Thursday, June 24, 2010

You Don't Owe Me A Thing, Jason Lee

Having seen the premiere episode of the new Jason Lee show, "Memphis Beat," I see where it falls to me to respond, or not respond, to their "secret" shout-out to me. As I am the person responsible for Jason Lee's other TV show, "My Name Is Earl" (see my posting, "The Fun Guy", at Archive.Org), as well as the title of the first movie to star Jason Lee, "Mallrats," I do not take lightly the inclusion, on his new show's important first episode, of inside-references to my 1990/1992 video, "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'".

I admit that at first it all seemed like I was being made the recipient of some sort of obligatory pat on the head. But having allowed a few days to pass since the show aired (as all wisemen do!), I have decided not to sidestep this call to have some sort of involvement, if only via this blogged response to the "secret" shout-out.

I am not pleased at being beckoned out onto this all-too familiar limb, that is to say, being made to appear like I am imagining things, at least to those unfamiliar with my frequent "role" in popular culture. On the other hand, given the weight of other things that come my way (such as that related in my previous blog of yesterday, "Crazy Time"), I am developing a strange appreciation of things that diffuse the overbearing seriousness of it all. It's a shot in the arm.

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