, never able to include one trillionth of it on a resume.  I continue my influencing big doings as always for no pay or acknowledgment, have goodwill for all, am bending over backwards, and hopefully will not be made to starve for some kind of politics that filters the truth for ulterior purposes into a total convolution.  Unless I am unnecessarily taking a negative tone, however, those with a clue to the real story might be forced to believe the opposite, that pulling punches has been my disposition.  It is not unlike being predominated over by some sort of Mafia that has kept the scars off of the victim's face, while the victim is simultaneously having his input received by tens of millions daily for decades, in music, TV and your local movie theatre.  And spilling into near-center stage international politics from time to time over the years as well, even impacting on words from presidents, current times included.

See you in Facebook land!
