In recent blogs (4.8.10; 4.11.10; 4.18.10) I have discussed a connection I made between certain recent television inside-references to my few music videos, in relation to inside-references to me/my material contained in a recent statement by the Iranian President, about President Obama and with regard to nuclear weapons. The gravity of his involving me in this way is enormous. And he has done this before.
The following still is from my music video, "Dream", posted at in 2005:

Next is an excerpt from a news story that was on TV today (this incident was also described in an article in today's LA Times, though at the time the article was written it did not yet include the part about sleeping on train tracks):
I have often acknowledged in my blogs how the timestamp on this blog site can be manipulated, which is one reason why I periodically post the text of my blogs at so as to copyright them/prove they were created prior to certain points in time. I have not yet done that with regard to the above-referenced April blogs. However, the easily demonstrable significance of why I brought up in those blogs my few music videos transends whatever date I chose to write about it. The connection I made in those blogs shows that it was relevant, prior to this April 24th sleeping-on-the-train-tracks news story, for me to bring up in April my few music videos.
Thus, this news story happening to so unmistakably bring to mind yet another one of my few music videos during this same period demands serious attention - it relates to what I said regarding an action by the Iranian President. Consider where an investigation might lead, if one follows my theory. Theories are essential to investigations, they suggest where one should look. What the significance of what one finds might be.
Now someone who doesn't appear to be the non-entity that I appear to me (due to people having ulterior motives to bury my importance) had better step up to the plate. Because on the strength of a long-winded, detailed explanation from me of a theory of what this could be connected to - well, who would begin to listen, if they don't already accept that I am of sufficient influence to have caught the attention of the Iranian President? Burying the truth about my importance has long become the same thing as burying important clues in a matter that may prove most serious of all.
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