Saturday, January 24, 2009

Indoor Bench, Outdoor Bench

Time again for the weekly Monk/Steinhoff videoclip, it being that nearly every episode of the TV show "Monk" makes deliberate reference to my material, usually references from among my three main live action videos, "Mall Man," "Gosk," and Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's "Uncle's Dream," each of which can be found at, and regarding each of which I am the auteur.

This week I've excluded a few things I regarded as references, in order to keep things simpler for the lowest common denominator among us:
  • This week's "Monk" had Randy saying with a certain rhythm and intonation, with regard to Monk's rearranged furniture, "I kind of like it," followed by the Captain tilting his head, which added up to a reference to the moment in "Gosk, Part 2" when Tuxert, noticing the tan nose of the otherwise blue-skinned Dockert, says with a certain rhythm and intonation, "I kind of like it," tilting her head;
  • I also saw the reference in this week's "Monk" to my Ringo Starr anecdote, or rather an anecdote regarding Ringo Starr that was related to me by a friend who was there. "Monk" made a reference to this same anecdote in March 2005 for the season finale.
Again, the lowest common denominator among us would be too likely to dispute that these are references, and I am wearying of defending myself against those who cannot see nor demonstrate any inclination to do even a minimal amount of research before declaring their so-called verdicts. Furthermore, I find increasingly tiresome those with ulterior motives for claiming they cannot even see what is obvious.

Nevertheless, there is enough here for anyone:

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