Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Small, Fun Step For Mall Man

When last we saw our heroes together (myself; Jason Lee), it was my July 6th blog, "Ten Fun Steps", with "Step 10" being:

A week has passed, it's a new "Memphis Beat" (7.13.10 episode), and once again it's time for Jason Lee's character to get a break in the case - during a moment that also picks up from where my July 6th "Step 10" left off, being sequential with that step's "Mall Man" moment. It also resoundingly connects together "Mall Man" with Jason Lee once again (that is, if you've been paying attention, i.e., if you incorporate what is contained in my July 6th blog):

This might just be a good and proper moment for me to once again mention the fact that, almost without exception, every episode of "Monk" also tied in with things Steinhoff. This is something made apparent (i.e., proven to the intelligent and discerning among us) through the cumulative implications of numerous videoclips I created that correlate almost every single "Monk" episode to me/my material (these videoclips of mine can be found either posted on YouTube, where I am Zoomsteinhoff, or among my numerous previous blog entries). I have attributed this Monk/Steinhoff relationship to the fact that USA Networks, which made "Monk", once had as its president a certain individual I once knew, who I happen to believe enjoyed being part of these things in his "spare time", though no longer president of USA when those "Monk" episodes were made. This in spite of the fact that most normal people would think of golf as a more reasonable spare time activity.

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