A few things that I'd like to call "Beatles-Related News Pertaining To Me I Believe":
Beatles-Related News Pertaining To Me I Believe
1. As I describe in my
June 28th "Jolly Fun" blog, specifically in the videoclip posted there, I find there to be circumstances when the words "fun guy" or "fun girl", when used in conjunction with certain other words, are deliberate references to my
"Fun Guy (aka 'Karma Movie Idea')" movie idea, an idea I wrote in 2002 that led to something other than a movie, namely, the creation of the TV show, "My Name Is Earl." It being that Mr. Paul McCartney is no stranger to inside-references in relation to me (which I regard as a major understatement), I found something in a
recent interview he gave to be just such an instance:
"....he (Michael Jackson) was a fun guy. And what happened
eventually was that he bought the Beatles catalog.
And I was quite excited because I thought, now he’s historically placed to
rectify a wrong that had been going on for many, many years...."
2. These photographs of
Sean Ono Lennon
from a few days ago particularly struck me, particularly owing to the T-shirt he is wearing. It immediately reminded me of when I was a camper at Buck's Rock Camp in 1971 and Sean Daniel was a counselor in the Silkscreen Shop. In addition to being the first person from whom I learned of the college I attended, CalArts, Sean Daniel has other claims to fame as well(!). He was a friend of each of The Beatles (and other people, including Spielberg), as well as heading David Geffen's film company (before Geffen formed DreamWorks and after Geffen was with Lennon at the moment Lennon was killed). Pandora, a girl at Buck's Rock, created a great silkscreen of a griffin, and Sean organized an opportunity for those interested (including myself) to line up and have the griffin printed onto their T-shirts. Sean Lennon's T-shirt resembles a griffin T-shirt. Sean Daniel's birthday is the day after tomorrow (August 15th). My experience (which may be quite different from the experience of most of the people who have ever lived) tells me that these two Sean griffin/griffin-like T-shirt incidents should not necessarily be seen as disconnected. And though I was not the only one to have a griffin printed on my T-shirt that day in 1971 (courtesy of Sean Daniel and Pandora), a few things have occurred since 1971 that cause me to consider this, if there is a this, as being aimed towards me. For one thing, I once sent a fax to Sean Daniel regarding a movie he produced, "Mummy 2," wherein only one word throughout my fax was written in caps wherever it appeared, which was occasionally: "griffin". After my fax, "Mummy" star Brendan Fraser named his son Griffin.

Should one wonder if there was a Sean for whom Sean Lennon was named?
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