In my Sept. 8th blog I refer to how it was I who suggested, in a Sept. 3rd HuffPost article Comment, that Stewart and Colbert make it two separate rallies: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/JonathanDS/restoring-truthiness-colbert-rally-beck_n_704578_59349947.html
This is copyrighted proof that I made my statement prior to it becoming a part of things. I also stated in my Sept. 5th blog article that Jon Stewart and I looked at each other as we drove by each other on Sept. 4th. This also was before my statement had become anything, though based on having influenced Stewart and Colbert many times before in very big ways, it did lead me to suspect that my HuffPost Comment might be turning into something big. Stewart's look might have contained a certain suggestion of this, unless he was thinking, "Why are traffic lights green and red, Christmas colors, why must we Jews put up with this, someday I'm gonna run a traffic light, that'll show those bastards!" This is something all of us Jews think about from time to time, though few of us go through with it.
The following videoclip should be seen in the context I've just described (not the part about traffic lights, the other context):
Saturday Night's Alright For Following Tiny Little Details
I should at some point fit into a blog article how the SNL season premiere several days ago, like nearly every SNL for years and years and years, included a few things for my benefit. I know, I'll include it in this blog article.
Let's see, well for one thing, Amy Poehler's very brief revival of her Kim Jong Il. Her Kim Jong Il originally (a few years back) included referring to him as a film critic ala the Siskel/Ebert show, "At The Movies", as he said something about saving you an aisle seat. I had several days prior to that impression several years ago passed along (I would pass along an idea and they would always use fragments on the next show) the idea of Kim Jong Il being the guest host on "At The Movies" (when Ebert would always have a guest host with him). My idea showed how Kim Jong Il's taste in movies, in terms of why he appreciated the movies he liked, betrayed a strange sort of personality. Perhaps I should take this opportunity to say that I would personally love for him to review any of my videos, I was only joking about the kind of film critic he would be. (I seem to possibly be tangling with Ahmadinejad these days, and one crazy person doing stuff that could lead to nuclear bomb explosions is all I can handle at one time, thank you, would somebody else mind taking on Kim Jong Il?)
And then there was the appearance on SNL several days ago by the Governor of New York, Patterson, wherein they included their usual routine where he walks too near the camera, blocking things. This recurring bit (though previously it involved an SNL Patterson impression without the Patterson) began with something that happened in an Obama/McCain presidential debate hosted by Tom Brokaw (10.7.08), where McCain at the end walks too close to the camera, blocking things, which led to a few laughs when the moment was rerun on various shows. That real-life moment began with something I published at Archive.Org prior to the Brokaw-hosted debate ("Peek-A-Boo, ICU", 9/29/08, and also contained in my 9.28.08 blog article), a comedy idea about that very same (then upcoming) Brokaw-hosted debate. Incidentally, this was not the first time McCain did something in response to my comedy ideas - though you'll NEVER believe my version of what preceded his Palin selection. Anyway, in my Brokaw debate comedy idea, each candidate is on a video cell phone, placed on a table, facing each other. Brokaw inadvertantly puts his water glass down between the two video phones, blocking Obama's view of McCain, which he complains about, while McCain defends Brokaw's right to block his view.
I believe there may have been a few other things on SNL a few days ago regarding me, but who knows. One other thing I noticed on SNL, but NOT regarding me (every now and then I actually notice things that don't regard me, which in itself is yet another fact that many have trouble believing) is that, in their parody of that recent Stallone movie, they included something that brought to mind Jack Black in Sean Daniel's "The Jackal" (I have mentioned Sean Daniel not infrequently in my blogs for reasons I have also mentioned not infrequently). This struck me particularly because when Sheryl Crow was on Leno recently, she did something at the opening of the show out of Sean Daniel's "Animal House" (Ed Helms was sitting on a staircase playing a folk guitar and she took it away and smashed it). Though Sean Daniel did not produce "Animal House", it is an important part of his history, he was the person behind it when he was a decision-maker at Universal. So what's up with all that?
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