I left something of a key nature out of my blog of November 8, 2009, wherein I assert that a certain recurring "Saturday Night Live" (SNL to some of you) sketch with Kenan Thompson, showing him lecturing three teenagers on the legal consequences of juvenile delinquency, originated with “The Bowery Boys Sue For Defamation Of Character” (my SNL sketch idea of earlier in that same week that their sketch first appeared).
In my email of May 5, 2008 (wherein I suggested the Bowery Boys sketch idea), I wrote the following in the preceding paragraph, to introduce the idea:
“My idea for an SNL sketch: A new movie, 'The Bowery Boys Sue For Defamation Of Character' (an oblique addressing of the misperception that one’s role in a gang must set one’s course for life).”
You may have no particular reason to believe that this paragraph was there, or not, though Sean Daniel and Stuart Cornfeld, to whom the email was addressed, do know better.
An Open Letter To Jon Stewart
When a person, in piecing together separate events to arrive at an obvious conclusion, finds that those things being pieced together, when seen individually, each seem highly out of the ordinary/unlikely, the obvious conclusion that results is only obvious to those who already know he is telling the truth, that the individual events did in fact occur as described. Otherwise, the obvious conclusion is no less far-fetched sounding than the individual events that led to the conclusion. I must therefore beg the indulgence of those who presume that they should already be personally familiar with the truth of what I describe in order for me to proceed with my description, and its obvious conclusion. For I am compelled by circumstances to address myself not to them, at this time, but to Jon Stewart.
An Open Letter To Jon Stewart
1. As you know, over the years there have been a number of ideas sent by me to Sean Daniel and Stuart Cornfeld, and that there have been a number of times when parts of those ideas somehow found their way several days later onto your show. In the instance of my May 5, 2008 “Bowery Boys” idea, reprinted in my 11.8.09 blog, there also being an addendum to this reprint at the beginning of this blog, it was something of an influence on John McCain when he appeared on your show two days later, on May 7, 2008. McCain began his appearance as a guest on your show by saying that you had to treat him with respect now, as he was the Republican presidential candidate. This is an important aspect of my “Bowery Boys” sketch idea, that a person who is regularly the target of a particular other person’s derisive remarks suddenly requires that the other person be respectful. Later in his appearance, McCain said that he believed the secret code name the Secret Service had for him was “jerk”. This is the very word used for the punchline of this same “Bowery Boys” sketch idea: when Slip Mahoney emerges victorious in the courtroom battle over who owed the least reparations for making derisive remarks, in his delight Slip calls them all “jerks”, making his victory short-lived.
2. In a brief email I sent to the same two, Daniel and Cornfeld, on August 15, 2008 (Daniel’s birthday), I announced my upcoming wolfman video, and characterized it as “Python-esque”. This video (“The WolfMan Who Turned Back Normal Whenever Someone Screamed”) was posted on YouTube on August 25, 2008, which is a matter of record. As you know, and as others know, “Python-esque” is not a reference to pythons. And as anyone who sees the video knows, it is unmistakable why I would characterize it as “Python-esque”, which should certainly lend plausibility to my assertion that I used that word ahead of time, even for those who did not themselves read/witness the email where this characterization occurred.
3. “Python-esque” is a reference to the comedy of Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, and some other guy (I don’t feel like looking it up right now), who were collectively known as "Monty Python’s Flying Circus”.
4. Before John McCain’s August 29, 2008 announcement of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, if you were on "Jeopardy" and the answer was Palin, you would only win a refrigerator if you said, “What is the last name of a member of ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus?’” There would have been no other way to win the refrigerator. Period. If you wanted to lose, you would have answered Sarah Palin in the form of a question. If you wanted to win you would have said Michael Palin in the form of a question. It was that simple before August 29, 2008.
5. My doing a wolfman video was big doings. Sean Daniel is the producer of the (still) upcoming movie, “Wolf Man”, and I am an influence on Daniel, and my influence on Daniel is what led DIRECTLY to my being a HUGE influence on his friend Steven Spielberg. Ipso-facto, my doing a wolfman video was big doings of the Spielberg-esque big doings variety.
6. As you must know, I am no stranger to being an influence on presidents and others of significant status in the political world. This is perhaps the natural consequence of my being a big influence on Spielberg, McCartney, etc., etc. "Starting Up A Brand New Day" by Sting, the performance of which with Stevie Wonder was the highlight of the Presidential Inaugural Ball, began with my "Building Up A Brand New River Of Love" (on my 1999 copyrighted music CD, "Still Around"), which I gave to Joni Mitchell's art director (a star of my "Gosk" video), which likely explains what happened - James Taylor (major Mitchell friend) appears on that Sting album. Sometimes I am a somewhat significant influence on things in politics.
7. An example of my influence on political folk would not be my influence on the opening of the 11.14.09 SNL (see my previous blog), as that was only a representation of Vice President Biden, it was not actually Vice President Biden (you probably knew that, you've met Biden). One random example might be something that occurred when Sarah Palin was a guest on SNL. There are countless examples, sometimes very high profile political stuff.
8. Let’s keep secret McCain’s plugging into my Michael Palin remark (aka my “Python-esque” remark) several days following it. He probably saw himself plugging into the top secret Steinhoff influence on Spielberg or something, the nut. I'm quite sure he wouldn’t have "played the game" with his Palin move had Sarah Palin been a waitress in the Bronx. There were other criteria involved in his "decision" (though suspiciously little vetting). Yet just the same, if you’d seen all that I have seen, though you have seen some of what I have seen that others have not, but if you had seen all that I have seen, well, perhaps what is obvious to me would be less absurd-sounding to you, which is hopefully less absurd-sounding than it would be to those who do not know what you know, which is less than what I know, but more than what they know. However, let’s keep it secret, as I am concerned that the most this “backstory” to the terrifying saga of Sarah Palin (aka “Could The Fate Of The World Ever Fall Into The Hands Of Someone Who Would Lead It Straight Off A Cliff Without Even Stopping To Get A Manicure”) could ever accomplish would be to improve Palin's (we all know which Palin I mean) chances of becoming a folk hero, possibly even endearing her to those of importance who should know better, simply because her rise was tied by McCain to a genuine (secret) folk hero: me. Don't we all love being in on something.
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