THE HEAT ISI don't know if you're reading this, Al Gore or Bill Maher (as if - of course they are, both are! Oh wait, you're all clueless. My bad.). Here is where I shall leave my suggestion for a PR approach to a name change for "global warming" - assuming there is a mutual, all-around interest in getting a name change done on this confusing handle and then being done with it, as opposed to getting snagged even on agreeing on the
shape of the
table (sorry, that was me having a Vietnam War flashback).
So my idea would be, have a sketch in a Bill Maher Real Time Show, only first being sure it will be something that HAS to make the news, such as a brief sketch featuring, in-person, Al Gore PLUS Paul McCartney PLUS Barrack Obama (though his schedule may not permit) PLUS Steve Martin PLUS someone picked randomly from the audience, all joined together to solemnly agree, before the camera, on one thing: Change The Name "Global Warming" Officially. Hillary Clinton could notarize it, sign it, do whatever else it takes, and suddenly look seriously into the lens, Barrack alongside her (though his schedule may not permit), and say, "This of course was meant to be a fun sketch, but in all seriousness, from now on, well, you can keep calling it "global warming" if you
like.... but WE (she motions around her at all the celebs gathered, who all cheer, Paul McCartney waving back), WE are hereby changing the name to: Climate Change. Happy Holidays Everyone!" (this may take 'til Christmas)
I think it would be great, even just for the idea of something important in the vernacular being "born" in so special a way (as opposed to the expression, "up your nose with a rubber hose," which all began back in a men's room in Chicago in the 1890s, unless it was at a fire station in Vermont in the 1690s).
On the other hand - perhaps the sketch would be better if absurd, with the final upshot being to rename it something totally ridiculous, in a doomed attempt to clarify the concept in people's minds, as "global warming" is truthfully too misleading (Where do I begin? The problem itself results in so many other extreme, far more direct concerns, such as zero heat - which, for the more slow-minded, one should think of as the very
opposite of warm, though I am very far from being any kind of expert here).
Instead of "global warming", perhaps, hmm.... "
Moomoo's Sun No Shine Right Global Change Witch's Curse".... How do you like that, I started out trying to make a joke, but I think I like this (better than "global warming")! Yes, it actually does almost have me wanting to sell everything I own so that I can afford an electric vehicle!
(Special Note - This was not a dig at the movement to stop climate change, it was a dig at the fact that we don't even have the power to collectively bring electric vehicles within every car owner's financial grasp if our lives depended on it.)MY MOTHER RAISED ME NEVER TO SAY ANYTHING A MILLION PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAPPILY ENJOY REPEATING IN UNISONNow that Bill Maher has become increasingly involved with the idea that the term "global warming" is confusing and should be changed (to "climate change"), I am pleased to say that I also stated the obvious in this regard back months ago - about half-a-year ago. Here is
my huffington post "comment" several months ago: Yes, and Tide detergent should advertise with the slogan, "Drink it and die!" Handles in these matters are EVERYTHING, so why use one that is obviously generating endless confusion? Sometimes the intelligent have to gear things towards what can be easily understood by the less intelligent (this is where soundbites came from), and "global warming" just does not work as a handle.”I am occasionally an influence on Bill Maher (I have occasionally included in other blogs what I regard as clear evidence of this). In this instance, however, we are merely both stating the obvious, and both recognizing the importance of changing the wording on the handle, "global warming". I happened to find myself face to face with Al Gore (former Vice President, Nobel Prize Winner, etc., etc.) the other day, as we drove by each other on a narrow, random, obscure, probably middle-class residential street in Santa Barbara. I later looked up the fact that Gore recently (Feb. 2011) purchased a home in Santa Barbara. That doesn't make my seeing him necessarily random and unplanned in nature (though certainly it was not planned by me), as my experience has been that 9 out of 10 times I happen to recognize a celebrity face, it also happens to be a celebrity who around that same time is in connection with some sort of thing regarding me, such as an intertwining and direct connection to the previous week's blog article (e.g., years and years ago I left a message on the phone answering machine of someone I didn't entirely feel entitled to leave a message on the machine of. In the message I said I wanted to work for Steven Spielberg, speaking in a familiar way as I did sort of know the person - of additional note would be the fact that I had by then been a considerable influence on this and that Spielberg work. Within a week of my phone message, I was opposite Steven Spielberg as we waited in our cars on opposite sides of a red light. Can't rule out that it was a look-alike).
I would consider it remiss were I not to include mention of how I have no doubt of being behind a sketch the former Vice President was in when he appeared on SNL.
Fun Background InformationAs I've mentioned before in many previous blogs, often including a degree of evidence, whenever I send in my sketch ideas for SNL, something always makes it through in some form for that next upcoming show, or occasionally the one after that. I'm particularly proud of the time I sent through someone a message to Paul McCartney (upon whom I am also a major influence) that I wanted him to make a surprise appearance in a sketch, and furthermore, that the sketch regard (for reasons I've detailed somewhere or another) my "Recipe For Fun." The SNL show that aired eight days later had a sketch featuring a surprise McCartney appearance (he was not even slated as the musical act), and the actual sketch was on a subject clearly related in various ways to "Recipe for Fun": Whose drink has the poison?
Back From The Fun Background Information And Still Having FunAs I said, I am absolutely certain (for far more reasons than I could detail here) that I once had a sketch idea for the show Al Gore hosted, though the idea actually had little to do with Gore. It was about how Arab terrorists had planted a computer chip in chocolate that, by being planted in people who ate the chocolate, was automatically causing garage doors throughout America to automatically open and close unceasingly. So on SNL, instead, they had Gore play the evil head of a chocolate manufacturing company ala Willy Wonka sorta kinda. Not to mention that Sean Daniel was a White House guest of Bill Clinton, according to the record books, I cannot say I am one who knows Sean Daniel, I knew him a little a long time ago, though believe myself to influence him and his segment of the entertainment world (which happens to be a huge segment, extending to Steven Spielberg and so forth).
I AM OUT CONTEXTUALIZING, WILL RETURN IN FIVE MINUTESThis is a brief return in time a fairly short distance, as new information may serve to further contextualize something I find of great note. I refer specifically to my August 8th, 2010 blog, "Stuck In Traffic, Not". I'll leave the actual piecing together of that to which I refer for those interested enough to follow-through on their own (you can't please everyone, and this stuff isn't for those unwilling to do the due diligence research). The new information regards Drew Barrymore being named "
Erl" on the video game in the movie "Going The Distance". In a videoclip several years ago I stated how, through me, there was a Drew Barrymore connection to the origin of "My Name is
Earl" (you can find this in my June 28, 2009, blog article, "Jolly Fun"), though I suppose I could not particularly prove I stated it back then as that video isn't locked in with any kind of timestamp. I suppose that makes this more for the benefit of those who can take my word on these things (sorry, wish everything I said was for everyone).
If you check the release date of "Going The Distance" (9/3/10), you will see it is not far from the time of the "traffic situation" I had described August 8th. I had already associated Drew Barrymore with Paul McCartney in relation to me when I wrote regarding when they were both contributors to the movie, "Everybody's Fine". So I see some intertwining connections, and not just because of these particulars. I would also see it all further contextualized by, well you'll have to look that up on your own, too. I recommend going to, creating a searchable database of all the collected volumes of my blogs - I'm up to Volume 5 now, in fact, this will
someday be the
first one in
Volume 6! Hello, world of the