Thursday, July 15, 2010

Third Rock Lives

I don't see how I can get away with not pointing out something I was able to identify last night on Letterman. It touches on a matter that touches on a matter that touches on a matter that touches on the recent "attempt" to bomb Times Square. Of course, you're likely to scoff, if you don't do the research - and why bother to do the research, who I am I to have something to say here, etc., etc. My bad.

1. Read my June 23, 2010 blog article, "Crazy Time", wherein I explain how my April 29, 2010 posting on YouTube, "Come On, French Stewart, You Owe Me!" was, several days following its posting, being rendered part of a larger puzzle by a Pakistani Taliban action, the "attempted" bombing of Times Square (the likely result of my secret super-importance in relation to Steven Spielberg, perhaps the most prominent Jewish person alive today, a fact that makes him a great big blip on the radar of Muslim terrorists).

2. The title of that YouTube posting of mine includes reference to actor French Stewart of the TV sitcom, "Third Rock From The Sun", the piece itself further referencing French Stewart in that context.

3. Additionally, the title of that YouTube posting speaks of someone owing someone, in a non-monetary way.

4. The one other actual work of mine that specifically uses the word owe in the context of someone being owed in a non-monetary way (less significant usage of the word notwithstanding, such as a blog article) is the title track of my 2005 CD, "Enough To Eclipse", which was posted and copyrighted in 2005 at CD Baby. To hear that particular song of mine one might go to The lyric is, "You couldn't possibly ever owe something to me." You may not want to hear the sarcasm in the delivery of that line.

5. In addition, my song, "Enough To Eclipse" also includes the line, "Don't you wanna be inside the sphere".

6. When I stayed up to watch Letterman last night, it was to see whether it would be upon Joseph Gordon-Levitt to do something I might see as being in connection with the French Stewart "situation", in that it touches on a matter of the utmost consequence. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was French Stewart's costar on the TV sitcom, "Third Rock From The Sun", the star of the show being John Lithgow, whose sister, SJ, was someone I knew back in high school in Princeton, NJ, as she was my best friend's girlfriend. I previously referenced JGL in my December 2, 2009 blog article (where I mispell his last name as Gordon-Leavitt), specifically, I assert that, when he hosted Saturday Night Live, he was involved in a deliberate reference to the music video I made for my song, "Whatever Happened". And sure enough, staying up late to watch Letterman "paid off" - apparently something was worked out with Letterman (who has referenced me/my material quite a bit before, as I've indicated in numerous blogs) to make the following pre-anticipated inside-reference occur:

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