You are not allowed to do any kind of interconnecting between any matters relating to the Iranian president found in the following (which I describe as being in relation to my “theory” in order to lessen the possibility that I will be sent to the loony bin for taking it as fact and not just theory) and matters one may have read about regarding Iran receiving from North Korea assistance towards achieving its nuclear weapons capability ambitions (especially at this point in time when North Korea is about to blow up the world again, South Korea first perhaps, I want to stay away from all that, being shy).
Eleventh Hour Make-Believe Diplomacy
Whether you agree with a theory, disagree with a theory, feel a slightly involuntary urge to laugh in the face of someone because of their theory, or want to go out and kill cats because of a theory (whatever): if the theory results in strange predictions that nevertheless come to pass in spite of how unlikely they may seem…. well, a rational person should certainly take notice of such developments, or at least stop feeling a slightly involuntary urge to laugh in my face, that is, not laugh in the face of a person because of their theory, if such developments occur after they are predicted by a theory.
In my August 28, 2010 blog article (copyrighted Sept. 2010, when I published it at Archive.Org in the fourth volume of my blog articles there), I was particularly explicit regarding a previously-described Steinhoff lexicon situation that I contend has come to involve many in entertainment, a lexicon which is also seeing usage by Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president.
My lexicon “theory” is described by me as likely having to do with my secret super-importance in relation to the work of many, McCartney in many instances, and also the work of Spielberg (see my “Steven Spielberg and the ‘Mall Man’ Factor”, posted at Archive.Org in Dec. 2009). That the world of politics is also in the picture to a considerable degree is ascribed in part to Spielberg being among the WORLD's most prominent/high profile Jewish men; now factor in that Ahmadinejad is someone who publicly announced a wish that the Jewish state of Israel be blown off the map, while he meanwhile is presumed by the West to be developing nuclear weapons capability. So I’m saying I’ve attracted the notice of Ahmadinejad, who, in his more attention-grabbing statements, has been secretly referencing the same lexicon also referenced in much product from the entertainment industry.
The idea that people would be indulging in such a “game” together, one of this variety, would perhaps tend to seem worthy of more serious consideration, were anyone but myself presenting this awareness to you. For, by me being the one asserting this lexicon is built around things I myself have made/have been prominently involved in, it immediately and clearly makes it all incredibly unlikely-sounding and absurd-sounding, however absurd so much in life may be. As I’ve expressed before, it wasn’t my idea for this lexicon to exist, to be brought to the table, to be so much at the center of the chessboard. Yet I recognize that the reporting or ignoring of certain developments should not be predicated so entirely on the degree of mass acceptability one expects such a report to receive. And my vantage point makes the question of reporting or not reporting one of taking responsibility.

And so, how could it fail to jump off the page for me when, on November 21, 2010, Ahmadinejad, with what would obviously be an attention-grabbing statement, announced that he wants Iranian girls to marry at the age of sixteen?
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