Sunday, December 27, 2009


First the heavy, then the light:

I am pleased to announce the completion of my video, "Steven Spielberg And The 'Mall Man' Factor", which I posted at Archive.Org yesterday, very early in the morning, December 26, 2009, the day after that big Christian holiday.

As if part of some kind of strange celebration taking place in my mind, yesterday, after the posting (go back to the previous paragraph, click on the link, watch the video, come back here and continue reading), at various times, I imagined I saw driving past me any number of people who exist in relation to the video (actually, I'm pretty sure they don't just exist in relation to the video).

I will list these people here, however, if I am mistaken, and did indeed only imagine our cars driving past each other, the solution would be for you to drive past me some other time (I can think of no other way to make this right):

  1. Laura Dern ("Jurassic Park" star; attendee of a Jennifer Aniston party in Beverly Hills earlier this month according to "People")
  2. Jennifer Aniston (hostess of a party Laura Dern, star of "Jurassic Park", attended recently)
  3. Stanley Tucci ("The Terminal" star)
  4. Tom Cruise ("Minority Report" star)
  5. Sean Daniel (referenced in video)
  6. Steven Spielberg (Executive Producer, "Back To The Future")
  7. Bill Clinton (cropped from Spielberg image used in video)
  8. Candice Bergen (went by three times yesterday, recently of the TV show "Boston Legal," no connection to my legally inconsequential video - perhaps she went by somehow or another in connection with the fact that her answering service's phone number was on the letter Paul McCartney sent to me in 1978 right after Billy Joel sat next to me on a plane, and now Steven Spielberg runs Dreamworks with David Geffen, who was with John Lennon when Lennon was shot December 1980, Lennon and McCartney having been a popular songwriting team during the '60s)

Without going into detail, it appears to me that Colbert, on his last show of the year before going on vacation, made inside-references to the video (at that time the video was a work-in-progress posted on earlier blogs). Last year, Colbert's Christmas Special made serious usage of my material (described in an earlier blog).

Without going into detail, SNL continues to makes inside-references to me/my material, and has more clearly indicated that they have an information feed coming to them from what occurs at my 9-5, something that has generally been occurring over the years, and not just in relation to SNL.

Without going into detail, based on specific things known to me, I wouldn't be surprised if the recent death of the star of Amy Heckerling's "Clueless" (see earlier blog references to Heckerling and "Clueless") was murder, though it looks like an accident. What I've put together is too vague to be sure of anything at this point. All we know for sure is that SNL, in consequence of her death, will discontinue their just-begun take-offs on her.

Without going into detail, a star of Spielberg's "Shindler's List" referred to in earlier blogs may have driven past me a few days ago.

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