"Evaporating Ink", Chapter 20 I Think (Thought I'd Written It Down)Once again I only have things to blog for those who already appreciate that I don't make things up - there is no particular proof, not this time. Those who saw my October 25th blog's posting of my October 23rd Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip prior to October 30th will know that it was in fact created prior to the October 30th "Monk". However, skeptics have available to them the conjecture that I had inside word on what one would find in the October 30th "Monk", and so I could conceivably have conjured up something October 25th that would connect. There is no connection here to anything of mine that was unalterably timestamp posted some time ago (this blogsite's timestamp posting is malleable), so, no proof. However, once again, I point out that there exists, among my various blogs and elsewhere, proof for any intelligent person that I am indeed the point from which quite a bit of no small significance springboards. And so I really don't feel I am making too great a demand here to ask that I be taken at my word.
RegiftingI have previously referred to how every time Regis is on Letterman they work in inside-references to a woman I once worked with who Regis once introduced himself to in a restaurant, references that connect to me and the few things I ever had to do with her. Apparently I was mistaken in believing that Regis' first appearance on Letterman following the Letterman headlines about Dave in relation to his co-workers would be super big, though one might understand why they would choose not to play up that significance to this Regis appearance. Although: a show that often refers to my material,
"Smallville" (a TV show referred to in a number of previous blogs), did in fact, on the very same night (Oct. 30th) as this Regis appearance, contain a plotline about Lois and Clark being morning show hosts. Regis and Kelly were actually mentioned by name last night on "Smallville". This is not something that happens every day.
I am reluctant to detail specifically how they made their inside-reference to this former co-worker of mine during Regis' appearance on Letterman, but as one might expect, at least one familiar with my secret importance, this time around they made it very difficult for me to be so non-specific. They went to quite a great length, which makes my silence considerably more pronounced. And so, out of what is likely a misplaced belief that, when something makes the headlines as big as did the Letterman and co-workers episode, and then the all-important Regis appearance on Letterman (eventually) follows, and it drags me in the way they have, perhaps the social contract entitles the world to stare at me out of the corner of its eye until I come forward and explain what they did there.
One of the times that this woman left my company to go on maternity leave, back in the '80s, someone gave her a dark blue dress as a going-away gift. Everyone who was on Letterman last night, the night of Regis' appearance, with the singular EXCEPTION of Regis, wore an identical dark blue snuggy dress (or whatever it's called) that brought this same dark blue dress very much to (my) mind. However, back when she and I were co-workers, at one point when I pointed out that she was wearing the dark blue dress that a certain person had given her, she denied that she had ever been given it by him. This must certainly leave me not knowing what to believe, or not.
And this is where
"Smallville" comes in. This woman had once given me to understand that a person whose name I came across in a book about George Washington (found in a used bookstore/map store half a block from where we worked, and so perhaps something planted in my path), someone of importance in the sphere of Washington, with the same last name as hers, was the brother of her ancestor. She described to me how her mother had wanted her to follow-up and research this brother of her ancestor in the New York Public Library. She even wore white stockings to work sometimes. It was this ancestor of hers who first crossed the ocean from England to America (an action which I expect one is more likely to take when one's brother is hanging out with George Washington). I found this all quite fascinating, especially in light of my secret importance in relation to four of England's most important citizens (The Beatles).
When I offered her the book as my going-away gift for her maternity leave, she said it was too much. I was only able to persuade her to accept pages I tore out from the book that related to the brother of her ancestor, but not the entire book. What's a few pages? And so, I connect to what happened last night on Letterman regarding the blue dress gift, at least in my mind, an incident on last night's
"Smallville": Oliver wishes to present a woman with a gift, however, she refuses it.
Weekly MONK/STEINHOFF VIDEOCLIP, 10.30.09There are two things I would add regarding this week's Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip. Three, from a certain point of view, but I promise, two or three, it will not change the number of pages of this blog, even if I have to condense everything to achieve it:
- I have not included in the videoclip yet another reference by "Monk" to something that relates to inside-word pertaining to one of the potential terrorist clues I've previously blogged about (something relating to a Tim Robbins movie). I again choose not to go into further detail. I also noticed a car's license plate on my way home from work earlier that same day (well before the episode aired) that also tied in with an aspect of this same potential clue (the same aspect, in a certain sense), though there was nothing to suggest that whoever dispatched the car attached to this license plate had any kind of inside information on terrorist activity. Rather, it showed they had done a degree of follow-up regarding something to which I had only alluded.
- I have the feeling from certain things that occurred on "Monk" this week, and on the new "Monk" "tie-in" show, "Medium", and also from the trailer for next week's "Monk", that the Dockert character from my "Gosk" video is likely to come up in some inside-reference manner on the November 6th show(s).
Balcony SceneAfter that stuff in my October 25th blog about Jennifer Aniston in relation to stuff she "laid at my doorstep" regarding people and their affairs with other people's parents, I was anticipating some follow-up when her good friend Courteney Cox Arquette appeared on Letterman this past week (it's the type of thing I've come to expect). All I saw was David Letterman climbing a ladder to the balcony so that he could give Ms. Arquette's mother some flowers for her birthday.
This is not something that can be construed as an affair with somebody's parent, try as we may. Perhaps things would have worked out differently had they placed Ms. Arquette's mother in the mezzanine (we can only imagine the possible scenario that might then have resulted, and personally, I am shocked just to think about it).
What's All This I Keep Hearing About Violins On TelevisionNot too long ago I was speaking with someone at work and found myself using the word "diddling". Suddenly feeling that I might be in danger of being reprimanded down the road for using a word synonymous with the "f" word (you don't know how careful some of us have to be), I quickly changed it to "diddling around" instead of just "diddling". Whew, nice save. There was probably no danger at any point anyway.
The next day occurred the usage by former Vice President Cheney of the word, "dithering", followed by much repetition and discussion by the media concerning his use of this word. If one is aware of the degree to which former President Bush has made inside-references to things that originated with me, one would perhaps appreciate why I now wish I hadn't come
anywhere near "diddling". I am a million times more an Obama person than a Republican (though I cannot say that where I work there are no Republicans to be found diddling around).
I Know It Happened But I Won't Later Dept.On the same night that Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" (a show that has been known to be influenced by me in a big way) said something that could conceivably have brought to mind my video, "Bishop And Pawn Forfeit Rule", the Jimmy Fallon Show, with help from Tim Robbins' wife, Susan Sarandon, also, in a different manner, did something that brought to (my) mind that same video of mine. Stewart spoke of going back in time and killing Afghanistan before he could create the country Afghanistan, and Sarandon gave Jimmy Fallon a ping pong paddle so small that it turned his great ping pong expertise to naught. Both on the same night! That has to be worth at least four points.