Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When You're Ready To Be Serious, Napoleon

Here's a little bit of fun, at least for those who think things that touch somewhat directly on an important moment regarding the Iranian President are a little bit of fun.

In my previous blog, "I Don't Suppose Anyone Has A Videoclip Of Larry King Leading A Conga Line" (9.20.10), one of the things I touched on was the then-upcoming appearance on Larry King of the Iranian President (at that time it was scheduled for Thursday, however, it aired today, Wednesday). I also touched on something I've been making repeated mention of, that the Iranian President has plugged into my secret super-importance in relation to Spielberg (the most prominent living Jewish man) and Paul McCartney (another individual with a non-comparable prominence in the world), by making inside-references that I get but that would not be appreciable by the public-at-large (am I crazy sounding or what?).

In that same 9.20.10 blog article, I also touched on the Eric Clapton album, "Slowhand" regarding something Clapton did in relation to me personally. (I've also described this same thing in other blogs as well, where I get particular about how it was in relation to me.)

I will begin with "Slowhand". It will become relevant to the other thing.

I have a Facebook friends who is not unconnected from the above-referenced thing Clapton did. And there have been a certain number of occasions when this same Facebook friend person has posted something on Facebook in response to things I've posted that touch on him, though in so indirect a manner as to be undetectable to the Facebook public-at-large that his Facebook posting has anything to do with me. Therefore, I paid close attention on September 21st to see if this person had anything in this "mailbox" for me. What I found was that this individual "Liked" something that was posted by a Dr. Wayne Dyer (who has a quarter million Facebook friends) on September 21st:

"At your core, the place where you originate from and return to, there's no one and no thing to judge."

What does this have to do with Clapton's "Slowhand"? The first song (the opening track) on "Slowhand", entitled, "The Core," contains the line, "I'm at my core."

I had specifically been looking to this person's Facebook posting on this precise day for such a reference to what I had posted the previous day, and I unmistakably found it. I recognize that this had also required that Dr. Wayne (quarter million Facebook friends) Dyer be complicit for this to have come about. I have already described in a recent blog how in general this type of thing has been occurring, including the involvement of the complicity/cooperation of non-Facebook friends taking place in conjunction with Facebook friends.

This brings us to today's interview on Larry King with the Iranian President. Such a TV show can be seen as important in relation to the Iranian President, as this is rather significant exposure on a fairly significant American TV show.

On this occasion, I detected no inside-reference on the Iranian President's part intended for my interpretation. However, at the very end of this show, Larry King closed with a reaction to this interview from the editor of Time Magazine:

I am not saying that heretofore no one has ever used the word, "core". But an intelligent person will see that without my pointing that out. I should also point out that a friend at work is a friend of Larry King. Prior to today's Larry King, I described what happened with "The Core" to someone else at work. I can imagine that as one of the ways word could have reached Larry King. I have no doubt, having pre-anticipated something of this kind, that the specific choice of words used at that important moment began with Eric Clapton's "The Core," or to be more specific, my having just referenced the album on which that is the opening track.

Tomorrow the Iranian President speaks at the United Nations. If you're reading this, Mr. Making - Everybody - Nervous - That - You -Won't - Take - Responsibility - For - Seriously - Playing - With - Fire - While - Doing - Nothing - To - Address - The - Problem - When - The - Future - Of - The - Whole - World - Is - At - Stake, just tap your foot in time with Jack Bruce's "Never Tell Your Mother She's Out Of Tune" when you're up there speaking to the world. It will really help me put together my next schpiel.

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