This one may be of particular interest to those who appreciate that I don't make things up. It will also likely make me look like a desperate attention demanding liar to others. I don't exactly consider that any kind of a break-even, but the day I confine the things I choose to describe in order to avoid being, etc., etc. etc.
Our story begins with a subject I would prefer to avoid for various reasons: Once upon a time, the last time I'm aware of seeing a particular woman I once knew whose photograph was on the dark corkboard inside sleeve of Clapton's "Slowhand" album on account of me, I was on the 134 near the 210. And George Harrison (close Clapton friend) was expected to die inside of a week. He did. The previous time to that, this woman was in a car next to the one I was in as I was on my way to being driven past Clapton's Florida home (my being a Clapton tourist or something, I suppose; I'm also an influence on Clapton).
Yesterday, I noticed a Facebook friend had a Facebook conversation with her, so this is in that continuity - it was the first direct sign I've seen that she's still alive since the just-described two previous occurrences, though indirect signs of her still being alive are out there as well.
This morning, while I was on my way to work, nearly there, about to exit the 134 near the 210, there's a car in the entry/exit lane driving next to me, going too fast for me to exit in front of him, causing me to do a major slow down to let him enter the freeway in front of me, and to let me exit the freeway (which is good, it's always nice to have someone takeover for you on the freeway, lest it become too empty and boring, then they tear up the concrete and build a park on it or something).
[For more on this, go to http://www.wikihow.com/Merge-Onto-the-Highway-Without-Crashing]
I feel inclined, in consequence of this which-one-of-us-is-gonna-slow-down negotiation, to take a good look at the driver. We weren't actually in a game of chicken, neither one of us was really on the brink of death at any point, but it was just unusual enough. And I do always have to be slightly suspicious of the unusual things that happen to me. People parade things around me for my benefit at times, being the secretly super-important person that I am. It comes with the territory. You may or may not be interested in the details.
I find, in this brief moment, that the other driver is either Eric Clapton or a look-alike. I have on various occasions described how I have to occasionally consider that I might be getting dispatched at me a look-alike, i.e., someone I am meant to think is a particular person when it isn't, rather than their simply being some random person I happen to think is some particular other person. For example, if it's the day Jennifer Aniston is marrying Brad Pitt, and someone who looks like David Schwimmer is driving next to me, I know it doesn't have to be David Schwimmer. But I'm certainly expected to believe it is.
I go to the Internet shortly thereafter, to see where Clapton might be in the world today, in case I might be able to resolve it then and there, as when Paul McCartney drove by me several weeks ago (see my blog article from among the blog articles I wrote several weeks ago). I found, in an article dateline Los Angeles, that TODAY Eric Clapton announced his first album in FIVE YEARS. Sheryl Crow will be on it. I should add to this, that my July 21st blog ("All Roads Lead To Memphis And France") described something done on Letterman for my benefit that was specifically in conjunction with Sheryl Crow being a guest. I believe there is evidence to support that assertion, and I believe that evidence is apparent if you are intelligent and inclined to spend the time examining when what happened.
I am now, therefore, absolutely convinced, given the importance of today with regard to Eric Clapton, that I "encountered" either a Clapton look-alike, or Clapton himself. As to whether Paul McCartney might have been behind it, or.... whether the three of us will ever be in the studio together (I've already proven I have the ability to drive there).... or whether I will later be able to describe being inside-referenced on the upcoming Clapton release (as has happened on other Clapton releases).... or whether I have made myself appear like a child crying for attention by making things up (opportunities to undermine how seriously people take me are not sneezed at by those who see the chessboard a certain way).... all of these are thoughts that float about unobstructed. The main thing is, it's about the music.
Hi, Jonathan. I had an encounter with Eric Clapton myself. It went like this: My future ex-wife and I were walking up Madison Avenue, in the 60s - about 15 years ago. A limo pulled over and out jumped Eric Clapton.
He almost bumped into us as he rushed from the limo to the store on Madison Avenue - an expensive small shop. Just before he went into the store, he flicked his cigarette into the street.
My ex and I stood there for a moment, awed by the sudden siting of a rock legend; however, this being New York, we were about to just move on when I thought, hey, what about taking that cigarette butt? Although this was before the advent of ebay, I still thought it might have some value.
My ex was horrified by the idea of me stooping into the gutter to retrieve another person's garbage, but I was conflicted. I think it was when the limo driver/body guard glared at me that I decided to just move on. However, I regret that I didn't grab the cigarette butt and put it in a glass case - with a little bronze plaque. It would be both amazing and grotesque at the same time - which pretty much describes the state of American culture today.
I also encourage you to take a look at my blog, which is:
Sorry for the self-promotion, but so far I have failed to get anyone to read my blog, which as you might imagine is frustrating, as I think it is quite clever and offers humanity a solution to all problems, large and small.
My latest entry is entitled, "Why Is Everyone So Incredibly Stupid?" and it also addresses the issue of merging traffic...
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