Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Roll Over, Not Enough Time For The Beethoven

What was I thinking when I wrote my previous blog, "Not Enough Time For The Beethoven"? For those who followed-up on the Terrance Williams reference that blog contained, the phrase, "Not enough time for the Beethoven," refers to a line Terrance's character speaks in my "Gosk" video.

But I mean, what was I thinking? That just because everyone all over the place of great stature for years and years and years has valued my material, bringing pieces of it to countless works in various popular mediums, through which the public values it, that therefore I should have a position resembling in any way who I am in the world? How naive, how upsetting of ALL the apple carts, how oblivious to the complex interconnectivity of all things that would surely be convoluted by an appropriate response to me. Oh yes, I do get an appropriate response whenever (okay, sometimes when) I order a cheeseburger. But is that the extent to which we are obliged to provide appropriate responses to one another? I may not be Mr. Conventional/ Appropriate, I may have a broadminded outlook comparatively speaking, but in whose mind does this place me so far outside the world of appropriate responses?

Okay, now I'm ready to leave that blog behind. You see, I'm not making a serious complaint here, so much as I'm trying to find a way inside myself to severe my bond with that blog. I can do it now. I can post this blog and thusly make that blog part of the past. That's all it is. Leaving things behind with the amount of force necessary.

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