A Matter of Record(lessness)
This blog is going to be one in which the proof is available only to a few. It is nevertheless stuff worth my relating, for the benefit of those who already regard me as I truthful. Can I ask everyone else to read no further and just leave me alone? This stuff lends itself to becoming fodder for those who, for possibly ulterior motives, would assert that, as I can offer no proof of this stuff in this blog, therefore I must have never offered proof of anything, despite there being innumerable examples elsewhere of my including references to timestamped posted material (unlike this blog site, where the timestamp is malleable and therefore proves nothing) that permit one to see EVIDENCE of what I describe - of course, in those cases I audaciously require (am put in the position of requiring) that one has the ability to add two plus two in conjunction with the timestamped posted material.
There are also witnesses here and there to what I will be describing, however, what witnesses know to be true is not something I confuse with factual information that can be accessed by the public at large.
I see that there are a few aspects to this week's Monk/Steinhoff videoclip that might be worth elaborating on here, though not worth including in the actual videoclip (which is already word-heavy, and only in the video medium for lack of a medium better suited to balance video footage with printed word):
- Of relevance to the videoclip's reference to "Medium" - This TV show stars an Arquette (Patricia), and as has been pointed out before, a star in my 1998 video, "Gosk 2", is "in" with the Arquettes (I wouldn't even be surprised if he gets to call David Arquette "Dave"). There have previously been lots and lots of Arquette/Steinhoff stuff ("Medium" included). In fact, Jennifer Aniston, who comes up later in this blog edition, is considered to be a very close personal friend of David Arquette's wife, who is her "Friends" co-star Courteney Cox Arquette.
- Of relevance to the videoclip's reference to Ringo Starr - I have been a considerable influence on the work of this Beatle/ex-Beatle person. I also have a letter Ringo wrote to me on the 25th anniversary of The Beatles' historic February 9th, 1964 Ed Sullivan Show appearance, yet alongside my various and substantive contributions to Ringo's work, the letter, which some would say proves nothing, is scarcely even worth mentioning.
- Of relevance to the videoclip's moment from the "Monk" episode wherein the Natalie Teager character hands Monk a wipe (as it fits into the context I am conveying) - In addition to this moment fitting in with the context I am conveying in the videoclip, the actress' handing the wipe to Monk is recognizable as being performed in a manner very similar to when, in my 1993 "Mall Man" video (see archive.org), the Valerie character produces socks from her purse and hands them to Mall Man.
Old Flat-Top
Another visit to my blog from Jennifer Aniston, who drove by me on Thursday, October 22nd. In mentioning that occurrence, I must immediately hasten to point out a surprisingly large number of things that make it considerably more than a mere celebrity siting (maybe I should just create a Jennifer Aniston document at archive.org and send everyone there?):
- Jennifer Aniston's various TV and film work includes many Steinhoff references (some of which can be found in my YouTube posting, "Steinhoff and Aniston", or is it "Aniston and Steinhoff" - you'll find it). This began when I starred someone in my 1998 video, "Gosk 2", who is very Arquette involved (as we know, Aniston is one of the better known Arquette hangers-on). This Aniston "involvement" might also be related to the fact that one of my sister's oldest friends, Claire Josephson, is the sister of the ICM head who first brought the writers of "Friends" to LA, the rest being (a few people's) history.
- When I spot a famous person who is in some way connected to me, 99.9% of the time there are circumstances that clearly suggest they went out of their way to make themselves visible to me deliberately for a particular reason concerning myself.
- Matthew Perry of "Friends" drove by me yesterday, October 24th. On "Curb Your Enthusiasm" tonight they're going into higher gear on their "Seinfeld" reunion plotline. At one time, "Seinfeld" and "Friends" together comprised NBC's blockbuster Thursday night "Must See TV" comedy lineup. These are two shows that not only made frequent references to my material, they would each refer to the exact same portion of my material on the exact same night. Not to mention, during the entire last season of "Seinfeld", each episode made reference to songs on my "Acting As One" music cassette, which I dropped off at the office of Sean Daniel, then at Raleigh Studios, which was where they made "Seinfeld" at the time. Incidentally, I never found out whether Mr. Daniel ever received this music cassette (though a work-in-progress song I once forwarded to Sean Daniel to forward to Paul McCartney for me so we could collaborate, as I have often been a major McCartney influence, a song about breaking the spell, did lead to a song on McCartney's following CD about not breaking the spell. The rough demo, work-in-progress of my song, "Different", as well as my polished version, were prior to McCartney's album release included as part of the posting of my "Enough To Eclipse" CD at CDBaby.com).
In seeing Ms. Aniston, I recalled that I had included her in my October 11th blog, tying her in with an "Office". I also recalled that when she drove by me a few years ago, I saw it as tipping me off to watch David Arquette's TV show that had an episode airing that night. The Arquette episode included a clear and deliberate "Graduate" reference. The Jennifer Aniston (I should be referring to her as Jen by now) movie, "Rumor Has It", was all about the true-life family on whom "The Graduate" was based (presumably). So I correctly read her tip-off (or the tip-off of whoever dispatched her). I watched the "Office" that night (Oct. 22nd) bearing this in mind - the episode was about the Pam character's outrage at the Michael character's sleeping with her mother. I recalled that there had been a "Friends" episode wherein Matthew Perry is outraged at David Schwimmer for kissing his mother. Relatedly, a central event in "The Graduate" occurs when Kathryn Ross is devastated to learn that Dustin Hoffman had an affair with her mother.
The next day, Friday, October 23rd, I may have seen Michael in the same general stretch where the day before I had seen Jennif.
I should also mention that her hair was shortish, and she had bangs (for some this will be a more important piece of information than anything I have ever blogged, or said - perhaps more important than anything anyone has ever blogged or said, or even twittered).
I shall conclude this section with my hope that it is not too late for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to include my idea (though perhaps this is something that's been done before): As a running gag, throughout an episode, Larry keeps happening to run into different "Friends" actors (as themselves), who naturally are his acquaintances. This while he is trying to work out what the "Seinfeld" reunion should be about (tonight's subject, according to the blurb). Each "Friends" actor would relate to Larry some dilemma they're going through, something that resembles a plot-line (e.g., Matthew Perry describes how his girlfriend says he must never get the windows tinted on his sports car because it was a gift from the late Paul Newman but would that really be tampering with it and besides it is his car and she isn't Paul Newman's girlfriend she's his girlfriend, she's going to have to choose between him and the late Paul Newman, he can't go driving around without tinted windows, is it gonna be Paul or me, Paul or me, what does Larry think?).
The Headbone's Connected To The Shinbone
Last Sunday's (Oct. 18th) "The Simpsons" included references via extreme shorthand (spelled extremely off the radar) to the same Steinhoff-related material they have carved out as their niche (did I mention that Mark Kirkland, who lived down the hall from me at CalArts though we never knew each other but knew many people in common, is one of the main directors on "The Simpsons"?). Obviously guilt over their not including on that episode their usual opening montage that now incorporates a reference to that same Steinhoff-related material.
Terrorist Clue Hiatus
I have another old terrorist clue I was going to unbury here, however, out of deference for the fact that the Friday "Monk" episode chose to emphasize what can happen when a perpetrator is in on the detection of a clue (something we all realize), I will hold off a little. "Monk" has been showing a disposition to at least do some follow-up on the clues I've lately been unburying here, which suggests I might want to slow down, at least a little, on making the potential clues I've collected information that is available to all.
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