Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Big Three

Today I have for you Conan and Dave, both of whom have been keeping me "in the game" recently (see my June 4th blog for Dave, my June 17th blog for Conan), something they've done from time to time over the years. Both of these videoclips are from June 22, 2009, the night before Ed McMahon's death, relevant in that he was a major talk show guy. Also possibly relevant is the fact that, between Iran and North Korea, with their potential ousting of what's-his-name and threats of nuclear warfare, respectively, it's quite a time in the history of the planet/universe, whatever, to feel oneself having special access to so many. And yes, I consider these videoclips to imply a special access, that if I had something for Conan or Dave I could leave it here and it might just get scrutinized, stamped with approval, and a few seconds in front of America (after being first filtered by their sensabilities, of course).



I also have to wonder about those without the cumulative perspective, people who can't quite connect that the cumulative implication contained in these videoclips, when combined with other things done in relation to me, is different from the implication (i.e., lack of an implication) seen without the cumulative perspective. If you don't put a few of things together, I'm looking like, well, a whole different person from the one you'll see when you do. This may not be a good time in the history of the universe to presume I'm not two inches from the American late night crowd, coming up with something to say.

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