The Shadow Is On The Wall
Some may have expected me to do my blog article about Tim Burton's "Alice In Wonderland" by now, as this movie is currently available as a pay-per-view. I already described in a blog article, upon it's release in theatres, how I was a big influence on this movie, how I tend to be a big influence on Tim Burton films (March 16, 2010, "Kalorping Against The Jabberwocky"). We both went to CalArts at the same time, knew a lot of the same people, though we scarcely encountered each other. Nevertheless, I have come to be a very significant influence on him. I also wonder why his hair style is conspicuously identical to the one I had while at CalArts.
But no, I am waiting for "Alice In Wonderland" to come to the premium cable movie channels, that will give me the kind of time I need to put together a videoclip. For now, I can relate what I believe are related bits of information with regard to the blog article I wrote upon seeing this movie.
Those with hundreds of millions of dollars know, as might those with only fifty dollars, that if you only have three Facebook friends, Facebook shows up on your page and suggests you friend certain individuals who visited your Facebook page (if you have a number of Facebook friends, they have a more vast set of people to suggest, as they draw from all friends of all of your friends). I now have 26 Facebook friends (my reclusive nature catching up with me in terms of my not having accumulated a vast number of friends and acquaintances over the years), but at the time I wrote about seeing "Alice In Wonderland", mentioning my influence, I only had three (hey, I wasn't even trying). Within approximately two days of my aforementioned "Alice" blog article, I was directed to go to my Facebook page. This was accomplished by someone I hadn't spoken with in about 30 or so years, whom I shall refer to as Person A, inviting me to be her Facebook friend. I did, and of course then went to my Facebook page, for what was the first time in half-a-year. And there was that thing I was just talking about, Facebook suggesting I friend someone who had apparently visited my Facebook page, someone I knew at CalArts during the '70s, whom I shall refer to here as Person B. Without the "directive" from Person A to go to my Facebook page, I never would have seen that Person B had visited my page. I then did what one might expect I would do. I looked to see who Person B's Facebook friends are/were. Person B turned out to be one of Tim Burton's eighty Facebook friends. So two days after my blog about being a big influence on Tim Burton, most recently "Alice", I am being directed (yes, directed I say!) to one of his relatively few Facebook friends (few considering how big a figure he is).
When I was little we used to go to Passover Seders at the home of Person A's father, also attended, of course, by Person A. Another person we would see there was someone named Stanley Panesoff, who was involved in a TV show they had back then, "Dark Shadows". This meant something to a kid (not that an adult should be thought childish were it to mean something to him). There were no other people of such note at the Seders, at least none of which I was made aware, and I was a kid. That is why I find it of particular significance that Tim Burton has now announced that he plans a movie version of "Dark Shadows". Remember, this is now Person A in a certain connection with Tim Burton, not just Person B. Presumably these A and B Persons come from different times in my life, if I may describe them that way.

This also regards what the Iranian President hooked into, Lexicon-wise, when he was saying something about the American President a little while ago, but it would take way too many words to go into that here. [This might be a good place to again mention that I believe a number of strange things happen to me as a result of being secretly super-important in relation to the work of Spielberg, McCartney, Cameron, and many others of international note.]
All this and (fill in current amount of New York City subway token, not sure what that is these days) will get me a ride on the subway.
Not Beyond The Pail
Yesterday I became Facebook friends with someone I hung around with a little during the late '80s, David Peel, who is the same David Peel mentioned in the Lennon song, "Sometime In New York City". He is most known for the rock albums, "The Pope Smokes Dope" (produced by John Lennon) and "Have A Marijuana" (connected in subject matter to "The Pope Smokes Dope", but not produced by John Lennon).
Today I went for a brief drive, and believe I saw the guy who plays Kumar in "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle", a very marijuana-related movie. I also believe I saw the guy who plays Jay in the numerous Silent Bob and Jay (Kevin Smith) movies, a very marijuana-related movie character (I have also been an influence on the Silent Bob and Jay movies, here and there, sometimes more than other times). I am not aware of seeing anyone else I might recognize today. I therefore correlate these sightings (unless they were look-alikes) to my having become one of David Peel's many, many Facebook friends. I know myself well enough to know it was not the power of suggestion that caused me to imagine I was experiencing these sightings. If you would tend to want to infer that, you are not taking into consideration the evidence that does exist that these types of things are often set up for me to experience. I have to admit, I would have been just a little bit more pleased with it all if the person who played Kumar hadn't turned around, after the movie, and denounced pot smokers, saying he is that separate from that character. He seems like a nice type, and perhaps someday he will understand what respect for human autonomy really means. A lot of people still seem to have difficulty with that.
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