- Wish Paul McCartney a Happy Birthday with a little video of me.
- Present to you my newest story idea, "Amnesia Land," which has a kind of Twilight Zone-like profundity contained within it, secretly designed to change the world and make your teeth look like new while you sleep, if applied correctly.
- Say hi everyone.
- Suggest to al Qaeda and the Taliban that, as bin Laden is gone, they might want to consider going into some other line of business that doesn't annoy people so much.
If you are Paul McCartney, and if it is still June 18, 2011, please see this happy birthday wish from me (if you are not Paul McCartney, or you are but it is no longer 6/18/11, this is not for you):
My newest writing, entitled "Amnesia Land," is posted for one and all at my posting site of preference, Archive.Org:
It is meant to be read as a totally incomplete assessment of the human race's tendency to severe its own connections to that which bridges it to something or another, who can remember.
This section is for those who just enjoy a simple sentiment, "Hi Everyone". And I read somewhere that saying this sometimes leads to fame and fortune. Not that I actually seek fame and fortune per se, though perhaps fortune would be nice. To someone like me, fame would ultimately be quite the downside to the "fame and fortune" combo, although on Paul McCartney's birthday it all somehow sounds like a nice, reasonable arrangement!
My idea here is to seize the moment and make an appeal to any al Qaeda and/or Taliban readers I might have (please take the trouble to see my blogs regarding the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, the Times Square So-Called Attempted Bombing, etc., etc.) to lay down their arms or whatever they're using. There may never be a more perfect fork in the road from which to take a path of peace. And I'm sure with my connections you can each get a free ice cream cone for every weapon you turn in! Hmmm, perhaps this is something you should do even if a free ice cream cone isn't involved - oh, but I mean, it will, an ice cream cone will definitely be involved, I never meant to suggest this free ice cream cone offer was being retracted!
[Please Note - This section may or may not be followed-up on at some time in the future, specifically, a possible general appeal to the public at large for contributions of ice cream and/or cones, depending on what results from this free ice cream cones offer, which has never been tried before.]
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