No. (Although he is reputed to have certain Conservative views.)
Recent Talk That John Lennon Would Have Voted For Reagan From Fred Seaman (Lennon's Former Assistant)
Recent talk that John Lennon would have voted for Reagan is a reflection of (please choose some fragment from the following):
(1) Lennon could not belong, not to the left nor the right, not to mother nor father (the story is that his parents made the 5-year old Lennon decide which one of the two would have custody, only to have the victor - his mother - give him over to her sister to raise. Perhaps this ultimately made Lennon go left/right like some erratic maniac, not to mention running in circles when the moon is full, which never occurred but could be tomorrow's news, who can say).
(2) Lennon being among those artists who try to provoke a rise of a special variety by touching a nerve so as to keep things real, a behaviorism previously exhibited by this individual, hence, he says "Reagan" to shock.
(3) The wisdom of appreciating Lennon being cast in stone for all eternity for what he contributed through his music is equal and parallel to the wisdom of recognizing that many things he said out loud when he wasn't creating music should not be taken as lasting reflections of anything about him but rather should be completely reinterpreted as a yang to the yin of something, it being that he was first and foremost an artist trying to get a good story by presstime.
(4) When I was working on the movie "Gizmo", a 1974 project of Lennon's friend Howard Smith (I just worked in the office and also did some film library research), they also were using Evan Lottman as editor (later replaced by Terry Manning as editor). Evan had edited "The Exorcist", where Regan is the main character's name. Lennon had already in 1974 played games with movie characters names (I've written on this before), so perhaps this was a long-term effort to raise the devil so that people would get secret reminders to play certain records backwards in time for the bicentennial.
Knowing The Way History Gets Messed Around
I've conjectured that the Lennon A Republican? story might not go away as easily as snapping one's fingers, that it could be retrieved in ten years, twenty years, who knows what right-wing revisionists might enjoy exploiting. So I therefore further conjectured on the idea of doing a mockumentary, a fun collection of people who knew him forced to remember Lennon's politics, but genuine recollections. I don't really know how good an idea this would be, but I did definitely decide it wasn't a great idea, and that it isn't an idea worth being a voice shouting in the crowd about. Once everyone starts playing around with the Lennon Republican story, it could turn everything into a strange hodgepodge of confused teenagers. Yet couldn't the same thing happen from doing nothing, and leaving it to the right to play with down the road? So I sent out a few messages in the hope of reaching someone I once worked for, Howard Smith. Howard had first introduced John Lennon to the whole New York City radical scene, particularly folks such as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. If Howard were to be involved in a mockumentary pretending to study the political life of Lennon, it could be.... hilarious! They could interrogate Howard under the lights, asking what Lennon might have said about the way Jerry Rubin wore his beard, or did Lennon really laugh at Hoffman's jokes or was he pretending to while trying to infiltrate the Yippies as an undercover Republican those Abbie Hoffman jokes really weren't that funny were they so Lennon was pretending right? Right? Somewhere within Howard Smith's answers would reside the authenticity of an expert on the subject at hand. And that would filter through no matter how absurdly he is presented. And with Howard's involvement, perhaps others, even Yoko Ono, would lend support to my mockumentary. But Smith never wrote back (it's close to two days now), and as I said, I really don't know that it would be such a good idea. Therefore, I hereby suspend all work on this project, until someone else gets the ball rolling again perhaps, but someone with real weight here. On the other hand, maybe Fred Seaman's plan is to resurrect Lennon in the form of a great uniter of both Democrats and Republicans, being both? I could always do a part 2 to my "Frozen," video at Archive.org about The Beatles being brought back to life, through Lennon and Harrison being brought back to life, through cryogenics. No, on second or third thought, I don't think I will go there - just too much work trying to imagine what George Harrison might say after having been dead but then being alive again but then being dead again but then being alive again.
More Distance Going
For those who have read or will read my immediately previous blog (July 1st), which ultimately connects to Paul McCartney I believe, so you'll want to read and view all of those other connecting blogs, etc. in relation to it as well, there is more news.
Unfortunately for those who have never verified any or several or all of the innumerable verifiable yet extraordinary things I have written about, this is another instance where one must take my word. I am hopeful that it will be considerably less of a demand to take my word for those who have already had the chance to check my veracity.
With that kind of lead-in, you would think I was about to describe an alien abduction. And if that's how I made you feel, prepare for an anti-climax, or at least for some, while for others, anyway, so I went to see the movie "Green Lantern". I had used my computer to find a theatre still showing it in 3D as the previous day the assumption that it would be everywhere proved seriously flawed. I am generally reluctant to use my computer to find a theatre if I can help it, as life has made me paranoid of certain powerful creeps. This time, the situation required it. But please feel free to call me paranoid.
I'm in the theatre plex, and they redirect us to a different location than is printed on the ticket. Time goes by, there are no trailers (no complaint from me on this). Then the movie itself suddenly starts, but without sound. I therefore miss the entire opening half minute sentence or two that explains how the universe works (I might possibly already know how it works, though I cannot say for sure). Then the 3D is NOT working right, there are objects kind of, not transparent, but, and shapes. Okay well, geez, lemme see, imagine somebody, uh, ok, somebody takin' a baseball bat to a projectuh, know what I mean? It was worse than no 3D at all. After the movie, as I'm leaving the theatre, I see some people in theatre uniforms to complain to, and then collect a few people for them at random as they're leaving the Green Lantern theatre. All confirm the same thing I described, in their own words, so we're each given free passes to see another movie. But please feel free to call me paranoid.
On my way home from the theatre, way out in Woodland Hills or somewhere, I find myself face to face (me in my car, he in his car) with a Justin Timberlake look-alike, or else Justin Timberlake. This is good, as I consider his work on SNL among the truly excellent stuff they've done, and I am also an influence on that show myself, and on other stuff in his general neighborhood.
I then mulled over what possible significance his going by might contain. In my immediately preceding (July 1st) blog I mention how, when I see a celebrity, 9 out of 10 times it connects with something going on in some sort of proximity to me, including possibly being in relation to a recent blog (there is thusly an implication of rich people having the power the follow people without difficulty). I also in my immediately preceding blog refer in this same discussion to a videoclip from June 2009 that features Cameron Diaz. So I'm mulling over the possible significance. The best I can come up with is, I was junior high school friends in homeroom with John Turitzin when I was growing up in Princeton, and also knew John at summer camp in Vermont, at Camp Timberlake. John is now among the three people who run Marvel Entertainment. So, the elements being.... Timberlake, Marvel, Green Lantern, who is a DC comic book character, with Marvel and DC being something of a Pepsi and Coke kind of thing. I went home, looked Timberlake up on my computer, and found he is currently starring in the number 2 movie in the country along with Cameron Diaz and several others. I must admit to feelings of concern that this poor man was somehow ripped, ripped from a busy schedule of acquiring MySpace and being the star of yet another movie about to open in a week-and-a-half, just to do his bit in responding to my immediately preceding blog, which must have read like a challenge as 9 out of 10, etc., etc. And as if this wasn't bad enough, I also saw one other celebrity, Sara Gilbert, who had nothing to do with anything that I'm aware of, unless I'm not thinking this through, and so the math was now 5 out of 10 (1 out of 2), if you want to see things from that perspective. That means I needed to see 8 more celebrities that day, but they all had to be in some proximity to some recent thing in connection with me. I continued on home, and that was that, their time was up, just one out of two, owing to Justin Timberlake's currently co-starring with Cameron Diaz. I could have kept driving around, gone anywhere, hundreds of miles away, it never matters, it could easily have completed the 9 out of 10 thing. Somehow it was not fated to be.
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