Friday, December 31, 2010

Having No Direct Affect On The Fate Of Humanity Lately

Just here this time to quickly jot down a few things and let the world know this is an alive-and-well blogsite. I know I don't normally leave so long an interval between blogs, however, if one carefully reads the name of my blogsite, "Jonathan D. Steinhoff's Sometimes Blog", you would have to agree that I'm covered in such instances, right? Because I'm the one who gets to say how much time can be represented by the word "sometimes". Oh yeah, I had this angle figured out back when I first named this blogsite, got myself totally covered here.

A Few Quickly Jotted Down Things

Without going into any amount of detail (which would of course be well worth the hours of explanation were I to), here is a listing of the people and/or shows I have recently, specifically observed as doing things "because of me" (these specific observations all previously unreported by me). In each instance, my concluding the "because of me" part results from how I put things together, including putting things together in relation to my extensive, unusual, previous experiences in matters of this variety (whatever variety that is, sure wish I knew).
  1. Tim Burton
  2. Prince
  3. "Smallville" (12.10.10 episode, re my song, "December 1980, Morning")
  4. "Christmas In Madagascar"
  5. Paul McCartney (12.11.10 SNL, re my "Endless Voyage" photograph)
  6. Paul McCartney singling out Nat King Cole in making a general reference to music while discussing The Beatles on iTunes, this occurring immediately after I had discussed Nat King Cole's twin daughters with a friend of Cole's twins. (There is a long history of people such as Paul McCartney, Taylor Swift, Elisha Cuthbert, and many others taking things that have recently come up in my conversations with people in restaurants or where I work, and working them into things they say immediately thereafter in interviews, which, as always, is something I see as just another part of that secret, crazy, snowballing phenomenon started by John Lennon and Paul McCartney during the '60s, "Jonathan D. Steinhoff (aka Secretly The Third Beatle Making Ringo The Fifth Beatle) Mania".)
  7. Conan writer tailing someone who looked like Jon Stewart while "The Daily Show" is on holiday break, within hours of that news story hitting about Conan apologizing for his writer giving him a joke that resembled a two-week old Jimmy Kimmel joke, Conan promising to fire the writer.
  8. "Book of Eli" movie
I'm sure there were many efforts I missed (was that Eric Clapton driving a truck in Houston? because if so it would have regarded me in relation to "Slowhand" due to a certain set of circumstances, but if not, and then again, etc., etc., etc.). Who knows, perhaps even a few efforts regarding which those involved would deny such a connection in their work to me/my material. How strange that would be.

Happy New Year!

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