Sunday, July 18, 2010

Have You Heard The Dream About The....

I have more than one thing of interest to report this time around, two or more (depending on how one counts), and have carefully sorted them out in order of importance for you.

If A Derelict Falls Down In The Woods And No One Is There To Hear It
(sung to the tune of "If A Tree Falls In The Woods")

I have today posted a new story, "The Dead Time Traveling Derelict" at Archive.Org. If it goes the way of 99.9% of my other ideas, it will eventually get parted out like an old car, pieces showing up on The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Saturday Night Live, movies, other TV shows, etc. (imagine what the destructive effect on Hollywood would be if they had to start acknowledging that the things I create stand up as whole works by themselves rather than being nothing more than assortments of isolated fragments, and that usage of my works reflects on their intrinsic value rather than it all being some game of "including" me/my material in a fun and novel way?). Enjoy (and please edit out in your mind that last rant, it was weak of me to go on like that, please forgive me, I love everything that happens to me at all times).

I Must Think You Must Think I Must Be Dreaming

When I stayed up Friday night (technically Saturday morning, 7.17.10, 12:35 am) to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Jimmy Fallon's show, I was looking to see two things:
  • More that could be interpreted as connecting with "The French Stewart Situation" (described in, among other places, my immediately preceding, July 15th blog article, "Third Rock Lives").
  • Some potential indication that my immediately preceding, July 15th blog article had been noticed (Occasionally I observe very significant indications that my blog articles are being very noticed, and in turn oftentimes, very influential on very significant things - and also less than very, by varying degrees).
Sure enough, I found something I regard as meeting both criteria. As is always the case with inside-references whenever they occur throughout the world, what I found to be inside-references could simultaneously be seen as things that stand up by themselves, with no need for any other raison d'etre than that which one finds on the surface, thus tending to make suspect the ascribing to them of any additional properties, such as being inside-references:
  • In my May 1, 2010 blog article ("Dear Letter"), wherein I first announce the posting of my French Stewart video on YouTube ("Come On, French Stewart, You Owe Me!"), one finds a section entitled "Wheel Of Making Me Look Like I'm Piecing Together Sentences That Aren't There", which includes this paragraph:
.... please first permit me a moment to once again attempt to get across the cumulative concept: If John Lennon wears a T-shirt in Los Angeles that only has the letter "M" on it; and Paul McCartney wears a T-shirt the next day in London that only has the letter "I" on it; and George Harrison wears a T-shirt the day following that in San Francisco that only has the letter "C" on it; and Ringo Starr a week or two or even three later in Ann Arbor, Michigan wears a T-shirt that only has the letter "K" on it, and you are in on the fact that John, Paul, George and Ringo were once in a group together, you could surmise that the context exists in which Ringo's "K" could be seen as part of a deliberate effort to spell the word "Mick", even though "K" all by itself contains no such implication. And if someone took the basis of your surmisal out of context, and said, "How does 'K' have to necessarily be part of spelling 'Mick'?", or "How does 'I' and 'K' necessarily have to be part of spelling 'Mick'?", or "Why do you think of The Beatles at the same time as the Stones when their music is not really all that similar?", the person saying these things about your surmisal might be out to make you sound like an i-d-i-o-t, or themselves be less smart than a non-idiot.
  • If one saw Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Friday night's Fallon's show, one saw:

  • If one properly understood why I titled my immediately preceding, July 15th blog article, "Third Rock Lives", one would appreciate that I was involved with the concept that, if a situation is pulled together into being that includes two people who once very significantly existed in relation to each other in a separate context, that separate context, though by certain measures no longer in existence, will be seen by some as living once more, at least to a degree. This is very much akin to the cumulative concept.

Any Similarity Between This Section Of This Blog Article And The Preceding Section Of This Blog Article Is Purely Coincidental
Yesterday I went to see the new Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie, "Inception", which, as can be said of most if not all Chris Nolan movies, is astounding, wonderful, very emotional, etc. I'm sure its reception will speak for itself and thus confirm what I found to be its appeal.

Based on my considerable experiences with finding inside-references to me/my material (never to be confused with usage of that which is special in my material, for which I would love to be someday compensated though I likely never will), on that cumulative basis (and only on that cumulative basis - see cumulative concept paragraph above), I found no small number of things in that movie that had to do with me. Most visibly:
  • A sideways train, which I used in my music video, "Dream" (posted at Archive.Org in 2005)
  • A partially broken drinking glass under someone's foot, which I used in my video, "Mall Man" (posted at Archive.Org in 2005)

On a more personal note, this extraordinary movie reminded me of a dream I once had a long time ago, which over time I don't believe I've related to more than one or two people (though sometimes telling one particular person can be more like telling thousands than if one only had told 20 people without including that one person, believe you me).

In that dream, I was just about to finally have lunch with someone with whom I had for some time planned to eventually have lunch some day. But then a child came into the room who needed attention. Then another child came into the room. She said to wait a moment, she first had to attend to the matter at hand, it would just be a moment. Then another child came in, and so on. Some sort of dilemma between the children similarly intensified, it all becoming more and more entangled. I said that I had to wake up now, we wouldn't be able to go to lunch afterall. She said I should just wait another moment. And then more children came into the room, and the complexity of the entangled nature of the situation between the children likewise continued to intensify. I had to wake up, lest I be pulled forever into this entangled world. We would not be able to go to lunch. She began to despair at my leaving, as if being left behind in this dream was some kind of death. Before I could allow myself to wake up, I felt compelled to make the promise that I would remember the dream after I woke up, and in this manner I would not be leaving her behind to face the strange form of death that being left behind would cause. And then, as one might expect, I woke up. It was a nice dream, as in reality she never much cared about me, the opposite of what the dream allowed me to feel.

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