I have much to say about tonight's "MTV Movie Awards". In my yesterday/May 30th blog, "Swordfish" (But how do you know I wrote "Swordfish" yesterday? On this blog site I could come back, re-edit the blog I'm writing now on the day after the 2012 presidential election, write in the winner's name, and it will still have today's date on it - the only ones who will know I actually wrote my "Swordfish" May 30, 2009 blog on May 30, 2009 and didn't re-edit it afterwards to suit changing information are the people who actually read it prior to the relevant things that followed, whoever those people are.... and what about the people who falsely claim, for whatever reason, that I changed it after May 30th - maybe someone will be offered $1.98 to make a false claim such as this for all I know? Fortunately, I have accumulated plenty of evidence regarding my veracity, and so don't need to grab at proof of every fact just to address the skeptics/cynics/bastards out to get me. And so I will stay with this blog site and its shortcoming of date/time stamps that mean nothing.), where was I?
Oh yes, in my May 30th "Swordfish" blog I ended by suggesting Will Ferrell and others be in a comedy bit together, either on the May 31st "MTV Movie Awards" or on the June 1st "Tonight Show" when Conan debuts as host, the subject of which would be comedians using their role as comedians to give the audience something that resolves the North Korean situation. Instead, Jim Carrey (who, incidentally, is slated to appear in the upcoming "Ripley's Believe It Or Not", to be produced by someone to whom I often refer, Sean Daniel) and Will Ferrell were together in a bit where Carrey announces to the audience his secret solution to resolving the Swine Flu situation.
I also noticed on tonight's "MTV Movie Awards" how the cast of the "Harry Potter" movies, in setting up a preview of the next "Harry Potter", used the same thing I used yesterday in my "Swordfish" blog, the idea of feeling the need to start from Square One just to say the newest thing on a subject, and so to set up the clip the actor who plays Potter (Harry Potter) begins explaining the story of Harry (Harry Potter) from the moment of his (Harry Potter's) birth (We've all seen this before here and there - but this occurrence was the day following my use of the idea. Then there's the fact that "Harry Potter" movies are among the many movies that have made inside-references to me/my material.).
I do not know what to make of the opening sketch of the "MTV Movie Awards". "Swordfish" is a reference to a Marx Brothers movie, where it is the password to get into a speakeasy. The opening sketch was not about trying to find a way into a room, it was about finding a way out of a room. It isn't clear to me that my use of the word "Swordfish" influenced this, as trying to get past a barrier is a little too common, like the word, "the". Not quite as common as the word "the", but fairly common.
As for the "MTV Movie Awards" bit about the commonness of heroes walking away in slow motion, I am suspicious. This is the kind of attempt at damage control I have come to expect whenever there is strong evidence that I have influenced something major. In this case I refer to the "Smallville" season finale and how they based the Clark Kent exit on my 1993 "Mall Man" video, as I detail in my May 21st blog. People who are not so astute as to appreciate my specific basis for correlating what occurred on "Smallville" with the ending of my 1993 "Mall Man" video could blur it all together with the idea of the general commonness of heroes walking away in slow motion. Furthermore, there are numerous times when "Smallville" has made clear inside-references to me/my material; and that the "Smallville" writers were also the writers on the last Sean Daniel movie ("Mummy 3") - a fact I became aware of only after I kept seeing use on "Smallville" of me/my material, well, I will just say that I not only lack the kind of proof that a moron would perceive, but that in certain instances I also lack the kind of proof that "less astute" people can detect.
In conclusion, I remain unable to resolve the North Korean situation, in spite of all the support provided and the undermining of support provided.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Yes, Bill (Bill Maher, host of the TV show, "Real Time With Bill Maher"), I noticed how your opening bit on the Friday, May 29th show could have been interpreted as a reference to my 1978 video, "How Did The Future Learn To Play Monopoly?" (my video which led to the Robert Zemeckis movie title, "Back To The Future", as the person I gave a copy to in 1978 was then Universal's spokesman for Zemeckis' first movie, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"). Of course, you (Bill Maher) and I know this would be far from the first time you made use of an idea of mine (and let me take this opportunity to apologize for the time we were standing next to eachother at a newsstand in Westwood and I didn't say anything in response to the cynical look you gave the copy of Rolling Stone I was buying that featured Kurt Cobain on the cover, but if I had spoken I would have felt compelled to explain to you then and there my inside reasons for believing Cobain might have been murdered).
You realize, Bill (Bill Maher, host of the TV show, "Real Time With Bill Maher", for those of you just joining us), that the part of "How Did The Future Learn To Play Monopoly?" to which I refer is where Eugene responds to the repeated chanting of, "We wanna play Monopoly! We wanna play Monopoly!" by saying, "Alright, I'll teach you! Just stop torturing me!" You also realize that the idea here was that they were chanting like children, and that this was torturous to Eugene, who was then ready to tell them what they wanted to know.
Were you also aware, Bill (Bill Maher, host of the TV show, "Real Time With Bill Maher", for those of you just joining us, or for those of you who have such a poor ability to retain ideas that I'm always having to start from Square One to get to any explanation, such as having to perpetually reiterate the fact that I am secretly super-important to the point where much of what goes on in the central arena of entertainment and politics contains inside-references to me/my material, and that no matter how much evidence I provide I'm still always having to start from Square One), were you also aware I say again, that while many have made inside-reference to that video of mine, including Paul McCartney (former member of The Beatles), it is Will Ferrell who has repeatedly used that part of it - when he appears in the first Austin Powers movie; and when he made that YouTube video with the little girl that drew so much attention. [idnctsbottaositd] Furthermore, are you aware that Will Ferrell is sort of a man-of-the-hour, in that he will be the first guest of Conan O'Brien when Conan takes over hosting duties (on Monday, June 1st) of "The Tonight Show" (a show initially hosted by the father of someone who lived down the hall from me at CalArts during the 70s, Johnny Carson, who made inside-references to my video, "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'" on the last night he had guests prior to his very last, lone, farewell show, a fact I brought to the attention of Craig Kilborn several days before the last night of his late night talk show, causing him to also make an inside-reference to that same video of mine on his last show, which featured Will Ferrell as a guest)?
And everyone (all over the place), are you aware that this could affect my proximity to Conan's first show?
Weighing this fact, and the fact that Conan will be receiving so much of the attention of so many in so nearly undiffused a manner on his first night (even if it is through talk and clips the next day and beyond for those who didn't see it), and also the fact that, with the latest nuclear "antics" of North Korean President Il, the planet feels strangely more tenuous than usual, I find myself also looking toward the gathering known as "The MTV Movie Awards" Sunday night (May 31st). This will be hosted by SNL's Adam Sandberg, who, as part of that show ("Saturday Night Live") has been involved in carrying out a few of my ideas now and then. That show will be sharing this special, nearly undiffused attention with Conan, at least in my view.
So, Bill Maher, Adam Sandberg, Conan O'Brien, Will Ferrell and myself should all sit down in a heavily guarded room, where none of our supervisors can be hired by the Republican Party to screw with us or whatever, and work out a way to defeat North Korean President Kim Jong Il, using this rare concentration of undiffused attention (or if not, Sandberg or O'Brien should do a comedy sketch about this idea of a secret, major summit of major comedy forces meeting for the purpose of defeating Il and saving the world).
You realize, Bill (Bill Maher, host of the TV show, "Real Time With Bill Maher", for those of you just joining us), that the part of "How Did The Future Learn To Play Monopoly?" to which I refer is where Eugene responds to the repeated chanting of, "We wanna play Monopoly! We wanna play Monopoly!" by saying, "Alright, I'll teach you! Just stop torturing me!" You also realize that the idea here was that they were chanting like children, and that this was torturous to Eugene, who was then ready to tell them what they wanted to know.
Were you also aware, Bill (Bill Maher, host of the TV show, "Real Time With Bill Maher", for those of you just joining us, or for those of you who have such a poor ability to retain ideas that I'm always having to start from Square One to get to any explanation, such as having to perpetually reiterate the fact that I am secretly super-important to the point where much of what goes on in the central arena of entertainment and politics contains inside-references to me/my material, and that no matter how much evidence I provide I'm still always having to start from Square One), were you also aware I say again, that while many have made inside-reference to that video of mine, including Paul McCartney (former member of The Beatles), it is Will Ferrell who has repeatedly used that part of it - when he appears in the first Austin Powers movie; and when he made that YouTube video with the little girl that drew so much attention. [idnctsbottaositd] Furthermore, are you aware that Will Ferrell is sort of a man-of-the-hour, in that he will be the first guest of Conan O'Brien when Conan takes over hosting duties (on Monday, June 1st) of "The Tonight Show" (a show initially hosted by the father of someone who lived down the hall from me at CalArts during the 70s, Johnny Carson, who made inside-references to my video, "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'" on the last night he had guests prior to his very last, lone, farewell show, a fact I brought to the attention of Craig Kilborn several days before the last night of his late night talk show, causing him to also make an inside-reference to that same video of mine on his last show, which featured Will Ferrell as a guest)?
And everyone (all over the place), are you aware that this could affect my proximity to Conan's first show?
Weighing this fact, and the fact that Conan will be receiving so much of the attention of so many in so nearly undiffused a manner on his first night (even if it is through talk and clips the next day and beyond for those who didn't see it), and also the fact that, with the latest nuclear "antics" of North Korean President Il, the planet feels strangely more tenuous than usual, I find myself also looking toward the gathering known as "The MTV Movie Awards" Sunday night (May 31st). This will be hosted by SNL's Adam Sandberg, who, as part of that show ("Saturday Night Live") has been involved in carrying out a few of my ideas now and then. That show will be sharing this special, nearly undiffused attention with Conan, at least in my view.
So, Bill Maher, Adam Sandberg, Conan O'Brien, Will Ferrell and myself should all sit down in a heavily guarded room, where none of our supervisors can be hired by the Republican Party to screw with us or whatever, and work out a way to defeat North Korean President Kim Jong Il, using this rare concentration of undiffused attention (or if not, Sandberg or O'Brien should do a comedy sketch about this idea of a secret, major summit of major comedy forces meeting for the purpose of defeating Il and saving the world).
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Making A Splash
Having just seen for the first time the Jack Black movie, "Kung Fu Panda", it being that it just had its HBO premium channel premier, providing this videoclip seems appropriate (the link you are directed to at the end is my August 13, 2008 blog, "A Piece of the Mask"):

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Seeing Through
Firstly, I am pleased to announce that I have posted a new film idea, "Whispers of the Nasty Ghost". (I may or may not have been influenced by sitting next to the stepmother of the author of the screenplay for the recent movie, "Haunting In Connecticut" during my nephew's bar mitzvah in Houston last weekend.)
Secondly, the season finale of SNL. In describing how the May 16, 2009 season finale of “Saturday Night Live” made inside-references to me/my material, I must put forward a number of facts for which I have no evidence, unless one could call forward witnesses (which of course one cannot). As always in such circumstances, I nevertheless find value in making a record, my silly reason being that what I have to say is the truth. I would prefer confining myself to references to things for which I can provide proof without need of witnesses, but life does not offer us everything on that particular silver platter, just some things. The reader might wish to look at blogs where I do prove my points, and consider that I just might be entitled to some credit. One might even consider it idiotic (rather than healthy skepticism or cynicism) to withhold credit under certain circumstances.
Background Information
1. Tom Hanks, for a while only an occasional guest on various sitcoms during the 70s, became the star of his own sitcom, “Bosom Buddies”, in consequence of a conversation I had with someone who attended my college, CalArts. Among other effects this had on me, it caused me to associate Tom Hanks with Steven Spielberg, this despite the fact that it wasn’t until years later that Tom Hanks became associated as one of the people Steven Spielberg used repeatedly as the star of his movies, and one of the people who did joint appearances/side projects with Steven Spielberg. The person with whom I had the conversation that led to Hanks’ TV show is from Houston, and it was during last weekend, when SNL had its season finale that featured surprise appearances by Hanks, and when Hanks’ movie, “Angels And Demons”, was released and became the number 1 movie in the country, that I made a rare trip to Houston for my nephew’s bar mitzvah. There I spoke with a long-time Houston friend of my sister and her husband, who knows this same person from both CalArts and Houston. Those familiar with how secretly important I am would have to consider whether the release of the Hanks film was deliberately designed to coincide with when the bar mitzvah occurred.
2. I am responsible for the creation of the sitcom, “My Name Is Earl”. Several episodes ago that show gave a character a slightly rare last name, which also happens to be the last name of someone with whom I work at my 9-5, the chair of a committee for which I take minutes at their monthly meetings. The June meeting will be this person’s last, as she is being deployed to Afghanistan (though a Kaiser Permanente employee, she is also “on call” or whatever the official term is).
3. For a while I was throwing around the idea that one could devise special gloves that, when worn, would make it possible to operate the tiny keyboards one finds on PDA devices as easily as a normal-size keyboard, two-handed speed typing. The idea involved things extruding from the fingertips of the gloves that would be comparatively small on the keyboard in contrast with normal-size fingers. Shortly thereafter, in October 2008, SNL did a sketch featuring someone on the Lawrence Welk Show with tiny fingers. I became nervous that, if there was a possibility that my idea would ever amount to anything, I should want to get something down on paper instead of just talking about it (though others could simultaneously have the same idea independent of knowing of my idea). I sent in to one of those places that solicit inventions, and took a step or two with the idea. I also tried to build a prototype, but the best I could do was these scary looking gloves with golf tees sticking out of each finger like claws. I gave up on it as an invention, but used the idea for my sketch comedy idea, “Teddy Tinyfingers”, where someone blows off his own hands on purpose so that artificial hands with tiny fingers could be worn for operating PDAs. The following week SNL referred to the idea that a good excuse for not going to work would be to say that your arms were blown off.
4. For two years I would send in sketch comedy ideas to several people connected to SNL, and for three years the following SNL would include some fragment from the idea submitted for that week (occasionally pieces would wind up within a few days on The Colbert Report or The Daily Show). The one time this didn’t happen, it turned out that someone proceeded to write a best-seller based on the idea, which was followed by one of the several people I had originally sent it to purchasing rights to develop the best-seller into a TV show. This past SNL season, however, my sketch comedy ideas have also been used at a higher level, leading to an important aspect of CNN’s election night coverage; a much-talked about occurrence at the second presidential debate hosted by Tom Brokaw; a much quoted statement by the President after his first week in office.
The 5.16.09 SNL Season Finale In Relation To Me/My Material
Secondly, the season finale of SNL. In describing how the May 16, 2009 season finale of “Saturday Night Live” made inside-references to me/my material, I must put forward a number of facts for which I have no evidence, unless one could call forward witnesses (which of course one cannot). As always in such circumstances, I nevertheless find value in making a record, my silly reason being that what I have to say is the truth. I would prefer confining myself to references to things for which I can provide proof without need of witnesses, but life does not offer us everything on that particular silver platter, just some things. The reader might wish to look at blogs where I do prove my points, and consider that I just might be entitled to some credit. One might even consider it idiotic (rather than healthy skepticism or cynicism) to withhold credit under certain circumstances.
Background Information
1. Tom Hanks, for a while only an occasional guest on various sitcoms during the 70s, became the star of his own sitcom, “Bosom Buddies”, in consequence of a conversation I had with someone who attended my college, CalArts. Among other effects this had on me, it caused me to associate Tom Hanks with Steven Spielberg, this despite the fact that it wasn’t until years later that Tom Hanks became associated as one of the people Steven Spielberg used repeatedly as the star of his movies, and one of the people who did joint appearances/side projects with Steven Spielberg. The person with whom I had the conversation that led to Hanks’ TV show is from Houston, and it was during last weekend, when SNL had its season finale that featured surprise appearances by Hanks, and when Hanks’ movie, “Angels And Demons”, was released and became the number 1 movie in the country, that I made a rare trip to Houston for my nephew’s bar mitzvah. There I spoke with a long-time Houston friend of my sister and her husband, who knows this same person from both CalArts and Houston. Those familiar with how secretly important I am would have to consider whether the release of the Hanks film was deliberately designed to coincide with when the bar mitzvah occurred.
2. I am responsible for the creation of the sitcom, “My Name Is Earl”. Several episodes ago that show gave a character a slightly rare last name, which also happens to be the last name of someone with whom I work at my 9-5, the chair of a committee for which I take minutes at their monthly meetings. The June meeting will be this person’s last, as she is being deployed to Afghanistan (though a Kaiser Permanente employee, she is also “on call” or whatever the official term is).
3. For a while I was throwing around the idea that one could devise special gloves that, when worn, would make it possible to operate the tiny keyboards one finds on PDA devices as easily as a normal-size keyboard, two-handed speed typing. The idea involved things extruding from the fingertips of the gloves that would be comparatively small on the keyboard in contrast with normal-size fingers. Shortly thereafter, in October 2008, SNL did a sketch featuring someone on the Lawrence Welk Show with tiny fingers. I became nervous that, if there was a possibility that my idea would ever amount to anything, I should want to get something down on paper instead of just talking about it (though others could simultaneously have the same idea independent of knowing of my idea). I sent in to one of those places that solicit inventions, and took a step or two with the idea. I also tried to build a prototype, but the best I could do was these scary looking gloves with golf tees sticking out of each finger like claws. I gave up on it as an invention, but used the idea for my sketch comedy idea, “Teddy Tinyfingers”, where someone blows off his own hands on purpose so that artificial hands with tiny fingers could be worn for operating PDAs. The following week SNL referred to the idea that a good excuse for not going to work would be to say that your arms were blown off.
4. For two years I would send in sketch comedy ideas to several people connected to SNL, and for three years the following SNL would include some fragment from the idea submitted for that week (occasionally pieces would wind up within a few days on The Colbert Report or The Daily Show). The one time this didn’t happen, it turned out that someone proceeded to write a best-seller based on the idea, which was followed by one of the several people I had originally sent it to purchasing rights to develop the best-seller into a TV show. This past SNL season, however, my sketch comedy ideas have also been used at a higher level, leading to an important aspect of CNN’s election night coverage; a much-talked about occurrence at the second presidential debate hosted by Tom Brokaw; a much quoted statement by the President after his first week in office.
The 5.16.09 SNL Season Finale In Relation To Me/My Material
- On the SNL season finale, their first sketch following the monologue (not counting the replaying of a sketch clip from when Will Ferrell, the guest host, was a cast member) brought back the Lawrence Welk sketch idea with the lady with tiny fingers (see Item 3, above), of all things.
- The second sketch following the monologue featured a surprise appearance by Tom Hanks (see Item 1) experiencing difficulty in removing his hand from inside a jar, bringing to mind the idea of a person whose hand is too big (ala Winnie The Pooh). Tom Hanks then bumped his head in such a way as to produce a distinct nubbin in the center of his forehead. There is a person on the committee at my 9-5 that meets monthly and for which I take minutes (see Item 2, above) who has an extremely distinct nubbin in the center of her forehead, who without a doubt was brought to mind by all who know her and saw SNL (she is also in line to become chair as replacement for the person on that committee who is leaving for Afghanistan).
- A nationally played commercial on the SNL season finale contained something which, in this context, is an inside-reference to something between myself and the CalArts / Houston person (see Item 1).
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Let's Be More Tolerant Of Lactose
Before I get to the following videoclip regarding references to me/my material on the May 17th season finale of "The Simpsons", a few things should be known. Why is it sanitized of Simpsons images? I ask you to go back to my 11/30/08 blog, "Give My Regards To Silence", where I describe circumstances that caused me to pull Simpsons images from YouTube. In reading that blog, I also ask that you note my mentioning how "The Simpsons" particularly likes to include things regarding the 1974 CalArts student film, "Limbo", which I worked on. I would also wish to add that this is the fourth Simpsons in a row this season referencing "Limbo" to enough of a degree for me to make a videoclip - videoclips I have not posted due to reasons described in the above-referenced (and linked) 11/30/08 blog. And finally, the 1990, 1992 video referred to in the videoclip, "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'", features my father, Reynold Steinhoff, who passed away in 2000, delivering a line about cigarettes using the identical words and, more importantly, intonation, as the Lisa Simpson character delivering a line about milk:
If there is anyone out there asking why I did not include a correlation between Homer hurling into a saxophone on that episode with the saxophone image in my Dostoyevsky video, my carefully considered response is: yeah, they would have liked that.
In the past I have been inclined to believe that Simpsons references to various things Steinhoff (mostly "Limbo") most likely resulted from Mark Kirkland (Simpsons director) living down the hall from me at CalArts during the 70s, knowing the same people as me. I'm now theorizing that Hank Azaria, who does the voices of numerous Simpsons characters, could be behind it: He frequently works with Ben Stiller (see Stiller connection in my previous blog of 5/22/09); and his appearance on last night's Kimmel show included an inside-reference for my benefit to something that occurred when his ex-wife played someone giving birth on "Mad About You". That's enough for me to put him on my secret list, "Potential Fans Potentially Willing To Kill For Me".
If there is anyone out there asking why I did not include a correlation between Homer hurling into a saxophone on that episode with the saxophone image in my Dostoyevsky video, my carefully considered response is: yeah, they would have liked that.
In the past I have been inclined to believe that Simpsons references to various things Steinhoff (mostly "Limbo") most likely resulted from Mark Kirkland (Simpsons director) living down the hall from me at CalArts during the 70s, knowing the same people as me. I'm now theorizing that Hank Azaria, who does the voices of numerous Simpsons characters, could be behind it: He frequently works with Ben Stiller (see Stiller connection in my previous blog of 5/22/09); and his appearance on last night's Kimmel show included an inside-reference for my benefit to something that occurred when his ex-wife played someone giving birth on "Mad About You". That's enough for me to put him on my secret list, "Potential Fans Potentially Willing To Kill For Me".
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Undiluted Something
Today being the opening day of the sequel to the Ben Stiller movie about a security guard's first night in a museum, "Night At The Museum", which was the second biggest movie of 2006 I believe, I would like to describe something interesting in relation to it.
"Night At The Museum" is based on a story that was written in the 90s. During the following decade it was one among many screenplays kicking around Hollywood without a producer, director, star, etc.
Then I sent my sketch comedy idea about a security guard's first night in a museum, "The Museum Of Excellent Coffee", to two people: a longtime friend of Steven Spielberg (Sean Daniel, the first person from whom I learned of CalArts, the college I attended); and the person who co-runs film production company Red Hour Films with Ben Stiller, Stuart Cornfeld (whom I half-knew during the '70s). Within one month's time, Ben Stiller had signed on to play the security guard character in "Night At The Museum", and Stephen Sommers left the Spielberg production of "When Worlds Collide to direct "Night At The Museum". This resulted in Spielberg becoming the replacement director on "When Worlds Collide" in order to fill the void left by Sommers. Sommers then relieved Spielberg of directorial duties by returning to "When Worlds Collide", and Shawn Levy became director of "Night At The Museum".
For those of you who have yet to go to the web posting of my sketch comedy idea, "Timeout" at archive.org, which I referred to in my March 22nd blog, I have concluded that the opening of the May 14th season finale of the TV show, "The Office" resulted from it. [idnctsbottaositd] (For a definition of those strange red letters, you will have to go back to my May 10th blog.) Not just the opening, but later when Michael's character uses advance knowledge of something important to others in his company picnic sketch. I know the concept of a person moving back someone's clocks to manipulate a situation is far from new. Yet I also know that "The Office" will occasionally do something apropos of my doing something, which I attribute to the involvement of Film Producer Stuart Cornfeld (someone to whom I refer periodically) with the actors on that show. One thing I do not understand is that, although the recorded time of posting on archive.org is unalterable, their counter of how many times something posted is opened fails to accurately reflect every time something is opened - I have put this to the test.
Two couples are sitting around a dinner table at the end of a meal, Steve and Mary, and Carol and Barney. Carol comes in from the kitchen carrying a coffee pot in one hand and a tray with pie in the other.
My goodness, Barney, you’ve got one talented wife there!
Oh, you mean the way she’s carrying all them things without dropping ’em? That’s nothing.
See that, Carol? You’re making me look bad! Ha-ha-ha!
Mary drops everything. I’m surprised she didn’t spill her wineglass yet! Ha-ha!
You’d be in a lot of trouble for that remark, mister - if not for the fact that it’s true! Ha-ha-ha!
Yeah, well, there’s something else Carol can do, too.
I think I know where you’re going with this, Barney, and thank goodness, that’s one thing Mary’s not too bad at either.
Thank you, Steve.
You deserve it, Mary.
No, I wasn’t - I’m talking about something else. Carol? Carol, isn’t it time we told Steve and Mary?
Oh my God, here we go again.
Carol doesn’t like talking about it. But let me tell you, she is absolutely amazing.
I give up. Nothing I say sinks into that thick, stupid skull of yours.
Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute! Now let’s just, what’s all this about?
I’ll tell you: Carol can travel back and forth in time!
You can?
I cannot. But Barney here seems to think so. No matter how many times I tell him….
Barney, what about it?
Carol, you know you can. Carol actually proved it to me, she even admitted it. Now she says, “uh-uh, no I can’t.”
Alright (heaves a heavy sigh), I’ll tell you what happened.
This is so exciting!
I love this!
Barney was drinking beer and watching football. So he falls asleep in front of the television. So I say to myself, “I know how to play a good trick on Barney for drinking beer and falling asleep in front of the TV while watching football.” So I watched the rest of the football game, but first I put on the VCR and recorded it. I turned the clocks in the house back an hour. So he wakes up, doesn’t even realize he fell asleep, and I’m sitting there telling him everything that’s gonna happen in the football game before it happens! ‘Cause we’re watching the tape of it on the VCR! So Barney says to me, “How’d you do that?” So I turn all serious, you know, I pretend I’m making this big confession, and I say to him, “I did it by traveling back in time!” He passed out a minute later or I woulda said I was from Mars too.
You know I never passed out. She just doesn’t want anyone to know the truth, d’ya, honey?
And no matter what I say, or how many times I say it, he just won’t believe me. He’s positive I can travel back in time. Keeps telling me I should go back in time and prevent the Lincoln assassination.
You can travel back in time?
Mary, weren’t you listening to what I just said?
Barney, maybe she was just playing a trick on you.
Look, the pretzel bowl! It was just empty and now it’s full! Carol must have gone back in time and filled it up!
This is incredible!
Oh, you! I filled it up, yes, without going back in time. Doesn’t anybody remember? While Steve and Mary were talking about how long the line was at the liquor store? Nobody remembers? (Steve, Barney and Mary look fixedly at Carol. There is a tense silence)
Well it was a pretty long line.
I’ll say. It’s like everybody suddenly decided to, to get drunk all at the same time! I’ve never seen the liquor store do so much business.
Maybe there’s some big holiday coming. Does anybody know if there’s a big holiday coming?
It’s not gonna be the 4th of July for a while.
Carol, this pie is absolutely delicious! Did you caramelize the walnuts or….
I’ll tell you my secret recipe, but then I’ll have to shoot you!
(All laugh, and continue discussing anything.)
Today being the opening day of the sequel to the Ben Stiller movie about a security guard's first night in a museum, "Night At The Museum", which was the second biggest movie of 2006 I believe, I would like to describe something interesting in relation to it.
"Night At The Museum" is based on a story that was written in the 90s. During the following decade it was one among many screenplays kicking around Hollywood without a producer, director, star, etc.
Then I sent my sketch comedy idea about a security guard's first night in a museum, "The Museum Of Excellent Coffee", to two people: a longtime friend of Steven Spielberg (Sean Daniel, the first person from whom I learned of CalArts, the college I attended); and the person who co-runs film production company Red Hour Films with Ben Stiller, Stuart Cornfeld (whom I half-knew during the '70s). Within one month's time, Ben Stiller had signed on to play the security guard character in "Night At The Museum", and Stephen Sommers left the Spielberg production of "When Worlds Collide to direct "Night At The Museum". This resulted in Spielberg becoming the replacement director on "When Worlds Collide" in order to fill the void left by Sommers. Sommers then relieved Spielberg of directorial duties by returning to "When Worlds Collide", and Shawn Levy became director of "Night At The Museum".
For those of you who have yet to go to the web posting of my sketch comedy idea, "Timeout" at archive.org, which I referred to in my March 22nd blog, I have concluded that the opening of the May 14th season finale of the TV show, "The Office" resulted from it. [idnctsbottaositd] (For a definition of those strange red letters, you will have to go back to my May 10th blog.) Not just the opening, but later when Michael's character uses advance knowledge of something important to others in his company picnic sketch. I know the concept of a person moving back someone's clocks to manipulate a situation is far from new. Yet I also know that "The Office" will occasionally do something apropos of my doing something, which I attribute to the involvement of Film Producer Stuart Cornfeld (someone to whom I refer periodically) with the actors on that show. One thing I do not understand is that, although the recorded time of posting on archive.org is unalterable, their counter of how many times something posted is opened fails to accurately reflect every time something is opened - I have put this to the test.
A sketch comedy idea by
Jonathan D. Steinhoff, ©3.22.09
A sketch comedy idea by
Jonathan D. Steinhoff, ©3.22.09
Two couples are sitting around a dinner table at the end of a meal, Steve and Mary, and Carol and Barney. Carol comes in from the kitchen carrying a coffee pot in one hand and a tray with pie in the other.
My goodness, Barney, you’ve got one talented wife there!
Oh, you mean the way she’s carrying all them things without dropping ’em? That’s nothing.
See that, Carol? You’re making me look bad! Ha-ha-ha!
Mary drops everything. I’m surprised she didn’t spill her wineglass yet! Ha-ha!
You’d be in a lot of trouble for that remark, mister - if not for the fact that it’s true! Ha-ha-ha!
Yeah, well, there’s something else Carol can do, too.
I think I know where you’re going with this, Barney, and thank goodness, that’s one thing Mary’s not too bad at either.
Thank you, Steve.
You deserve it, Mary.
No, I wasn’t - I’m talking about something else. Carol? Carol, isn’t it time we told Steve and Mary?
Oh my God, here we go again.
Carol doesn’t like talking about it. But let me tell you, she is absolutely amazing.
I give up. Nothing I say sinks into that thick, stupid skull of yours.
Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute! Now let’s just, what’s all this about?
I’ll tell you: Carol can travel back and forth in time!
You can?
I cannot. But Barney here seems to think so. No matter how many times I tell him….
Barney, what about it?
Carol, you know you can. Carol actually proved it to me, she even admitted it. Now she says, “uh-uh, no I can’t.”
Alright (heaves a heavy sigh), I’ll tell you what happened.
This is so exciting!
I love this!
Barney was drinking beer and watching football. So he falls asleep in front of the television. So I say to myself, “I know how to play a good trick on Barney for drinking beer and falling asleep in front of the TV while watching football.” So I watched the rest of the football game, but first I put on the VCR and recorded it. I turned the clocks in the house back an hour. So he wakes up, doesn’t even realize he fell asleep, and I’m sitting there telling him everything that’s gonna happen in the football game before it happens! ‘Cause we’re watching the tape of it on the VCR! So Barney says to me, “How’d you do that?” So I turn all serious, you know, I pretend I’m making this big confession, and I say to him, “I did it by traveling back in time!” He passed out a minute later or I woulda said I was from Mars too.
You know I never passed out. She just doesn’t want anyone to know the truth, d’ya, honey?
And no matter what I say, or how many times I say it, he just won’t believe me. He’s positive I can travel back in time. Keeps telling me I should go back in time and prevent the Lincoln assassination.
You can travel back in time?
Mary, weren’t you listening to what I just said?
Barney, maybe she was just playing a trick on you.
Look, the pretzel bowl! It was just empty and now it’s full! Carol must have gone back in time and filled it up!
This is incredible!
Oh, you! I filled it up, yes, without going back in time. Doesn’t anybody remember? While Steve and Mary were talking about how long the line was at the liquor store? Nobody remembers? (Steve, Barney and Mary look fixedly at Carol. There is a tense silence)
Well it was a pretty long line.
I’ll say. It’s like everybody suddenly decided to, to get drunk all at the same time! I’ve never seen the liquor store do so much business.
Maybe there’s some big holiday coming. Does anybody know if there’s a big holiday coming?
It’s not gonna be the 4th of July for a while.
Carol, this pie is absolutely delicious! Did you caramelize the walnuts or….
I’ll tell you my secret recipe, but then I’ll have to shoot you!
(All laugh, and continue discussing anything.)
Night At The Museum,
The Office
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Name That Super Person
I've been happily noticing a few recent season finales referencing me/my material, which I plan to detail shortly:
- "The Office"
- "Saturday Night Live"
- "The Simpsons"
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Introducing idnctsbottaositd
I seem to have amassed a few inside-reference shout-outs to me (and what-not) recently that I haven't gotten around to acknowledging. I do not offer evidence here that I have correctly identified these for what they are, nor do I intend to go into the extremely detailed explanations required for the uninvolved reader to appreciate the thinking process by which I arrived at these observations.
Unfortunately, because I do not accompany these mentions with extremely detailed explanations, the uninvolved reader is likely to perceive fallacies in my thinking process. There are many fields of study in this world where even the smallest reference to a symbol or concept could necessitate paragraphs of explanation and justification, and these inside-reference shout-outs and what-nots of mine, in this regard, seem also to deserve being categorized with such fields of study. The key difference being that, in other areas, the absence of a detailed explanation does not automatically tend to lead to false assumptions regarding the underlying thinking process. I therefore have devised an abbreviated manner for conveying this:
I [i] do [d] not [n] conclude [c] this [t] simply [s] because [b] of [o] the [t] timing [t] and/or [ao] similarities [s] in [i] the [t] details [d] = [idnctsbottaositd]
Unfortunately, because I do not accompany these mentions with extremely detailed explanations, the uninvolved reader is likely to perceive fallacies in my thinking process. There are many fields of study in this world where even the smallest reference to a symbol or concept could necessitate paragraphs of explanation and justification, and these inside-reference shout-outs and what-nots of mine, in this regard, seem also to deserve being categorized with such fields of study. The key difference being that, in other areas, the absence of a detailed explanation does not automatically tend to lead to false assumptions regarding the underlying thinking process. I therefore have devised an abbreviated manner for conveying this:
I [i] do [d] not [n] conclude [c] this [t] simply [s] because [b] of [o] the [t] timing [t] and/or [ao] similarities [s] in [i] the [t] details [d] = [idnctsbottaositd]
- When I joked to someone that I was going to go hang out in the parking lot, and the next day an article appeared about Paul McCartney in a parking lot, that was an inside-reference shout-out to me. [idnctsbottaositd]
- In the movie "Fred Claus" (which just had its cable TV premium channel debut), when Fred Claus finds impossible the playing of the same song over and over, that was a result of my 1994 sci-fi comedy video, "Gosk, Part 1", where Clerp becomes agitated at the playing of the same song over and over. [idnctsbottaositd]
- A recent appearance by Regis Philbin on the David Letterman Show (the one which included a performance from "Hair"), as with all appearances by Regis on Letterman for at least the past ten years, included an inside-reference shout-out to me regarding one of the (few) things that passed between myself and a particular woman Regis once introduced himself to in a New York City restaurant. [idnctsbottaositd]
- The last three "Simpsons" episodes, as with many other "Simpsons" episodes, included an inside-reference shout-out to me and to someone who is an old friend of Senator Edward Kennedy (Kennedy being the prototype for the Mayor of Springfield, the town in which the Simpsons live), through one of their frequent inside-references to a particular scene from the CalArts 1974 Film Class' 16mm movie/class project, "Limbo". [idnctsbottaositd]
Sunday, May 3, 2009
In A Darkroom
From certain blogs of mine, one may arrive at the correct perception that I believe myself to be secretly very important in relation to Spielberg, McCartney, and others of great renown, and that in connection with this, I have been singled out by one or more monstrous group as one to obsessively focus on, and to incorporate in some way into their horrendous acts of violence. I point to my blog of March 13th regarding the deaths of Princess Diana and the Duchess of York, my follow-up blog of March 23rd regarding the recent death of Natasha Richardson, the wife of the star of Spielberg's current movie project, and another follow-up blog of March 30th. I also point to my immediately previous blog of April 30th regarding the death of the son of President Kennedy. In various other places I've referred to what I believe also ties the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 to people who found a way to "leave things on my doorstep". Additionally, I've also referred in other places to various other things I regard as belonging in this category of clues regarding horrible things "left on my doorstep".
I furthermore have pointed out the idea that, to crack one of these cases, one could accomplish the multi-purposed task of cracking all of these cases. And that I see the chief obstacle to a proper investigation as being the very fact that my great importance is secret for the most part: Because without the acceptance of that part of the equation, why would they choose me as the person on whose doorstep to leave things? Therefore, why investigate on the basis of my saying things have been left on my doorstep?
I now add another event that I consider to be part of the same category as the above-referenced, with the hope that someone in a position to properly investigate sees in this an opportunity to crack a number of important cases all at once ("important cases" being an understatement when the history of all is concerned). This event that I am about to describe, though it is not in itself the kind of thing one will likely feel great concern over (in fact, it might even seem absurd to feel great concern), yet could prove worthy of great attention owing to the reasons I've described.
The Death of Georgia O'Keeffe
In 1986 I took a train from New York City to Hartford, Connecticut, where my sister, Judith, and her then-boyfriend (now husband), Donald, were living at the time. As my sister had once received special thanks in a book about famous photographer Alfred Stieglitz for contributing research, I brought with me as a house gift on this rare visit a large book of Stieglitz's photographs.
On the day that I rode the train to Hartford with the Stieglitz book, the 98-year old widow of Stieglitz, famous painter Georgia O'Keeffe, passed away.
I do not disagree that 98 years is a ripe old age, nor do I deny that coincidence and happenstance are a part of life. However, given the types of things that have happened to me of quite a different variety where high profile deaths are concerned, many of which I have not yet described, I consider there to be a potential significance here that has most likely gone uninvestigated. Again, the value of such an investigation would reside more in the possibility that it would lead to those connected to perpetrators of far more serious crimes, than in the injustice of a 98-year old being cheated out of all the years due her.
I furthermore have pointed out the idea that, to crack one of these cases, one could accomplish the multi-purposed task of cracking all of these cases. And that I see the chief obstacle to a proper investigation as being the very fact that my great importance is secret for the most part: Because without the acceptance of that part of the equation, why would they choose me as the person on whose doorstep to leave things? Therefore, why investigate on the basis of my saying things have been left on my doorstep?
I now add another event that I consider to be part of the same category as the above-referenced, with the hope that someone in a position to properly investigate sees in this an opportunity to crack a number of important cases all at once ("important cases" being an understatement when the history of all is concerned). This event that I am about to describe, though it is not in itself the kind of thing one will likely feel great concern over (in fact, it might even seem absurd to feel great concern), yet could prove worthy of great attention owing to the reasons I've described.
The Death of Georgia O'Keeffe
In 1986 I took a train from New York City to Hartford, Connecticut, where my sister, Judith, and her then-boyfriend (now husband), Donald, were living at the time. As my sister had once received special thanks in a book about famous photographer Alfred Stieglitz for contributing research, I brought with me as a house gift on this rare visit a large book of Stieglitz's photographs.
On the day that I rode the train to Hartford with the Stieglitz book, the 98-year old widow of Stieglitz, famous painter Georgia O'Keeffe, passed away.
I do not disagree that 98 years is a ripe old age, nor do I deny that coincidence and happenstance are a part of life. However, given the types of things that have happened to me of quite a different variety where high profile deaths are concerned, many of which I have not yet described, I consider there to be a potential significance here that has most likely gone uninvestigated. Again, the value of such an investigation would reside more in the possibility that it would lead to those connected to perpetrators of far more serious crimes, than in the injustice of a 98-year old being cheated out of all the years due her.
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