Saturday, January 30, 2010

May The Force Be Tested For Possible Negative Side Effects

Somebody still has something to say on late night television, that is, somebody still has something to say about late night television, by which I mean, I still have something to say about late night television with regard to what I've been featuring in my past several blogs. I wonder whether this manner of needing to continually restate things might begin to suggest the idea of there being a five-hour talk show for those with special difficulty getting to the point....

More to the point:

I don't quite know if I could succinctly convey (to an idiot) why I see this as being in connection with my previous two blogs, and other matters of no small significance.

Also of relevance is my seeing (97% certain) Mr. Kimmel drive by me again on the morning of January 26th. It might also be worth mentioning that the January 27th Kimmel show referenced in this videoclip is also known as the Kimmel show that aired the night of January 26th, January 27th being a technicality in terms of his show beginning past midnight. Look it up in the dictionary, or wherever it is that we collectively store the description of how we differentiate that a new day has begun.

Speaking of the idea of collectively storing information (I was, anyway, which around here is enough for me to run with it), or not, I wonder just how strong a point this videoclip will continue to make going forward, whether the information will truly remain intact. Based on my previous experience with the type of evidence contained in this videoclip, and my experience with having to contend with the way things filter through the minds of idiots, and my occasionally giving in to my inner cynic, and my experience with people who have turned deliberate obscuring of the truth into an artform, I see a world of possibilities.
  • Harrison Ford could begin publicly giving away different articles of clothing to different people as a regular thing
  • It could become a frequent occurrence for people named Ford or Harrison who aren't Harrison Ford to begin publicly giving away socks to people
  • Harrison Ford could later say he was put up to the socks thing by a comedy writer with a propensity for casting inside-reference mystery clouds over Spielberg/Steinhoff stuff, and Ford himself could therefore say that he has no knowledge of any separate context in which the socks thing has a special significance
  • Harrison Ford could star in a movie about the Trojan horse
  • Conan O'Brien could be given a sweater by Chevy Chase on the first day of a new show, which then leads to a discussion about Chevys, speaking of which then leads to a discussion about Fords
  • Conan could be given a hat by Ringo Starr on the first day of a new show, who then talks about George Harrison
If I can instead assume that no one has a vested (semi-pun not intended) interest in diminishing the significance of what is contained in this videoclip, and that no one will endeavor to turn into something else the gift to me contained in what happened on the 7th anniversary Kimmel show.... then I am pleased to cherish it and not leave it behind on a bench in a mall - I would even entertain an offer to be a Kimmel writer, or a Ford mechanic.

I anxiously await the
"Jimmy Kimmel Live" eighth anniversary show, with the hope that life hasn't by then made me seem too much more cynical.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Make A Left Turn Signal If You Like Honking

Not Letting Go Of My Handles On People
(or Nicknames Continued)

I ended my previous blog with an unfortunate choice of words, something about uncorking the blog bottle upon the next occurrence of something exciting happening to me, or something like that (I suppose I could go back and reread it to get the actual wording, but why don't we just move on instead).

As if challenged by my phrasing, as if desirous of being that "outside force" in the (much better) phrase, "a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless disturbed by an outside force," talk show host Jimmy Kimmel drove by me. This was on Saturday, the day immediately following the final "Tonight Show" of talk show host Conan O'Brien, a show which "included" me, as noted in my previous blog. Otherwise, seeing Jimmy K would have just been a "celebrity siting", I don't do those, I mention things I find to be of particular relevance to me (no doubt there are probably many who can't tell the difference). Of additional particular relevance to me is the fact that Kimmel's first show following driving by me (as tonight's a repeat) is his Tuesday night show, when he celebrates his show's seventh anniversary by interviewing Harrison Ford. Those who appreciate that my December 26, 2009 video, "Steven Spielberg And The 'Mall Man' Factor" still bears upon things of this world, including Harrison Ford, even one month later, will see that this Harry F appearance on Mr. K's show falls within the realm of things that particularly concern me, or at least potentially.

Let's also not forget to factor in the fact that H. Ford's latest movie, "Extraordinary Measures," which he is still promoting though they must have wrapped shooting ages ago, costars "Mummy" star Brendan Fraser - "Mummy" producer Sean Daniel is referred to in my December 26th video. And something I neglected to mention in my December 26th video is the fact that, when the third "Mummy" movie came out in 2008, around the same time as the "Indiana Jones" (Harrison F) movie came out, both films had striking similarities to each other: not only had the "Mummy" and "Indiana Jones" franchises previously been compared to each other for their shared style, premise, period, etc.; now, with the near-simultaneous 2008 releases, they both had story lines involving parents joining together with their chip-off-the-old-block son in their adventure. My December 26th video points out the relationship between "Mummy" producer Sean Daniel and "Indiana Jones" director Steven Spielberg, and so Fraser and Ford costarring together might easily be viewed as part of all that stuff.

Where does that leave me? It gives me a little bit of that awkward feeling that it is my world and Jimmy Kimmel just lives in it. And on this grand occasion of his terrific show's seventh anniversary (why don't they give him "The Tonight Show"?).

So here's my thought: Instead of all of these separate energies that make "Solomon babies" of us all (this is not a reference to my December 26th video, it is a reference to the biblical story where King Solomon suggests cutting a baby in half, one for each of the two women claiming to be the true mother, so that the true mother would become apparent by way of suddenly denying her motherhood in order to prevent the cutting in half of the baby), let us come together. Truly there must exist some scenario through which things can stay whole. How about: Sean Daniel producing a movie that both Spielberg and I direct, starring Conan and Jimmy. I can direct the left side of Conan and the right side of Jimmy; Spielberg can direct the leftover parts of them, i.e., the right side of Conan and the left side of Jimmy. These are the precise aspects of these actors that Spielberg and myself are best suited to direct, and so, what could be more whole and perfect. There will be peace, a true peace, and one day, a body at rest will truly get to stay at rest, for even more than a week perhaps. Or maybe I just need a vacation from my day job as a secretary, which pulls me so far from my other role in this world it's a miracle the world hasn't yet manifested visible signs of this conflict.

Fifty Percent
Other than Kimmel on Saturday, I don't know that I have seen any other celebrities of lately, and certainly no one of sufficient relevance as to generate a sense of concern that it might mean something. Possibly George W Bush on Sunday and Eric Slowhand this morning, but, possibly not. I don't feel that there was enough to make it more than a fifty percent chance, not that I should truly feel divided over these differing possibilities, certainly it is of no real concern one way or the other.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just As Long As They Spell Your Nickname Right

Was I in any way "included" in the January 22nd Conan O'Brien (aka "Coco") farewell to "The Tonight Show"? Not as much (or at least, not in the same way) as when Craig Kilborn (who may or may not have driven by me January 22, 2010) and Johnny Carson included me in their farewells to their late night television shows (see my May 30, 2009 blog, which can also be found posted with a solid timestamp in November 2009 at Archive.Org in the first volume of the blogs I've timestamp posted there), and not in a manner I would ever have chosen.... but yes, I was "included".

1. An Eric Clapton phone commercial, excerpted here with Eric Clapton saying "Buddy", debuted January 20, 2010 (according to a published article), just two days before Conan's finale (and which aired on Conan each night since its debut):

In the context of the commercial, "Buddy" is meant to refer to Buddy Guy. However, I believe it was worked out that he would simultaneously be saying "Buddy" in a different context altogether. I also believe walking and chewing gum are things Eric Clapton is capable of doing simultaneously. The man ain't stupid, and neither are you.

2. Excerpts from my April 18, 2009 and July 3, 2009 blogs (which also contain solid timestamps from having also been posted in November 2009 at Archive.Org):

April 18, 2009
"....It was a conversation I had with this girl that resulted in Tom Hanks' situation comedy, 'Bosom
Buddies'. Furthermore, an Eric Clapton inside album cover once made another such inside reference (that suggest that girl in relation to myself)...."

July 3, 2009
"....I should add that the aforementioned personal conversation that found its way into 'Baker Street' was in relation to the girl with whom I had the conversation that resulted in Tom Hanks’ sitcom. She went through a period when everyone was this or that kind of
buddy: her laundry buddy, her pool buddy, her clothes buddy – she once called me her Sudafed Buddy, because I once gave her some Sudafed sinus tablets. Hence, 'Bosom Buddies'....."

3. Tom Hanks was the guest on the final Conan O'Brien "Tonight Show," which aired yesterday. The actual ending of the show (last moment) had Conan playing lead on electric guitar.

4. I also refer to Eric Clapton (aka "Slow Hand") in my January 17, 2010 blog, which does not yet have a solid Archive.Org timestamp.

5. Pee Wee Herman (aka Paul Reubens, aka Paul Reubenfeld), who I also encountered at CalArts during the '70s, back when I "knew" the "referenced" girl (aka Sudafed Buddy), appeared on the January 21, 2010 Conan show (aka Conan's second-to-last "Tonight Show"), where Pee also made an inside-reference to something that happened regarding myself in relation to this woman, as well as an inside-reference to my 1978 video, "How Did The Future Learn To Play Monopoly." I also believe that it is Peter Beckman (CalArts alum, narrator's voice in my 1978 "Steinhoff's Monster") whose voice we hear as the announcer in the current TV commercials for Pee Wee's show at Nokia. (I emphasize the word "show" here for the obvious reason, obvious at least to those who have seen those commercials, that "show" is the "secret" word.)

I shall now place a big, black cork in it all. That is.... until the next exciting thing happens to me!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

An Open Letter To Stuart Cornfeld

As we near the collective celebrity effort taking place on television this Friday night to raise money to help Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake (a cause with which Ben Stiller, your Red Hour partner, has a very special association), there is no confusing compassion for Haiti with concerns of a partisan nature. And it is good to see people coming together this way for so worthy and so nonpartisan a reason. (By the way, is insisting upon universal healthcare in the U.S. a partisan cause? I guess so, if people calling themselves a political party attack it as such. Let’s just be seen as nonpartisan and stick with the Haiti matter. It could even provide the pass that excuses us from being asked to weigh in on that partisan issue.)

When disasters like the earthquake in Haiti occur, we often hear what now borders on cliché: that so many other endeavors pale in comparison with the seriousness of addressing such a cause.

It would be impossible to deny the seriousness of this matter, or that reacting to it correctly requires a sense of its urgency. However, it is precisely at such times as this that I find myself acutely aware of an important principle that one continually sees being immediately and publicly discarded, as though in doing so one shows oneself to possess a highly profound sense of humanity and compassion. I refer to the implication that causes of this plain and material a nature must necessarily diminish, by comparison, the realness of purpose and meaning behind what entertainment/art/culture should be about in general (aside from soliciting help for Haiti from the public), and the potential power of creative inspiration itself to comparably act upon matters of consequence in a significantly material way.

A simple-minded person, not unlike a non-thinking animal, may not be aware of the value/impact, in terms of there being consequences of a genuine, actual, material nature, connected with the human facility for digesting/internalizing/spiritualizing/crystallizing, a facility towards which entertainment/art/culture is designed to contribute. In fact, it may even be said that the world has reached a place where the potential contribution towards this human facility that comes from entertainment/art/culture could easily be without parallel. Furthermore, increasingly, the role of entertainment/art/culture has become that of being an important part of the foundation of the larger societal community to which we all belong. To put it in a blunt nutshell, that which human beings frame/filter through their artistic sensibility can move, build or destroy mountains. I do not mean this in the purely poetic sense, but somewhat literally.

I feel there is a certain need for some kind of reaction against this false assumption that there is a comparative lack of realness involved with the consequences of creative inspiration.

Unfortunately, I believe I may be speaking more on behalf of the potential of creative inspiration, as opposed to that which has actually succeeded in overcoming the barricades of shortsighted, commercially-minded concerns. As a case in point, I cannot believe that the majority of the voters in Massachusetts on Tuesday would have acted as they did, in destroying the chances of universal healthcare in the U.S., if true creative inspiration had reached its target in their souls. I understand how support of universal healthcare has come to appear partisan, and am beginning to feel myself out on a limb for not confining my remarks to support for the Haitian relief effort. I hope they raise all of the money needed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Midnight Approaches

1. Paul McCartney (or someone - it was probably McCartney) got practically EVERY star at the Golden Globes to make an inside reference for my benefit (including himself). Don't believe it? I wouldn't expect you to. However, I would expect you to. Sorry, this happens whenever I address more than one person at a time. Everybody see my recent Spielberg video, it should at least make a believer out of the smart people.

2. I have one more idea that could affect the outcome of tomorrow's Massachusetts Senatorial race, which in turn would likely affect whether or not there will be healthcare reform. Now it's almost too late for this idea, but I've thought it through, and it's totally do-able. I know you're reading this, McCartney!

First, what better way to play off of the Jay/Conan battle than, on the very same night that Ringo Starr is a guest on Jay (tonight, according to the schedule), Paul McCartney is a guest on Conan? Too late? Wrong. Conan shows a "pre-taped" segment, a phone conversation with McCartney. At the beginning of the phone conversation, strangely, it is McCartney who is seen on video, with a still image of Conan as if he is the caller (this is the standard manner used when one person is on the phone but not in the studio). At a certain point in the conversation, Conan says, "Excuse me, uh, I think I'm the one who is supposed to be on camera, you know, with your still image shown?" McCartney agrees, and instantly it is Conan who is seen on video, with a still image of McCartney seen for the remainder of the conversation, as he is the caller. Thus, a humorous way to convey the sense of them actually having a real conversation over the phone, in the style of a caller on a TV show.

And what does the phone conversation touch on? Healthcare. How is it in England, and how does McCartney feel about the healthcare debate, and, oh, by the way, that election in Massachusetts, what about that? Well, I sure hope things work out for healthcare in the U.S. Thanks so much, Paul, for showing up like this on my last week on The Tonight Show! Do you think you could actually come to the studio in person if I get another show? Well, Conan, first let's see how things go in Massachusetts.

3. I'll let you know if I have any more ideas that could affect tomorrow's Massachusetts election - though I have to say, I may be running out of time.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sea of Jay

Well, sadly, my idea for Saturday Night Live, presented in my blog immediately previous to this one, wasn't enough for Lorne Michaels. However, as predicted, a particle of it did make its way into the show.

Excerpt from my 1.16.10, 12:05 am blog:
So they make their plea to Lorne Michaels, who gives in ("Now you're absolutely sure it was the ghost of Ted, right?").

This excerpt refers to Lorne Michaels stating that he will include something on the show on the strength of Ted Kennedy's ghost requesting it. And this from the actual show that followed:

This is one instance among many that James Cameron has done something in relation to me, and regarding Mr. Michaels, one instance among many, many, many, many.

If word should somehow fail to circulate among every last citizen of Massachusetts that the future of healthcare in the U.S. will be in their hands on Tuesday (as explained in my previous blog, based on news articles), because the fact is my idea would surely have put knowledge of the significance of their election in EVERYONE'S face, instead of it being something known only to those who tend to follow the news and then vote.... oh well, there's always next time. Then again, would my idea necessarily have had a positive effect on the voters of Massachusetts and gotten them to vote in the Senate's 60th healthcare reform supporter?

Oh, and as I've stated many, many times before, yes, I know that the timestamp on these blogs are malleable, and that, therefore, as I had not yet forwarded that blog to one of my blog volumes posted at Archive.Org (where the timestamp is not malleable), only those who actually read that blog shortly after it was posted know that it truly preceded the Saturday SNL.

While driving Saturday I may or may not have seen Jay Leno and Eric Clapton.
  • Eric Clapton (or his double, whatever), who has shown up in a few of my earlier blogs, was in a small gray sports car, and probably not playing guitar.
  • Jay (or his double, whatever) was conspicuously low in his car seat. Interestingly, I had just had to readjust my own car seat an hour before, as someone had been working on my car (the XM radio I bought in 2001, when I was among XM's first 200 customers, had broken, therefore I had just bought a new one and had it installed).

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Folded Hands

I am pleased to announce the posting of something I wrote back in 1982, a section from an idea for a comedy about how Leonardo da Vinci came to meet and paint Mona Lisa. It is called, "Leonardoville," and is now available to read at Archive.Org. It is decidedly not for those who are pleased to see Mona Lisa only in the precise pose presented by da Vinci. Can one respect that work and its creator yet transplant them into something like, "Leonardoville"? Only if one feels certain that da Vinci and his Mona Lisa will endure in spite of my comedy. Yes, they will, I have not yet grown that influential!

To Your Health
After I read an article Friday, January 15th that made it clear exactly how precarious the current prospect of healthcare reform legislation has become, I devised an idea that may or may not help. I emailed this idea to an old friend of the Kennedy clan, someone who was in my class years and years ago at CalArts. This person always opens and reads the emails I send him (according to technology). I also sent the email to people who have great influence with Saturday Night Live, and who have, for years and years, been responsible for getting particles of ideas I send in for SNL onto that week's show:

"Due to the fact that the passage of healthcare reform OR NOT has suddenly become contingent on the outcome of the January 19th Senate race in Massachusetts for the seat left vacant by the death of Senator Kennedy, here is my extreme idea:

"A whole bunch of Kennedys appear in-person on a Saturday Night Live sketch tomorrow night. They have been called to action by the ghost of Ted Kennedy to do something at the 11th hour before it is too late. His idea is for them to all go on SNL and sing, "Can't Buy Me Love," his ghost promising that this will sway the Massachusetts voters and Coakley will win. So they make their plea to Lorne Michaels, who gives in ("Now you're absolutely sure it was the ghost of Ted, right?"). The Kennedys then sign "Can't Buy Me Love", completely out of tune. The room is dead silent. The ghost of Ted Kennedy is the only one who applauds, which he does with great enthusiasm. The Kennedy's turn to look at him, their expressions saying, 'bad idea.'"

Half The Wisdom Of Solomon Is Better Than Nothing
In my blog immediately preceding this one, I described how a certain individual appearing on a certain TV show secretly confirmed that a certain message I had left for a certain individual (Stuart Cornfeld, who runs RedHour with Ben Stiller) had been received. I also described how that individual appearing on that TV show would have been in that loop. A subsequent TV show appearance by that same individual just happened to include a piece of information that clearly suggested I should modify the loop description. Specifically, Maggie said her fiance is co-starring with Cruise, who is also slated to be in the movie about the grown up Hardy Boys, which RedHour (Cornfeld/Stiller) is producing, and which Stiller is co-starring in. Not to mention the Cruise/Spielberg connection, which is also of relevance to the matter at issue.

None of this has to do with Stiller's involvement with a Haitian charity, which preceded the current Haitian crisis, and which is now being redirected to assist with aid to those in Haiti now in need. Nothing contained in my message for Cornfeld can be seen as contributing anything in this direction. It does not take the wisdom of Solomon to appreciate that, though I am bothered that Cornfeld has failed to more directly respond to me, my issue does not rise to any level of real importance when seen alongside efforts to truly help. That is Stiller's baby, and more power to him.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Balls Rolling, Wheels On Fire

I had hoped that my blog entry to follow my previous blog entry might somehow keep the ball rolling, significance-wise, as that blog contained the ball-rolling announcement that I had completed my video, "Steven Spielberg And The 'Mall Man' Factor". Unfortunately, it does not. And yet for some the things I will be reporting this time around are no less significant:

We all know of the interesting situation at NBC involving Jay and Conan, and their dream of recapturing the days of "Must See TV", which was mainly their "Friends" and "Seinfeld" sitcom lineup on Thursdays when you get right down to it. And a few of us know that the NBC show that took over the timeslot of
"Friends", "My Name Is Earl," which starred Jason Lee, grew out of an idea, "The Fun Guy", which I sent to Sean Daniel, the producer of the movie that featured Jason Lee's first big role, "Mallrats". Sean Daniel was the first person from whom I had learned of the college I attended, CalArts. He produced "Mallrats" two years after my "Mall Man" video, it being that Sean Daniel movies tend to contain things regarding my work, in this case the title.

So I naturally felt totally responsible personally for the problem Conan is now experiencing, as all things in the NBC universe are interconnected (though of course the NBC universe has been disconnected from the actual universe, in order to insulate their important energy). I therefore phoned Sean Daniel, not in connection with my just-released Spielberg video (which includes a reference to Daniel of no small significance), but with an idea for a new NBC show. Sean could not come to the phone because he was busy driving past someone in an automobile or truck (I may be wildly conjecturing here), but someone representing himself as his Director of Development who decided to pick up the phone himself did speak to me.

I explained how it was I who had given to Sean that which led to "My Name Is Earl," through Sean's involvement. I mentioned the significance of this fact in light of the current NBC situation, and then described how to find my idea for a new NBC show: it is called "Time Colonies" and posted at Archive.Org, just search for it there.

The next day (aka Saturday, aka yesterday) someone who looked enough like Sean Daniel to actually be Sean Daniel drove by me as I drove down some random-enough Los Angeles boulevard.

What happened next is something nobody in the world could have seen coming! I turned my car around! My strange, bizarre thinking was that, if Sean had arranged to drive by me, he might have someone watching my reaction to this (as the producer of the "Mummy" movies, I figure Sean must make about $11.30 an hour, and so if he went without dessert for a few months he could probably save up enough money to pay someone to occupy the position of a "report-his-reaction-to-me" person, an important position in Hollywood to which many aspire).

Though I had turned my car around, I knew that it would be impossible for me to actually catch up with him to ask about his wife and kids and Spielberg and Earl and the weather. An instant later I came upon a strip mall, and this strip mall had a store called, "Timeland". Who could have seen this coming when Sean Daniel drove by me? It would have been better if Sean had arranged to drive past me nearby to a store called "My Name Is" or "Time Colonies", but under the circumstances.... of course, who could have guessed that I would have turned my car around? Nobody! Why would I?

At the strip mall, someone who looked enough like Rosanna Arquette to actually be Rosanna Arquette walked by. I now refer you to my November 22, 2008 blog entry with relation to its Rosanna Arquette reference.

I then left the strip mall and continued on, and eventually Courteney Cox Arquette almost definitely drove by me. Possibly also David Arquette. Possibly also CCA's BFF, Jennifer Aniston. Definitely Lisa Kudrow drove by at some point.

Also the guy who plays Ryan on "The Office". Also, a car from out of state with the word "Ryan" in the license plate drove in front of me for blocks and blocks. Out of state plates are often called upon by people who do these types of things, to expand the options when available California plates don't serve the purpose.

The Ryan stuff was likely in relation to Stuart Cornfeld (like Sean, Stuart is often referred to in my blogs), as I had just left a message for Stuart regarding Steven Spielberg. In my previous blog I state that "The Colbert Report" referenced my Spielberg video when it was a mere work-in-progress (they join in on Steinhoff things over there at Colbert from time to time, see previous blogs). This time it was "The Daily Show" (companion to "The Colbert Report") that came into it: the night following the message to Stuart, Jon Stewart (who I hope never has children or grandchildren given the first name of Stuart, out of concern that future generations will already have their hands full) interviewed Maggie Gyllenhaal, during which I recognized inside-reference to something specifically contained in my message. I occasionally encounter such cross-pollination between Cornfeld/"The Office"/"The Daily Show"-"The Colbert Report". One would tend to ascribe this to the fact that two "Office" cast members are "Daily Show" alum; Cornfeld starred "Office" star Jenna Fischer in "Blades of Glory"; other stuff.

On December 31st I believe I drove by Jennifer Aniston, and then David Arquette, and then Jennifer Aniston, and Tim Robbins. Robbins was in
"War of the Worlds," a movie I refer to in my Spielberg video. I certainly do not mention him here in relation to his role in "The Player", at least not at this time, and hopefully never in relation to my situation, Stuart and Sean love me, haven't spoken to either in years and years and years, but, well anyway, one sees how I might feel called upon to address "The Player" here.... Robbins was in "IQ" as well, which also contained something put there because of its relation to me. However, now I am clearly and stupidly deviating from any train of thought, or any that I am anywhere near to at the moment).

(or The Intersection Of Robert Johnson And Johnson & Johnson)

As is not unusual for me, Obama has lately been including things in speeches within 24 hours from when I put them forward. Huffington Post is back to not printing my comments from time to time but then something in the same comment shows up coming from someone on TV such as Bill Maher or the president within 24 hours, which says to me that they are guarding against the liability that would have resulted from my being able to point at it. Yes, I am aware that sometimes people do naturally have the same idea at the same time, especially if it's a likely and relevant surmisal. No, my experience and intelligence tells me this ain't that.

On January 4th, I found on my desk an article of mail from
Johnson & Johnson that was postmarked December 30th. Mail from Johnson & Johnson in my area is akin to the idea of a big bright red envelope amidst nothing but grey envelopes - it sticks out, a lot. The article of mail was meant for someone named "Jill Uhle" (pronounced "Yule", as in Christmas, as in Underpants Bomber), however, they had put "Jill Bacon" as her last name. The media-grabbing death of the Johnson & Johnson heiress occurred between December 30th and January 4th, i.e., between when the article of mail was posted and when it was received.

In my blog of 9.13.09, I refer to this how-could-they-have-known postmarking as something that happened in relation to a 911 clue I received. In my experience, which is not anything you're likely to find in the experience of most other people, this is potential reason for concern.

Perhaps: Obama, following what I described in my 9.13.09 blog,
wanted to see my reaction to receiving an apparently similar clue - he could have used his authority to gain the December 30th postmark illegitimately after-the-fact. "Let's test him" might just be the kind of phrase they say from time to time out there where the president sits. Or: perhaps some sickos in organized crime wanted to kill a super rich woman (and by so doing intimidate other rich people) while threading my desk into it, through also copying an MO (modus operandi) I had described. Or: perhaps terrorists are doing something, suggested by the Yule/911 MO references? Can one totally ignore that possibility, after all that one has experienced from one being secretly super-important?

If so, what would Bacon, the last name they chose to use, mean here? Six degrees of Kevin Bacon? There is only one thing in the lexicon of all things Steinhoff (a lexicon that has frequently come into these matters, leading to the assumption of a database somewhere) that Bacon brings to mind: the famous artist, Francis Bacon, was very much in connection with Hugh Davies, the brother of a good friend of mine was I was growing up in Princeton, New Jersey, Phil. Hugh was practically his agent, did a book about him, did art shows starring him. As things first began happening between The Beatles and myself around when I first met Hugh's brother, Phil, in 1966 when I was ten, and as Phil's family is English, I have subsequently conjectured that there is a possibility of a connection to be made, that I have been led to think this in view of Phil's English background. There also exists a connection, from an earlier day, between Paul McCartney and Francis Bacon.

A few years ago, I sent something to Hugh to pass along to his brother Phil, which included a reference to the Beatles song, "Paperback Writer". Two days later McCartney discussed "Paperback Writer" with an interviewer. This is not the song that normally comes up every time McCartney does an interview.

Princeton-related is the fact that Johnson & Johnson's headquarters was in Princeton, as was conspicuous to those of us who lived there - one would periodically drive by their enormous, fenced off grounds, upon which one saw the giant "Johnson & Johnson" sign on the lawn, on Rosedale (which always brings to mind the Cream song, only not in this instance).