These two photographs of me are from over 50 years ago. I look older now.

Something Of Possible Interest To Those Who Go Overboard For Christopher Walken
Whether or not you possess the socks, or the IQ, or the proclivity for doing research, or the whatever that would be necessary to appreciate the point made in the first paragraph of my August 22, 2009 blog article ("Graffiti Is In The Eyes Of The Typesetter"), you cannot dispute certain things:
- First, that this article definitely was not written apropos of recent events, as it was copyrighted at Archive.Org in November 2009 as part of a volume of my collected blog articles.
- Second, that this article asserts that the "Gods Behaving Badly" project (an entertainment industry project that first manifested before the public via Marie Philips' best-selling novel of the same name being purchased for development as a TV show by Red Hour, the film company of Stuart Cornfeld and Ben Stiller) resulted from my "In Orders We Trust" project. (Again: appreciating that this assertion was made by me does not require that you concur with the assertion - the point here is simply that the assertion regarding this project was made at this time.)
My larger point becomes:
Here we have yet another instance where a huge story in the media contains a component of considerable interest that leads back to me - in this case, the upcoming Christopher Walken movie, "Gods Behaving Badly," the title of which will unquestionably prompt one to think of the Natalie Wood death; it will furthermore become obvious to one and all that this movie is prompting this thought, owing to the enormity of the news story and the wording of the title. The news story generating a shadow over Walken, how far his negative side may have gone in real life, and a similar shadow suggested by the words, "Gods Behaving Badly" - how far do the Gods entitle themselves to go?
I Hear That
Those who saw Steven Spielberg's recent appearance on TCM discussing music in his films may recall his description of how, on set, he might occasionally address his music director, John Williams, out loud but in his absence, when particularly cognizant that he has done something that will get interesting further down the "assemby line" when it becomes Williams' turn to contribute something to the material.
This was a rare television appearance by Steven Spielberg, therefore, a special appearance. Therefore, those who have followed me on the subject of my being a secret, significant influence on Spielberg may, like me, have had their receptors up and running, ready to detect that which might lend itself as something to further support my contention.
In this one must first recognize that at no time will Spielberg ever look directly at the camera and state, "Jonathan David Steinhoff is the most amazing person in the universe." No, not directly. All things communicated by Spielberg to express this thought about me, or perhaps only a diluted version of this thought, would occupy a form on some other level, and only via a more subtle means would simultaneously contain this. For we live in a cold realm, where people are only somewhat effusive with regard to one another. I once actually saw an award show where the winning actor only referred to his director as a phenomenal genius, rather than referring to him as the most incredible genius who ever lived, which would have been more correct, at least in my view. However, I was discussing people recognizing one another.
So to continue, yes, if one were looking there was something there.
It is an often seen event, in instances where one finds a work that makes reference to me/my material, that:
- There is something contained in the material of another that suggests one is being alerted to the specific place in my material that is in relation to the influence or inside-reference
- Alongside the similarity, an additional component that further connects that same material
So, not only was a specific moment in one of my works brought to mind while watching something that I pre-anticipated would contain something regarding my work (it being that Spielberg does this frequently with regard to me/my material). The subject of Spielberg and Williams talking on TCM was all about music in film. And what could be additionally said of the moment of mine Spielberg brought to mind? Of all the moments in all my work, it is the singular moment that takes the whole idea of music in film and cracks a joke about it - without compromising the mood of the moment. Throughout "Gosk" I was interspersing the idea of music as something to be heard from "outside the box", but this moment was the most direct.
Other music related moments in "Gosk" that I also would have found sufficiently relevant, had Spielberg brought such moments to mind:
- One finds a montage in which a violinist is getting set up to play classical music, but the montage is coordinated with a Motown song.
- Women from the planet Klug are automatically mesmerized by Earth music, therefore, as we watch shots of the musician intercut as part of the scene, and hear him playing, the music as we hear it transends its traditional role in such a scene.
- Following a montage I use to introduce a scene, the same song heard playing as part of the montage completely changes in significance by the song itself becoming the initial focus of discussion when the dialog in the scene begins (the introduction of the spacecraft interior in "Gosk 1").
I should begin by explaining, SNL is secret code language for the television show, "Saturday Night Live".
Below are my Facebook posting of a photograph with my comment, plus another comment from me regarding it below that. I believe these suggest to those who have been following things that, as a more significant part of my ongoing substantial influence on SNL, two consecutive SNLs had political opening sketches which had as their basic idea something I had days before brought up "on the record". One might have to appreciate the context of my being quite (that's right, I said quite) the influence on SNL over the years (as conveyed in numerous blog articles I've written), in order to appreciate my reading of things - please read more, at your leisure, in earlier blogs of mine, be my guest (you may want to go to, make a single document from the 5 volumes of postings there of my blog articles, and presto, you'll have a searchable database of all of my blogs posted to thus far).

Jonathan Steinhoff
Herbert Lamm on the left, then my mother (Herbert's cousin) and my father. My understanding, though you didn't hear it from me, is that Mom and Cousin Herbert were great Communists together in their youth, in the Bronx. Herbert later married the sister of Sidney Buchman, who wrote "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington," "Holiday", "Talk Of The Town", etc., and was the head of the Screenwriters Union during WW II, etc., etc. (I therefore credit my mother with every bad thing said on-screen about Hitler during his reign, though it could be said I have an exaggerated belief in my mother's influence on the world, especially when I was a youth, etc., etc., etc.)
December 1 at 5:50pm
Jonathan Steinhoff
Those who caught my subtly ambiguous use of the word "reign" here (Hitler's or Buchman's?) may further notice SNL's taking this very concept further in their opening sketch last night. I've previously referred to my influence on their previous (11/19/11) show's opening sketch as well. My continuing thoughts on this will be next appearing in an upcoming blog!
December 4 at 8:11am
I would add, the SNL sketch to which I refer had Obama explaining how we are not living under his rule, he is only five on the list of the most powerful people in the U.S. Certain show biz individuals came ahead of him, though the application of the exact word "reign" did not literally materialize with regard to a show biz name. It was there, however.
On last night's SNL, there was a sketch about Al Sharpton's political TV show on MSNBC. At one point, as if to represent the idea of an obscure political theory that has been fixated on, Sharpton over and over repeats the idea of the GOP having rocks in their heads, until the phrase appears at the bottom of the screen, "GOP: Rocks In Their Heads?" He further tries to interconnect with this phrase, the idea of "stone walling", the words stone walling said repeatedly, Sharpton saying, "Stone walling? You know, stones are just a variation on rocks. So they have rocks, big old roley poley rocks, in their head?" He finds numerous opportunities beyond these to say "Stone Walling" and "Rocks in their heads". My previous blog, and therefore my last blog before this show, gave the word "stone walling" the importance of being included in the blog title: "All I Want For Christmas Is A Stone Wall". My blog article immediately previous to that blog article refers to the idea of rocks in someone's head, using the phrase several times, while I specifically discuss a previous SNL reference to me/my material. This discussion about rocks in the head goes back to a previous thing I came up with about Larry, The Geologist Of The Mind.
I Was A Prisoner of A Cop Who Wouldn’t Let Anyone Leave The Office Christmas Party Until He Found Out Who Brought The Pot As A White Elephant Gift For 50 Hours
Yes, all that is the title of my newest comedy sketch writing, or for short, "I Was A Prisoner Of A Cop". And as with the one before it ("Dostoyevsky's 'A Christmas Carol'"), it would be most appropriate for their very last SNL before Christmas, and I don't know why I haven't seen a single trace of either one of these ideas on an SNL show yet (I ask but a single trace of one of these ideas, Mr. Michaels, spare a trace if you can, happy holidays to you and yours, sir! It's Tiny Tim, sir, he hasn't been at all well! spare a trace of my sketch idea that'll say something to help poor Tiny Tim!). Oh yes, and on this subject, SNL's last show before Christmas will be taking place this Saturday, or the one after it, or possibly next month (I'm never sure about anything).
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