Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let's Pretend I Think We're Both On The Same Page

Only 3 things going on:

1. I will be starting "production" on one of my little videos, entitled, "Down The Hatch", which comes from my comedy idea of the same name, written and posted on my website in May 2006, and recently posted at Archive.Org. As with many of these comedy ideas of mine, upon creation I sent it to my SNL "contacts", and as has generally been traditional for years and years, that very week they worked some fragment (or more) of it into the show (I initially saw Julia Louis-Dreyfus in the starring role). This will be an attempt at a genuine realization of it.

2. Once again, Jason Lee's show, "Memphis Beat" has thrown in things I interpret as being intended as inside-references for my benefit. No one in their right mind would agree, if they didn't do the homework regarding the cumulative basis upon which my conclusion is based, including the fact that Lee's "My Name Is Earl" began with me, as did the title of the movie that featured his first starring role. So scant were this week's inside-references, I will only make general reference to them here. They were in relation to my video, "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'". There was the couple that only stayed married for appearances in both; there was the character sitting on a couch looking over his shoulder in both; there was the panning shot of objects on a coffee table in both; there was the special significance given to a hand placed on someone's shoulder in both (never worth making note of if you don't know how the shorthand in connection with me has so often come to intertwine this one); there was the word "uncle" having more than your average specialness in both; there was the being knocked out in a big way by the beauty of music/singing in both. Possibly other things I missed.

3. I recently came up with something new about the time I gave John Lennon (through his intermediary) the opening of the "Double Fantasy" album. You may first want to do a search through my collected posted blogs at Archive.Org for the words "precious" and "Cinderella" for part of the backstory, then hurry back here before midnight strikes.

Done? Okay, well, I've recently been re-listening to something I once recorded off of the "Lost Lennon Tapes", where the song "Starting Over" is a work-in-progress. And at one point it was all about, "Why don't they leave us alone," you know, the whole thing about why should a person such as he continue as a special person in your lives. So it suddenly hit me, that when his intermediary provoked me to say the things that ultimately led to the whole opening of "Starting Over", I was responding to her exasperated-sounding statement about, "Hasn't he done enough for everybody already? He shouldn't have to do more." I described this part in an earlier blog, as you would know if you did that search I mentioned. And as I also described in that earlier blog, I knew at the time that Lennon was calling upon me.

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