Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hanging Onto Guitar Picks In A Difficult Economy

Responses To My April 13th Blog
A few brief notes regarding what I consider "responses" to my April 13th blog, "Take Your Pick", which focused on a movie character having a guitar pick presumably owned by Mick Jagger, and also on the movie, "Tenacious D And The Pick Of Destiny".

Firstly, I find that Paul McCartney's appearance at Coachella yesterday, April 17th, involved him responding to a call for his guitar pick:

"(McCartney).... dismissed signs held by front-row fans _ including one that asked for his guitar pick. 'No! It's mine!' McCartney said."

If you read my blogs you will see that I have found there to be numerous occasions for construing an action by McCartney as being appropos of something that started with me.

Second, in my December 2, 2008 blog I referred to seeing Jimmy Kimmel (or a Jimmy Kimmel look-alike) in traffic, which I described as likely having occurred in relation to something Sarah Silverman-ish (Sarah Silverman was Kimmel's ex-girlfriend; the Colbert Christmas special made major use of my material; Silverman is among a handful of people with their own shows on Comedy Central). My April 13th blog, "Take Your Pick", in including as part of its main focus the movie, "Tenacious D And The Pick Of Destiny", identified that Liam Lynch directed that movie (as part of the closing statement of that section of the blog). Liam Lynch, it so happens, directed Sarah Silverman's movie, "Jesus Is Magic". Sure enough, on the morning of April 14th (the day following my blog), at the same place along my daily commute to work as before, Jimmy Kimmel (or a Jimmy Kimmel look-alike) and myself looked at each other in traffic.

A Separate Note
At one point I considered including in a blog an explanation of my belief that I had something to do with Tom Hanks' appearance at the April 14th ceremony regarding the new George Harrison sidewalk star in Hollywood. I am reluctant to note things that would seem to come out of left field to those who haven't much information about who I am in relation to "things". I do tend to feel more loyal to conveying the truth than to aligning myself with a bunch of ignoramuses' perception of the truth. Okay, perhaps they're not ignormasuses, perhaps there has been an expensive effort by certain people to cover-up who I am in this world, i.e., some ignorance is promoted. Then again, perhaps there are so-called ignoramuses who are actually part of the cover-up. Perhaps part of me is part of the cover-up too, as I do not wish to be in the spotlight regarding just anything.

As for the Tom Hanks thing: from time to time SNL, McCartney (not to mention McCartney's daughter), and others have made inside references to things that suggest to me a girl I knew during the 1970s, or to be more specific, things that suggest that girl in relation to myself. A recent reference of this variety on SNL made sense in that a movie opened that weekend that made such references more relevant. Last week's SNL made another such reference, but I was left in a quandary as to where the relevance was. The Tom Hanks appearance in relation to George Harrison, however, seems to have made SNL's reference relevant. It was a conversation I had with this girl that resulted in Tom Hanks' situation comedy, "Bosom Buddies". Furthermore, an Eric Clapton inside album cover once made another such inside reference, and Clapton is considered very important in relation to the story of George Harrison. And finally, one of the lines in Harrison's song about the loss of John Lennon, "All Those Years Ago" resulted from something I said to this girl (there were other lines in that song I was an influence on as well). I believe that the last time I saw this girl was when she was driving next to me on the freeway, a week before Harrison died. My understanding is that she is a friend of Paul McCartney's.

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