Friday, October 1, 2010

Gotta Be A Superman

It's "Smallville" time again - the Superman show, for those not up on things. And if you've been following my blogs over the years, you'll know how that often means it's also time once again for me to describe how I have been incorporated into things over there - how this is something I attribute, in part at least, to the fact that Sean Daniel's "Mummy 3" was written by the "Smallville" writer/producers. Yes, I am there once again, if you know how to put a few things together, and feel like bearing with me until it all makes sense. At the VERY least, don't you have to wonder how it is that I so often have something to give pause, and from the exact same place as where I so often find something to give pause? Or.... perhaps you profess to believe it's all pulled straight out of the air?

Check This
In the final paragraph of my immediately preceding blog (Sept. 28th, "Politics for Dummies"), I observed how, for some reason I didn't particularly get, there were several shows that had recently incorporated references to Sean Daniel movies ("Animal House" and "The Jackal"). These were objective observations anyone might have made, anyone familiar with certain public knowledge:
  1. The Bishop scene in "Animal House" (John Belushi smashes Stephen Bishop's guitar as he sits playing on a staircase) showed up via a scene on Leno featuring Sheryl Crow and Ed Helms (which I was bound to watch, as I had shortly before that mentioned in my blogs some Sheryl Crow stuff in relation to me).
  2. On Saturday Night Live's season premiere almost a week ago, a reference to the Jack Black scene in Sean Daniel's "The Jackal" (in their takeoff on the recent Stallone movie).
It had crossed my mind, regarding the Sean Daniel connection in the above-referenced Sheryl Crow bit, that, as the word "Bishop" had come up there (Stephen Bishop being in the "Animal House" scene), and then "Smallville" shortly thereafter (last week) made inside-reference to my "Bishop And Pawn Forfeit Rule" (see my Sept. 26th blog), there could be a connection in that for my benefit, but there wasn't enough for me to go on until tonight's "Smallville".

Before you have enough to go on, I would have to ask that you look at my August 13, 2008 blog, "A Piece of the Mask" (also at Archive.Org as part of Volume 1 of my collected blog articles, therefore a matter of record that I couldn't have written it after the date Volume 1 was published). In Item 2 of that blog article, I note special inside-reference significance to someone, in the role of rescuer, standing over a person who had just been knocked to the ground. Specifically, the blog article describes this action with regard to scenes involving Jack Black, including reference to the movie, "Tenancious D And The Pick Of DESTINY".

And so, I now give you this videoclip of moments from tonight's "Smallville," which include
  • Someone, in the role of rescuer, standing over someone who had just been knocked to the ground
  • A situation that brings the movie "The Jackal" to mind
  • A discussion of Destiny

Also of interest is that this same DESTINY discussion scene in "Smallville" ends with the introduction of the word "superman" to "Smallville" (I end the above videoclip right before Lois Lane provides the translation for the German version of this word). Whatever you wish to attach to the appearance of "superman" here.

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