Let's see, how about if I begin with something light, such as how I looked when the weight of the world was 23% less (you've all got to lose some weight!):

Worlds End, Continued
I'm most pleased to announce I have a new, recently posted version of my work-in-progress song, "Worlds End":
Perhaps there will be more for this one, it certainly deserves it!
What You Should Have Learned
Everyone being focused at this moment on the Toulouse situation and the guy who killed the children at the French Jewish school, I thought I should point out that in my Oct. 11, 2009 blog article (copyrighted in 2009 when I published it at archive.org) I found something re the gunman at the Jewish Community Center that could be seen as secretly threading into.... okay not Toulouse, but another painter. Has to be coincidence?
I am over and over making the point that I am secretly super-important in relation to Steven Spielberg (see my video at archive.org, "Steven Spielberg And The Mall Man Factor"), who is among the most prominent living Jewish men, and whether he wishes to be or not, someone regarded as a bit of an ambassador to the world - not a favorite of those who would want Israel and ipso facto the world's Jews seen as an evil force upon the world. I further demonstrate in my blogs (i.e., offer what should be discernible to an intelligent person as evidence) my secret super-importance / enormous influence on any number of legends, superstars, movies, TV shows, songs, etc. And I have long experienced what it is to be secretly at "the center of the chessboard", in terms of people getting things to my "doorstep" that I am able to discern as being terrorist related. Things that show whoever left them, knew of the MAJOR headline-grabbing terrorist stuff, right before they occurred.
My analytical approach towards the Toulouse situation was to see if again "they" had aimed something for my doorstep. I began with what I see as an obvious approach, I looked to see if there was anything to correlate it with the news story about the gunman going after the children at the Jewish Community Center in Southern California that dominated the headlines over a decade ago. First, because these two news stories automatically bring one another to mind - and second, because the news story from a decade ago included elements that cause me to believe the whole thing to be among the things left on my doorstep. So did I find an element in the Toulouse occurrence that appears to link up with what I had written about the Jewish Community Center story in my Oct. 11, 2009 blog? The specific element I started out looking for a connection to, as it is the significant factor that connects things in that SCAL situation to my doorstep - even before I realized the recent story occurred in Toulouse(!) - was the painting aspect. And so, I have little doubt of a connection. Those who haven't been following what I've described.... will not see it.
Now Try To Express E=MC2 Using Fragments From Beatle Album Covers

One of artist Robert Berks' Einstein sculptures in Washington D.C. Einstein posed for him in the early '50s.

A painting by artist Robert Berks from the very early 50s, which he gave to my mother when they were friends in the early '50s (he also gave her a portrait he made of her, which I've previously posted). It's not easy to see from this still from a vid of a photo of the original, but it's grape tears, a banana mouth, other fruit, near human texture and color, and the overall suggestion of a human face in deep sorrow, slightly more penetrating than you'd expect nice, delicious fruit to be.
MUWR is my most recent comedy sketch idea, posted 3/8/12 to archive.org.
One of the things one finds in this piece that was seen in advance by the author (i.e., me) as "low hanging fruit" for those who might come along looking for reusable fragments (as SNL tends to do, for the past years and years, as I have frequent occasion to demonstrate in my blogs) is the time machine weapon that was created "in the image of a 1940s machine gun, with some variations". A mythological weapon, with an element of the iconic/symbolic (I was thinking- Nuclear Weapons in relation to Iran are a dominant issue facing us, and so the introduction of this imaginary device in the image of a '40s machine gun to camp up the romanticizing of a weapon).
Seen cumulatively with the fact that SNL always offers up something (sometimes fragments, sometimes bigger stuff) that can easily be correlated to something I "submitted" for that week's show, I look upon SNL's sketch about Martin Blattfield on their 3/10/12 show as being in connection with MUWR. Their sketch was all about the wonder of Martin Blattfield's Samurai sword and his ancient sword collection, leading to a song about his sword in which all in the scene joined in.
Honk If I Influenced You
Did I mention a premium channel recently had its cable premiere of a movie that turned out to have been very loosely based on something regarding myself (I have no doubt on this, based on the evidence, however, I will go into no further detail on this particular one, sorry), and that the next day the star of the movie (or a deliberately placed look-alike) drove by me, drawing my attention with a dramatic motion, and perhaps wearing the facial expression of someone looking at the person on whom a movie he starred in that just had its cable premium channel premier was very loosely based?
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