This photo of me from several years ago was clipped from a group photo at work. As I am a reclusive, hermit-wannabe, of the belief that my quest for greater wisdom is best served through my pursuit of this lifestyle, I was insanely driven to clip everyone else out of the image, so as to imagine the photo depicts me alone, in a meditation chamber. (doesn't really help, I can still tell I'm at work)
Please Note:
The infinitely varied, innumerable elements contained in this blog article have been specially configured by me in accordance with Civil Statute 8.22 of the Siberian Penal Code, always one of my favorites.
This new movie idea of mine, "Footballless", though a sci-fi comedy, is possibly very autobiographical, when seen alongside most of what
I create, and possibly more likely to save the world by directing attention towards
a particular matter, when seen alongside most of what I create:
New, first-ever posting of my original 3-page "Gosk"
("Streetgang From Mars") FIRST DRAFT EVER from April 1981, which I
recently found at the bottom of a very old, very buried box.
As a footnote, I would mention that one might find, in reading my
description of the blue-skinned Klugians, that they seem as if they might have been based on Blue Man
Group, that is, if you did not know which came first, the Klugians or Blue Man
Group. The behavior seems quite similar.
Blue Man Group began in 1987,
noted as having gotten their start primarily at NYC Soho's The Performing
Garage (perhaps several other places as well), which was run by Jim Clayburgh,
son of my then-next door neighbor, the late Bill Clayburgh, and brother of the
late Academy Award winning actress, Jill Clayburgh (Bill Clayburgh and his wife
Sandra Church star in my 1990-1992 video posted at www.archive,
Steinhoff’s Dostoyevsky's "Uncle's Dream").
Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves and Me
This regards the movie, "World War Z". In my opinion, when the Brad Pitt character (I believe
myself to be an occasional significant influence on Mr. Pitt's movies)
victoriously walked across the overpass as the zombies walked directly towards
him, yet he made it through, that key moment of the movie - was an
inside-reference to my 1993 "Mall Man" site location visit with John
Burke, my "Mall Man" cinematographer (and fellow Calarts alum), walking in the overpass between The World Financial Center and The World Trade Center during rush hour going against the crowd (Burke's inspired idea, perhaps part of my Mall Man training?), which
I also believe was inside-referenced in "The Matrix" and "The Matrix Reloaded" when Neo and Morpheus walk in the opposite direction of the crowd they're in. Of course, this is not to say it would necessarily have to generally be perceived as such an inside reference. This is my special read, based on my special influence experiences in relation to Reeves, Pitt, etc., etc., shorthands evolving experience, my associating an overpass with the basic action prior to Pitt's having an overpass in his performing of the same basic action, etc. Yet this is all considerably more thin than that to which I normally point, and mention it more because I wouldn't want the heaviness of the idea to be ignored, than because I believe a strong case can be made that this is a deliberate inside-reference.
Mammals, Vegetation, Ringo, Myself
I would never say this artwork of mine, "Sheep Graze While
Human Stands On Path" (from my copyright 1993 "Go Eyes, Go!" at www.Archive.Org)
was an influence on this image from the album artwork of Ringo Starr's 1998
"Vertical Man" to someone who was ignorant of the history of my
influence on Ringo, and expect them to agree (unless they happened to already be aware
of the extent of my influence on Paul, John, George, Mick, Sting, Madonna,
Michaels, etc.). How serious a connection should I expect you to see if you have no such background information? Perhaps I should ask only that you return to your grazing business and pay little mind!
By The Grace Of This Little, Bright, Crescent-Shaped Thing
This regards a key moment in the weekly title montage of the new (June 2013) TV show "Graceland" in relation to an important section in my Feb. 2013 "That Dream Is Mine" music video (posted at Archive.Org). If you read through some of my blog articles you may be able to get yourself clued in to
something or another here and there (I'm deliberately trying to avoid the same re-referencing for the umpteenth time of what things are cumulatively based upon, and instead leave it for the interested reader to do their own piecing together).
Moses, Joseph, Steven Spielberg and Mall Man
This is related to my often-mentioned other influences on Steven Spielberg works. Of possible special interest is that my self-published "Go Eyes Go" (1993) referred to here is also referenced in my blogs in relation to Sept. 11, 2001. One may attach what one chooses.
Steve Carell and Me
What exactly is the social protocol for when you notice two
different Steve Carell movies ("Date Night" and "Seeking A
Friend For The End Of The World") that include important things that
separately strike you as regarding the same exact bit in your own work,
"Gosk", and based on these and other things it has to mean you are
being a significant influence on these two big Carell movies (one of which is
also a Shawn Levy film, another person upon whom one has been a big influence)?
Carell did smile at me in traffic on the day they first announced he was
leaving "The Office" - so, did that mean we're done here? I am so
lost when it comes to these social protocols....
Author's Note:
I recognize that, due to circumstances, with a certain amount of what I find myself compelled to present and/or describe, verifying the factuality of certain information is more accessible for some than for others, but would hope that this alone is not taken as some sort of implication that these therefore cannot be facts. Furthermore, there are many instances where the facts can be easily verified by anyone, which in turn lead to the emergence of bigger pictures, for those astute, intelligent, honest, etc. enough to see these emerging bigger, and dare I say it, important pictures. Jonathan D Steinhoff, August 4th, 2013
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