Okay, this posting will be what I regard as a rush job. "Saturday Night Live" (4.9.11) was very influenced by me, apparent to those who connect the dots at least, and I mustn't leave SNL wondering whether I caught it, I must confirm. There were also a few other things on last night's SNL I am less certain about, very small fragments that may have been intended to be part of something or another, things that years of scrutiny may someday unravel (I won't be scrutinizing them just now, however, maybe later, if they should feed into the larger continuum that humanity needs addressed for the survival of the species, as that really gets me motivated!).
The thing I will be focusing on here from last night's SNL is somewhat ripe with opportunities to address issues concerning world peace, and certainly this kind of usage entitles me to enough of a seat at the table (like maybe a little part of a seat, or more) to seize the moment and wield everything I can grab towards the betterment of mankind and all that. But as I said, this will be what I regard as a rush job, therefore, I'll just skip it, for now anyway. Nevertheless, you know you're always in my thoughts, mankind. Or humanity, I never know what to call you.
This videoclip foolishly portends to be self-explanatory in terms of giving you what you need to connect the dots and see proof of my influence:
You may also want to factor in that it was a March 2011 episode of "The Regular Show" (this requires you go back to my previous blog) that prompted me to bring this image of mine to the fore in my previous blog.
Don't Tell Anyone, But Jimmy Olsen Is Really Superman
And now we come to a videoclip that incorporates a moment from the pilot for "Smallville" from way back when, and my "Gosk 2" video, from 1998. This videoclip offers nothing in and of itself - the lines spoken here, though common to each, are not unique, we see them now and again. In fact, it was once a gag for there to be someone engaged for a while in a whispering conversation to eventually say, "Why are we whispering?" Yet I consider this videoclip possibly significant, if seen in light of evidence I believe I have previously offered regarding other "Smallville" episodes and my influence.
Excalibur Marks The Spot
I went to see the new version of the movie, "Arthur" (they have once again opted against making it about that king who had a magician named Merlin and all that). I have previously written that I believe my film idea, "Two Hours In The Life Of George Washington" (at Archive.Org) influenced the first "Arthur". And now once again I am finding a few things in the new "Arthur" that may show the influence of the same part of "Two Hours" (to avoid a spoiler, I will say for now, that I believe I give the movie a "stable" feeling, which, by the way, tells you nothing, absolutely nothing, because that is how sealed my lips are).
And now to explain what I mean more fully:
- In my "Two Hours" idea, the part that I believe influenced the first "Arthur", the special names the character has for his horses is of particular significance.
- In the new "Arthur", he states that he does not even know the name of the horse, and suggests several possibilities.
- In the part of "Two Hours" that I believe influenced the first "Arthur", there is a haunting suggestion of Abraham Lincoln (one of Washington's horses is named Lincoln).
- In the new "Arthur", his most frequently worn clothes are the genuine articles Abraham Lincoln once wore at his inauguration, thus serving as a haunting suggestion of Abraham Lincoln.
1 comment:
God knows you invented the spear.
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