Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Can't Completely Rule It Out

Here are a few things that belong in the category, "the more weight I attach, the more others will feel compelled to make light" (I've got to start writing about things that fall into a different category). Well, I guess I can stand the short-term break-even (or worse) that comes from this battle between attaching heaviness vs. being made light, in that matters of consequence endure and so I shall be vindicated for though fools may seek to rule the world.... I think I've already begun the making light process on my own. And so now, to be serious about what's serious (it is too). Or, as the title of this blog article states, here are some possibilities I cannot completely rule out, having experienced the strange things that I have (have too).

We've Got To Get Ourselves Back Off The Sofa (by Joni Mitchell)
In my previous blog article I mentioned how Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" apparently drove by me Saturday (admittedly, no fingerprints to support this conviction). I also took the opportunity in that blog article to repeat my oft-made assertion that I am an influence on him (and Colbert as well, as I've also oft-asserted). Older blogs of mine copyrighted on Archive.Org confirm that I didn't just start saying this yesterday (this Blogspot site confirms no chronology of when I said what, as one can attach any date to any article, and so I refer to what is copyrighted to Archive.Org).

In this context, one might consider, as a possibility, that there is greater significance to the following videoclip than merely being an instance of like minds thinking alike (then again, perhaps it could strike you as confirmation of same, or perhaps, different minds that haven't the slightest to do with one another, or, that Steinhoff sure hit the nail on the head this time, or, I wonder why he's talking about Colbert, that looks like Stewart):

I believe the upcoming event Stewart and Colbert allude to in the videoclip could ultimately prove to be the biggest event of the year, or something along those lines. Humor is a medium, and what these two do in that medium is most serious, in my view. Yes, I am serious about the seriousness of humor even if many make light of the weight of.... but some might say I digress, and the opinion of those who feel that way is what matters most to me in the whole world.

Some may feel the need for me to spell out how it is that I believe the Sept. 3rd comment I made on Huff Post as JonathanDS fits in with the direction in which Colbert and Stewart are taking things. It's simple. I reacted to the idea of a Colbert rally with the idea that it be juxtaposed as completely separate yet alongside a Jon Stewart rally, both essentially vying to occupy virtually the same space, despite the expectation that, if anything, it should be one big rally. And that is precisely how they are playing things out at this point. Easily possible I am making too much of a like minds think alike idea, limited in originality, no big deal. Also very possible that this, the biggest event in the history of mankind (I'm only quoting Colbert), in terms of the way Colbert and Stewart are handling it, sprang from my pen. Can those who have followed my influence on things, both in general and specifically, completely ignore this possibility? Would someone pay for my plane fare so I can attend? Or maybe, go to CD Baby and listen to my songs so that, penny by penny, I might at least make it halfway across the country, where I might watch the proceedings from a TV in a dingy hotel room, muttering to myself about the people who wouldn't pay to listen to my songs at CD Baby, that I might afford to be a few miles closer to where things are happening? Don't I deserve at least that, enough song money to be within a thousand miles of it? By the way, I recommend my song, "Whatever Happened" (which is also available for free elsewhere on the Internet in higher quality than mp3, as well as the music video, I didn't just say that, I wonder if Jimi Hendrix' ghost is laughing at me for that, which would be quite an honor).

Stop Pointing That Erasure At Me
Also difficult for me to ignore: In my August 22nd blog article I correlated the book burning in Ray Bradbury's "Farenheit 451" to the suppressive mentality of Iran's president. Now in the news we see this Terry Jones character suddenly causing an international stir with his vile plans to have a book burning of the Quran. I am not pleased by this (please note my use of the word "vile"). Nevertheless, of all the book burning the world has seen, rarely has the idea of such received this level of attention, including in this instance condemnation from the Pentagon, the Pope, and most importantly, Hillary Clinton (unless you're Catholic and/or militaristic, please don't put me in the middle of this). All this less than three weeks after my book burning referencing blog article. I do recognize that only those who read the blog article upon its publication could testify to this, it being that, as mentioned earlier, this Blogspot site makes it possible to fiddle with dates. Nevertheless, for those who know what I am saying is true about my having posted a blog article on August 22nd that makes significant anti-book burning mention, and also for those who have by now learned to believe me: this is far from the first time the right-wing has used me to springboard their crap onto center-stage. I suppose they would consider it their true crowning achievement if I permitted it to silence me, or bug me. Well, I can recognize a bright side. You see, when one plays pool, one often aims for the bank, it is well known that this is how to hit certain balls into certain pockets and leave oneself well-positioned. I think it extremely possible that, after Terry Jones is finished playing the antagonist in this little drama, the larger story that emerges will be a positive one. People who might otherwise seem aligned against all Muslims showing their repugnance at such conduct. Etc.

I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing Like Jimi Hendrix
And finally, on Sept. 6th, immediately following my Sept. 5th blog article about seeing words of my song show up in somebody's Facebook posting (seemingly inadvertantly), President Obama used words from a Hendrix song in a speech, as if inadvertantly ("they talk about me like a dog" - "Stone Free" by Jimi Hendrix). Okay, not enough here to necessarily construe that this had anything whatsoever to do with my blog article the previous day. How about the fact that the same blog article of mine held back from observing Hendrix song postings by Facebook friends who presumably don't know each other, in that they coincided with my Dwight Hendricks ("Memphis Beat") blog articles? I held back on including mention of those Hendrix incidents, though it would have been germaine to my blog article, owing to the fact that many see posting a Hendrix song on Facebook as being as common as using the word, "the". I would generally concur, if not for the collective significance when seen alongside the other stuff to which I was referring. But it was too obscure a point for me to make in my Sept. 5th blog article, so I held back - now, perhaps, things are different (too late!). I have also indicated in previous blogs that I am an occasional influence on what the President of the United States says. And that he is an old friend of someone I know at work.

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