I will not be demonstrating specifically in this blog how I am extremely important in relation to tonight's "Smallville" episode, which was the season premiere of this show's final season (those who read my blogs are familiar with my frequent presentation of evidence of my importance in relation to a great number of this show's episodes, including last season's season finale).
Demonstrating how I figure in relation to tonight's episode will take a little more doing than my present energy level will permit. But I do want to indicate here and now that I recognized it, as I am not one who feels good about keeping people in suspense regarding something important to them (I refer to the Smallville people who included me in so significant a way). I consider it very important that they have included me, I love this show, I also believe "Smallville" relates to an important modern mythology, Superman, and I feel enormously gratified by the whole thing. And I don't know if this will offend my old friend from junior high school, who is now one of the three people who runs Marvel Entertainment, and who is also my Facebook friend, but Superman is way better than Spiderman. Period.
The public-at-large may not feel totally satisfied this time around with the proof of what I say that I will be providing. It very much involves the image included with this blog, which can be found in something I posted a while back at Archive.Org, "Go Eyes, Go!", entitled, "A Separate Thing". This image is something I've been including for several years as part of the signature line of every email I send where I work. There are literally thousands of my emails containing this image. But do all of those "witnesses" comprise the entire population of the world? And so, as is the case with so much evidence of various things that exists in the world, there are indeed some among the entire population of the world who cannot be counted among the witnesses, and must therefore rely upon the witness testimony of others. There are always going to be some people who don't witness something! I suppose I deserve the blame for that!
Anyway, until the next time I have the exact kind of energy this task requires.
Hoping For A Stalemate
I also want to throw in, on Wednesday my blog asked the Iranian President, Ahmadinejad, to be serious already. The following day, Thursday, he made himself seem unmistakably ridiculous for the first time, as if on purpose. He may have been outlandish before, but his statement that most Americans think 9/11 was an inside job? He had to know how silly that sounds. I think he was setting himself up. And today, Friday, he announced that he may no longer do that enriched uranium thing he was doing that was scaring all the children around the world and no small number of us adults as well. I'm not crazy about him, but I do have him to thank for the fact that I will be sleeping a little easier tonight. Then again, I wonder how much sleep he was making people lose altogether? Maybe I should just be glad of where the pieces on the chessboard are at this moment, and leave it at that.
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