Monday, October 25, 2010

Oliver Hardy Laughter

Just as someone might, with relatively little difficulty, begin with nuclear energy, yet one day find himself to be in possession of a nuclear weapon, so Saturday Night Live has, by starting with the "plank of wood, a 2x4" originated by me (previous blog, 10.17.10) while discussing SNL's (very) timely inside-references to Steinhoff material, somehow found a way to beat my plowshare (well, plank) into a 2x8 (disclaimer- these dimensions are based on a visual approximation):

I believe it clearly contains stuff that can easily be interpreted as a continuation of what started in my previous (10.17.10) blog as an Ahmadinejad "discussion" with SNL. How far that reaches into this videoclip has yet to be resolved, though I see where this could all easily culminate in a three-picture deal, or another sketch, only this time all of the characters get to be sitting down on nice soft chairs.


Anonymous said...

When can all of us expect a new entry?

Steinhoff said...

Thanks for asking....

After I see "Megamind" today I plan a few words, including my initial response regarding a possible Steinhoff element there or not. It is produced by Stuart Cornfeld, whom I sort of knew a very long time ago, and on whom I've often been an influence, including recently (his producing partner, Ben Stiller, showed up at the Oscars in blue skin and a fishing rod, which, given Stiller's Cornfeld-ness, is something I have to take as a reference to my "Gosk" video); and "Megamind" stars Will Ferrell, also someone on whom I've often been influence, including recently.

I will also have a few words on other stuff.