Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Misleading Title

I was staring at the title of my previous blog (which is also the title of my comedy sketch idea), "Peek-A-Boo, ICU", for about, I don't know, an hour, and suddenly all I wanted to do was make everything simple, just like in a game of peek-a-boo.

I've many times pointed out that SNL ("Saturday Night Live") has made quite a bit of use of my ideas, using my ideas in the very same week's show the ideas were designated for. In my Sept. 28th blog I mentioned the most recent example, although admittedly, my idea in this instance "surfaced" in my September 16th blog and used on the September 27th SNL, a rather substantial 11-day interim. This, however, was a special circumstance: it followed the first two shows in two years that didn't use my ideas (as I've mentioned in previous blogs). And so it is only fair to regard this as a reunion, a special circumstance, or perhaps, an-I-don't-know-what.

I stated in my first paragraph here that suddenly I want to make everything simple. So to make good on that promise, here is where my idea originally appeared (look at the Comment by JonathanDS below the article), and here is where it wound up on SNL:

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