Sunday, October 19, 2008

Talk Is Cheap Unless You Leverage The 5% Rate Increase On 83% Of Stuff

For those who look to me to help them keep track of Saturday Night Live's inside references to me/my material, and/or make these inside references and seek acknowledgement that I noticed them:

In my September 30th blog, I described (with checkable references) how the SNL September 27h opening (I emphasize the word "opening" because these SNL presidential campaign- related show openings all become instant repeatables, clips airing on all of the news shows as part of that week's presidential campaign news) contained something that started with me. My September 30th blog also described how, for several years, there has scarcely been an SNL without something that started with me. How, for the most part, the things they used were pre-designated by me for the very same night's show in which they were contained.

In my October 1st blog, at the end of the second paragraph, as part of a description of something I wrote to McCartney in 1975 that contributed to a 1975 Laine/McCartney song lyric, I wrote:

"if he should ever wish to visit my school, CalArts, I would be delighted to show him around"

With the Vice Presidential Candidates Debate occurring on Thursday, October 2nd, the following SNL, October 4th, opened the show with a sketch containing the Joe Biden character saying:

"I'll show you around some time"

The following Saturday, October 11th, SNL broadcast a repeat, and so the very next new SNL was October 18th (last night). That show opened with Alec Baldwin saying to (the actual) Sarah Palin:

"let me take you for a tour of the studio"

SNL Clips, 10.04.08, 10.18.08:

I'm not sure what this might say to you out of context (by which I mean, the context of SNL and others regularly referencing me/my material, which serve to reinforce my conclusions regarding from whence cameth these). With the election two weeks from this Tuesday, would it sound self-centered for me to wish my 9-5 wasn't sapping my energy, diverting me from focusing on this little matter of an election that could seriously change the course of humanity and our planet?

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