Sunday, June 7, 2009

Imminent Thread

No small number of things to put together this time around:

Raindrops Threaded Together
First and most important, I've brought my work-in-progress song to a stage where it is now an actual song (sez me). "Raindrops Threaded Together (June 5, 2009 version)" was completed June 5th (Pacific Time -, the site at which I posted it, counts it by EST time, and so the June 6th "timestamp"). Interestingly, I discovered after the posting that June 5th is the anniversary of George Harrison's "Somewhere In England", an album on which I had a degree of (as usual, unacknowledged) influence, including influence on the song, "All Those Years Ago". You would actually have to hear both songs to know why I count it as interesting.

Delano And Friends
Some of us will always remember the unforgettable (and I know I'm not out on a limb by considering something unforgettable worth always remembering.... but I digress) live album from way back, "On Tour - Delano And Bonnie And Friends With Eric Clapton", which, according to music history, brought together most of the people who played on George Harrison's historic, "All Things Must Pass".

So I'm driving around in the farm country of Delano, California yesterday (Saturday, June 6th), when I see a sheriff's car (or some other kind of police car) being driven by Eric Clapton, or someone who had a 65% chance of being Eric Clapton (under certain driving conditions one must assign a percentage of likelihood to such occurrences, instead of being absolute about what one sees). Later I looked up where in the world Clapton was supposed to be, and "coincidentally" June 5th was his last concert until June 20th, i.e., a break in his schedule had just begun. I should add that I have had a certain degree of influence on certain Clapton product at various times over the years.

To see Clapton driving a sheriff's car, this of course brings to mind the song Clapton had a huge hit with, "I Shot The Sheriff". It being that a somewhat major current news story is whether or not David Carradine killed himself, one might conjecture how Mr. I Shot The Sheriff driving a sheriff's car might feed that discussion. One might also wonder how that night's TV premium channel Saturday Night premiere of producer Stuart Cornfeld's "Tropic Thunder" might fit in with that - but more on that particular TV premiere later in this blog.

Delano And Earlimart
So I'm driving around in the farm country of Delano (as previously mentioned), and suddenly I see someone who looks like Jason "Earl" Lee (72% likelihood), star of the sitcom I created, "My Name Is Earl" (recently cancelled by NBC, though it is conjectured that another company will save it) driving a truck. Sure enough, I soon see a sign directing me to the town of Earlimart. And while I know there was no "power of suggestion" involved, as I saw "Earl" prior to the sign, I appreciate that you do not have the vantage point of knowing this. In fact, as far as you're concerned, I could have spent the day in London and made up the whole thing. However, there are also those who have gone over those things which I can prove, and so might therefore be less inclined to question every word I say (please permit me to just take one brief moment to say to those people who have put together the truth: am I not totally amazing?).

Delano And Friends Again
So I'm driving around in the farm country of Delano (as you may recall), when for a moment I see driving by someone who looks a titch like Stuart Cornfeld (14% likelihood), which reminds me of something I consider important, the fact that a movie he produced, "Tropic Thunder", has its Saturday night TV premium channel premiere later that day. Also related to this, a little bit later in Delano I see two motorcyclists riding alongside each other. This has the effect of bringing back to me the time, approximately one week after I moved to Southern California in the early 90s, when I was driving in Van Nuys when suddenly I found myself driving alongside Steven Spielberg, with two motorcycle police riding alongside each other in front of us. "Tropic Thunder" is in fact connected to Spielberg, in that, though produced by Stuart Cornfeld and made by Red Hour, the film company Stuart runs with Ben Stiller, it is also a presentation of Spielberg's film company, "Dreamworks". However, at this point I do not yet know whether I should presume that there have been any clear manifestations that my presence in Delano has been identified by Hollywood. In fact, Eric Clapton (or his double) had not yet driven by in the police car.

This is when Jennifer Aniston drives by (90% likelihood), which brings to mind various things, including the fact that she, and people with whom she has been associated, have worked a number of times with Ben Stiller and people he has been associated with. This caused me to say out loud to myself, "That is Jennifer Aniston". When I am speaking out loud to myself, depending on my mood, I apply different standards with regard to what is valid to say out loud. Though my standards were quite high at that moment, I said something out loud to myself for which admittedly I felt there only to be a 90% likelihood (perhaps 96%). A few cars later, a bald woman drove by, which immediately made it a certainty that I was meant to perceive the 90% likelihood of Jennifer Aniston as a 100% likelihood. Because a bald woman makes one such as myself immediately think of a "Friends" episode and few other things, specifically, the one wherein the Jennifer Aniston character convinces the date of the David Schwimmer character to render herself bald (naturally it also brings to mind women going through chemo, but this does not knock the "Friends" episode out of the small set of immediate associations produced). This caused me to wonder why that episode was being brought to mind, as it is normally the pattern in these matters (I speak from great experience) for there to be a specific reason. It was then (and once again, not as the result of the power of suggestion) that I remembered that it was Ben "Tropic Thunder" Stiller's wife, Christine Taylor, who played that bald woman.

Delano's Speed And Tinted Car Window Limit
I might or might not be remiss were I to neglect mentioning the possible citing of Aniston ex, Vince Vaughn (18% likelihood), as wel as the possible citing of Aniston's TV ex, David Schwimmer (30%). I should mention here that years ago I thought I saw Eric Clapton driving a distinctive, expensive black sports car, and that on a separate occasion years ago I thought I saw David Schwimmer also driving such a car. Furthermore, it was not unlike a vehicle I once thought I saw Paul Newman driving. And yet another time, it even seemed possible that I saw this car being driven in California by someone who I worked with in New York City, someone who Regis Philbin had once introduced himself to, which led to other things.

A Break From Delano
I cannot say that these occurrences worked up an appetite, nevertheless at some point I went to a restaurant. I had to wait a while for a table, and found, among the collection of people waiting for tables, a group of mentally challenged people. I had to see this in relation to the aforementioned "Tropic Thunder" TV premiere coming up later that day.

I also bring this restaurant into things because of something that happened to me there which, though perhaps common practice, is not something I have encountered before: my waiter told me he was going on a ten-minute break, and so someone else would temporarily be my waiter. Those familiar with the TV show "Friends" will know why this word, "break", on this day, if from out of left-field when used, might lead one's mind to a particular place. Nevertheless, I do not believe my waiter was cheating on Jennifer Aniston during that ten minutes, nor do I believe he would have been even if he.... but perhaps I digress.

War and Pieces
I made a videoclip that I posted with my August 13, 2008 blog showing how a producer I met in 1975 when he was attending AFI, Stuart Cornfeld, like many in Hollywood, makes significant references in his work to me/my material. Unfortunately, when my external hard drive turned into a piece of garbage I lost my copy of that videclip, and so I cannot edit onto that videoclip, i.e., create a single, larger picture. What I can also do is provide a link to the blog where that videoclip is posted (as I have done previously, including earlier in today's blog), and ask you to put new clips together with that videoclip - in your mind (I believe this will someday replace all forms of editing):

That one goes precisely at the end of the other videoclip, as I instruct. This next one also belongs in a precise spot in the other videoclip, immediately after the Droog section:

There may have been other things in "Tropic Thunder" that I am not focusing on. For example, Cornfeld generally relates to the CalArts 1973-74 film class movie I was involved in, "Limbo", including a moment when a character has a gorilla mask that he cannot remove. This has something in common with Thunder's Simple Jack. The panda head on Stiller's head similarly connects to this. And so I write of these without incorporating them into videoclips, as a way to sort-of include that which I would not totally include (this is my subtle hint that instead of including me by people driving by so that I can thread them together into a larger thing, perhaps we can give me a big box with 25 million dollars and credit me while featuring my creative work and stuff like that, not that officially being an administrative specialist is too degrading a thing to make out of someone as vital and great and important as me).

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