Monday, January 18, 2010

Midnight Approaches

1. Paul McCartney (or someone - it was probably McCartney) got practically EVERY star at the Golden Globes to make an inside reference for my benefit (including himself). Don't believe it? I wouldn't expect you to. However, I would expect you to. Sorry, this happens whenever I address more than one person at a time. Everybody see my recent Spielberg video, it should at least make a believer out of the smart people.

2. I have one more idea that could affect the outcome of tomorrow's Massachusetts Senatorial race, which in turn would likely affect whether or not there will be healthcare reform. Now it's almost too late for this idea, but I've thought it through, and it's totally do-able. I know you're reading this, McCartney!

First, what better way to play off of the Jay/Conan battle than, on the very same night that Ringo Starr is a guest on Jay (tonight, according to the schedule), Paul McCartney is a guest on Conan? Too late? Wrong. Conan shows a "pre-taped" segment, a phone conversation with McCartney. At the beginning of the phone conversation, strangely, it is McCartney who is seen on video, with a still image of Conan as if he is the caller (this is the standard manner used when one person is on the phone but not in the studio). At a certain point in the conversation, Conan says, "Excuse me, uh, I think I'm the one who is supposed to be on camera, you know, with your still image shown?" McCartney agrees, and instantly it is Conan who is seen on video, with a still image of McCartney seen for the remainder of the conversation, as he is the caller. Thus, a humorous way to convey the sense of them actually having a real conversation over the phone, in the style of a caller on a TV show.

And what does the phone conversation touch on? Healthcare. How is it in England, and how does McCartney feel about the healthcare debate, and, oh, by the way, that election in Massachusetts, what about that? Well, I sure hope things work out for healthcare in the U.S. Thanks so much, Paul, for showing up like this on my last week on The Tonight Show! Do you think you could actually come to the studio in person if I get another show? Well, Conan, first let's see how things go in Massachusetts.

3. I'll let you know if I have any more ideas that could affect tomorrow's Massachusetts election - though I have to say, I may be running out of time.

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