Saturday, October 31, 2009

Apple Pie Squared

"Evaporating Ink", Chapter 20 I Think (Thought I'd Written It Down)

Once again I only have things to blog for those who already appreciate that I don't make things up - there is no particular proof, not this time. Those who saw my October 25th blog's posting of my October 23rd Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip prior to October 30th will know that it was in fact created prior to the October 30th "Monk". However, skeptics have available to them the conjecture that I had inside word on what one would find in the October 30th "Monk", and so I could conceivably have conjured up something October 25th that would connect. There is no connection here to anything of mine that was unalterably timestamp posted some time ago (this blogsite's timestamp posting is malleable), so, no proof. However, once again, I point out that there exists, among my various blogs and elsewhere, proof for any intelligent person that I am indeed the point from which quite a bit of no small significance springboards. And so I really don't feel I am making too great a demand here to ask that I be taken at my word.

I have previously referred to how every time Regis is on Letterman they work in inside-references to a woman I once worked with who Regis once introduced himself to in a restaurant, references that connect to me and the few things I ever had to do with her. Apparently I was mistaken in believing that Regis' first appearance on Letterman following the Letterman headlines about Dave in relation to his co-workers would be super big, though one might understand why they would choose not to play up that significance to this Regis appearance. Although: a show that often refers to my material, "Smallville" (a TV show referred to in a number of previous blogs), did in fact, on the very same night (Oct. 30th) as this Regis appearance, contain a plotline about Lois and Clark being morning show hosts. Regis and Kelly were actually mentioned by name last night on "Smallville". This is not something that happens every day.

I am reluctant to detail specifically how they made their inside-reference to this former co-worker of mine during Regis' appearance on Letterman, but as one might expect, at least one familiar with my secret importance, this time around they made it very difficult for me to be so non-specific. They went to quite a great length, which makes my silence considerably more pronounced. And so, out of what is likely a misplaced belief that, when something makes the headlines as big as did the Letterman and co-workers episode, and then the all-important Regis appearance on Letterman (eventually) follows, and it drags me in the way they have, perhaps the social contract entitles the world to stare at me out of the corner of its eye until I come forward and explain what they did there.

One of the times that this woman left my company to go on maternity leave, back in the '80s, someone gave her a dark blue dress as a going-away gift. Everyone who was on Letterman last night, the night of Regis' appearance, with the singular EXCEPTION of Regis, wore an identical dark blue snuggy dress (or whatever it's called) that brought this same dark blue dress very much to (my) mind. However, back when she and I were co-workers, at one point when I pointed out that she was wearing the dark blue dress that a certain person had given her, she denied that she had ever been given it by him. This must certainly leave me not knowing what to believe, or not.

And this is where "Smallville" comes in. This woman had once given me to understand that a person whose name I came across in a book about George Washington (found in a used bookstore/map store half a block from where we worked, and so perhaps something planted in my path), someone of importance in the sphere of Washington, with the same last name as hers, was the brother of her ancestor. She described to me how her mother had wanted her to follow-up and research this brother of her ancestor in the New York Public Library. She even wore white stockings to work sometimes. It was this ancestor of hers who first crossed the ocean from England to America (an action which I expect one is more likely to take when one's brother is hanging out with George Washington). I found this all quite fascinating, especially in light of my secret importance in relation to four of England's most important citizens (The Beatles).

When I offered her the book as my going-away gift for her maternity leave, she said it was too much. I was only able to persuade her to accept pages I tore out from the book that related to the brother of her ancestor, but not the entire book. What's a few pages? And so, I connect to what happened last night on Letterman regarding the blue dress gift, at least in my mind, an incident on last night's "Smallville": Oliver wishes to present a woman with a gift, however, she refuses it.

There are two things I would add regarding this week's Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip. Three, from a certain point of view, but I promise, two or three, it will not change the number of pages of this blog, even if I have to condense everything to achieve it:
  • I have not included in the videoclip yet another reference by "Monk" to something that relates to inside-word pertaining to one of the potential terrorist clues I've previously blogged about (something relating to a Tim Robbins movie). I again choose not to go into further detail. I also noticed a car's license plate on my way home from work earlier that same day (well before the episode aired) that also tied in with an aspect of this same potential clue (the same aspect, in a certain sense), though there was nothing to suggest that whoever dispatched the car attached to this license plate had any kind of inside information on terrorist activity. Rather, it showed they had done a degree of follow-up regarding something to which I had only alluded.
  • I have the feeling from certain things that occurred on "Monk" this week, and on the new "Monk" "tie-in" show, "Medium", and also from the trailer for next week's "Monk", that the Dockert character from my "Gosk" video is likely to come up in some inside-reference manner on the November 6th show(s).

Balcony Scene

After that stuff in my October 25th blog about Jennifer Aniston in relation to stuff she "laid at my doorstep" regarding people and their affairs with other people's parents, I was anticipating some follow-up when her good friend Courteney Cox Arquette appeared on Letterman this past week (it's the type of thing I've come to expect). All I saw was David Letterman climbing a ladder to the balcony so that he could give Ms. Arquette's mother some flowers for her birthday.

This is not something that can be construed as an affair with somebody's parent, try as we may. Perhaps things would have worked out differently had they placed Ms. Arquette's mother in the mezzanine (we can only imagine the possible scenario that might then have resulted, and personally, I am shocked just to think about it).

What's All This I Keep Hearing About Violins On Television
Not too long ago I was speaking with someone at work and found myself using the word "diddling". Suddenly feeling that I might be in danger of being reprimanded down the road for using a word synonymous with the "f" word (you don't know how careful some of us have to be), I quickly changed it to "diddling around" instead of just "diddling". Whew, nice save. There was probably no danger at any point anyway.

The next day occurred the usage by former Vice President Cheney of the word, "dithering", followed by much repetition and discussion by the media concerning his use of this word. If one is aware of the degree to which former President Bush has made inside-references to things that originated with me, one would perhaps appreciate why I now wish I hadn't come anywhere near "diddling". I am a million times more an Obama person than a Republican (though I cannot say that where I work there are no Republicans to be found diddling around).

I Know It Happened But I Won't Later Dept.
On the same night that Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" (a show that has been known to be influenced by me in a big way) said something that could conceivably have brought to mind my video, "Bishop And Pawn Forfeit Rule", the Jimmy Fallon Show, with help from Tim Robbins' wife, Susan Sarandon, also, in a different manner, did something that brought to (my) mind that same video of mine. Stewart spoke of going back in time and killing Afghanistan before he could create the country Afghanistan, and Sarandon gave Jimmy Fallon a ping pong paddle so small that it turned his great ping pong expertise to naught. Both on the same night! That has to be worth at least four points.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Let's Do Documentary

I am posting this blog as a sort of open letter/open invitation to both Sean Daniel and Steven Spielberg. This is my way of offering them a chance to appear in “Steven Spielberg And The ‘Mall Man’ Factor” (this being at present a work-in-progress). I am inviting them to appear as my interviewees (or interviewers of me, I am totally flexible). This offer expires when the video is completed.

And finally, a Happy Dostoyevsky’s Birthday to all!

Monday, October 26, 2009

For Whom The Road Tolls

Would today be complete without this? Would we be able to look back and feel that there was true closure on today without this report? You be the judge:
  • Today, October 26th, is the day in "Back To The Future" when Alex goes back and forth in time. I consider this particular film an important mythology, in the Jungian sense that the human psyche needs its important mythologies.
  • Today I believe I saw on my way to work the great actor, Malcolm McDowell, who met his ex-wife while co-starring with her in the pretty excellent movie, "Time After Time".
Does this mean I presume he should contact his ex-wife to contact her close friend Hillary Clinton to in turn act on the potential terrorist clues that have landed on my doorstep? No. But it would be nice from a certain point of view.

Incidentally, this is not the first time Mr. McDowell and I have crossed paths, though I doubt I have anything on this subject worth mentioning.

And finally, I would like to think that this blog does not render part of the past my previous blog, but rather, that all my blogs in some way coexist in time.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I Get By With A Little Hard Day's Night

A Matter of Record(lessness)

This blog is going to be one in which the proof is available only to a few. It is nevertheless stuff worth my relating, for the benefit of those who already regard me as I truthful. Can I ask everyone else to read no further and just leave me alone? This stuff lends itself to becoming fodder for those who, for possibly ulterior motives, would assert that, as I can offer no proof of this stuff in this blog, therefore I must have never offered proof of anything, despite there being innumerable examples elsewhere of my including references to timestamped posted material (unlike this blog site, where the timestamp is malleable and therefore proves nothing) that permit one to see EVIDENCE of what I describe - of course, in those cases I audaciously require (am put in the position of requiring) that one has the ability to add two plus two in conjunction with the timestamped posted material.

There are also witnesses here and there to what I will be describing, however, what witnesses know to be true is not something I confuse with factual information that can be accessed by the public at large.

I see that there are a few aspects to this week's Monk/Steinhoff videoclip that might be worth elaborating on here, though not worth including in the actual videoclip (which is already word-heavy, and only in the video medium for lack of a medium better suited to balance video footage with printed word):
  • Of relevance to the videoclip's reference to "Medium" - This TV show stars an Arquette (Patricia), and as has been pointed out before, a star in my 1998 video, "Gosk 2", is "in" with the Arquettes (I wouldn't even be surprised if he gets to call David Arquette "Dave"). There have previously been lots and lots of Arquette/Steinhoff stuff ("Medium" included). In fact, Jennifer Aniston, who comes up later in this blog edition, is considered to be a very close personal friend of David Arquette's wife, who is her "Friends" co-star Courteney Cox Arquette.
  • Of relevance to the videoclip's reference to Ringo Starr - I have been a considerable influence on the work of this Beatle/ex-Beatle person. I also have a letter Ringo wrote to me on the 25th anniversary of The Beatles' historic February 9th, 1964 Ed Sullivan Show appearance, yet alongside my various and substantive contributions to Ringo's work, the letter, which some would say proves nothing, is scarcely even worth mentioning.
  • Of relevance to the videoclip's moment from the "Monk" episode wherein the Natalie Teager character hands Monk a wipe (as it fits into the context I am conveying) - In addition to this moment fitting in with the context I am conveying in the videoclip, the actress' handing the wipe to Monk is recognizable as being performed in a manner very similar to when, in my 1993 "Mall Man" video (see, the Valerie character produces socks from her purse and hands them to Mall Man.
Again, yes, as I stated at the beginning of this blog (now I'm addressing those who skipped over that part), this time around evidence that I am being accurate/truthful is not generally available - evidence of the basis behind the videoclip's point (i.e., evidence that the specifics of the Ringo anecdote were not fabricated to fit this videoclip). Eyewitness evidence that the Ringo anecdote existed well before this videoclip does exist for Ringo Starr, Jim Webb, Jim Webb's sister, Sean Daniel, Stuart Cornfeld, Chris Connelly, everyone to whom I told the anecdote over the years, everyone to whom anyone else may have passed along the anecdote, Dave Haber (editor, "WhatGoesOn" website, who responded to my 3.16.05 anecdote email, re "Got Ringo?"), a "Monk" writer, etc.

Old Flat-Top
Another visit to my blog from Jennifer Aniston, who drove by me on Thursday, October 22nd. In mentioning that occurrence, I must immediately hasten to point out a surprisingly large number of things that make it considerably more than a mere celebrity siting (maybe I should just create a Jennifer Aniston document at and send everyone there?):
  • Jennifer Aniston's various TV and film work includes many Steinhoff references (some of which can be found in my YouTube posting, "Steinhoff and Aniston", or is it "Aniston and Steinhoff" - you'll find it). This began when I starred someone in my 1998 video, "Gosk 2", who is very Arquette involved (as we know, Aniston is one of the better known Arquette hangers-on). This Aniston "involvement" might also be related to the fact that one of my sister's oldest friends, Claire Josephson, is the sister of the ICM head who first brought the writers of "Friends" to LA, the rest being (a few people's) history.
  • When I spot a famous person who is in some way connected to me, 99.9% of the time there are circumstances that clearly suggest they went out of their way to make themselves visible to me deliberately for a particular reason concerning myself.
  • Matthew Perry of "Friends" drove by me yesterday, October 24th. On "Curb Your Enthusiasm" tonight they're going into higher gear on their "Seinfeld" reunion plotline. At one time, "Seinfeld" and "Friends" together comprised NBC's blockbuster Thursday night "Must See TV" comedy lineup. These are two shows that not only made frequent references to my material, they would each refer to the exact same portion of my material on the exact same night. Not to mention, during the entire last season of "Seinfeld", each episode made reference to songs on my "Acting As One" music cassette, which I dropped off at the office of Sean Daniel, then at Raleigh Studios, which was where they made "Seinfeld" at the time. Incidentally, I never found out whether Mr. Daniel ever received this music cassette (though a work-in-progress song I once forwarded to Sean Daniel to forward to Paul McCartney for me so we could collaborate, as I have often been a major McCartney influence, a song about breaking the spell, did lead to a song on McCartney's following CD about not breaking the spell. The rough demo, work-in-progress of my song, "Different", as well as my polished version, were prior to McCartney's album release included as part of the posting of my "Enough To Eclipse" CD at
So, all the way back from there to Jennifer Aniston in the here and now (or in the here and three days ago).

In seeing Ms. Aniston, I recalled that I had included her in my October 11th blog, tying her in with an "Office". I also recalled that when she drove by me a few years ago, I saw it as tipping me off to watch David Arquette's TV show that had an episode airing that night. The Arquette episode included a clear and deliberate "Graduate" reference. The Jennifer Aniston (I should be referring to her as Jen by now) movie, "Rumor Has It", was all about the true-life family on whom "The Graduate" was based (presumably). So I correctly read her tip-off (or the tip-off of whoever dispatched her). I watched the "Office" that night (Oct. 22nd) bearing this in mind - the episode was about the Pam character's outrage at the Michael character's sleeping with her mother. I recalled that there had been a "Friends" episode wherein Matthew Perry is outraged at David Schwimmer for kissing his mother. Relatedly, a central event in "The Graduate" occurs when Kathryn Ross is devastated to learn that Dustin Hoffman had an affair with her mother.

The next day, Friday, October 23rd, I
may have seen Michael in the same general stretch where the day before I had seen Jennif.

I should also mention that her hair was shortish, and she had bangs (for some this will be a more important piece of information than anything I have ever blogged, or said - perhaps more important than anything anyone has ever blogged or said, or even twittered).

I shall conclude this section with my hope that it is not too late for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to include my idea (though perhaps this is something that's been done before): As a running gag, throughout an episode, Larry keeps happening to run into different "Friends" actors (as themselves), who naturally are his acquaintances. This while he is trying to work out what the "Seinfeld" reunion should be about (tonight's subject, according to the blurb). Each "Friends" actor would relate to Larry some dilemma they're going through, something that resembles a plot-line (e.g., Matthew Perry describes how his girlfriend says he must never get the windows tinted on his sports car because it was a gift from the late Paul Newman but would that really be tampering with it and besides it is his car and she isn't Paul Newman's girlfriend she's his girlfriend, she's going to have to choose between him and the late Paul Newman, he can't go driving around without tinted windows, is it gonna be Paul or me, Paul or me, what does Larry think?).

The Headbone's Connected To The Shinbone
Last Sunday's (Oct. 18th) "The Simpsons" included references via extreme shorthand (spelled extremely off the radar) to the same Steinhoff-related material they have carved out as their niche (did I mention that Mark Kirkland, who lived down the hall from me at CalArts though we never knew each other but knew many people in common, is one of the main directors on "The Simpsons"?). Obviously guilt over their not including on that episode their usual opening montage that now incorporates a reference to that same Steinhoff-related material.

Terrorist Clue Hiatus
I have another old terrorist clue I was going to unbury here, however, out of deference for the fact that the Friday "Monk" episode chose to emphasize what can happen when a perpetrator is in on the detection of a clue (something we all realize), I will hold off a little. "Monk" has been showing a disposition to at least do some follow-up on the clues I've lately been unburying here, which suggests I might want to slow down, at least a little, on making the potential clues I've collected information that is available to all.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

There's No Place Like Land

This time around I shall feature a few subjects of phenomenal interest to many! In other words, the same old thing:
  • Everyone is talking about the balloon boy non-story, and I have a whole set of reasons to see this as yet another "major" news story that began as someone intertwining things with myself.
  • This week's Monk/Steinhoff videoclip
  • Another Smallville videoclip
  • Another one of my old potential terrorist clues, for one and all to have a crack at addressing; or corrupting:
(a) for the clear motive of seeking to avoid detection; and

(b) for the ulterior motive that, to acknowledge these clues are
landing on my "doorstep" is to acknowledge that I truly am secretly
super-important in relation to Spielberg, McCartney, etc., i.e., so big
league that I very much show up on the radar of those wishing to strike
fear towards the center of American pop culture.
  • Another whisper out of the mouths of Saturday Night Live (including a bonus Chevy Chase addendum!).

You Only Think You Can Burst This Balloon

As I've indicated in previous blogs, I believe the Letterman headlines involving innuendos about Dave in relation to his co-workers traces back to the fact that, whenever the Regis appearances on Letterman occur (such appearances all being major Letterman events), they always make inside references to myself in relation to a woman who was a co-worker of mine, someone who Regis once introduced himself to in a restaurant. (As someone secretly super-important in relation to Spielberg, McCartney, etc., this is more par for the course for me than strangenesses). When this woman left the company we worked for, I gave her a Kinks cassette and a copy of my self-published book, "The Coin That Came In Second" (see Archive.Org) (copyright 1987 in my collection of books, "Inventing Air"). It was little surprise to me when, in consequence, the next Kinks album therefore featured a reference to my book's second story, "The Secretly Tumbling Spacecraft" in their song, "Loony Balloon". Naturally I drew a circle around this song of theirs at the time, which includes the repeated refrain, "Drift away, just drift away." On the Kinks album that followed the one containing "Loony Balloon", it proved to be that this was the song for everyone to circle, as that album contained another song with the identical, repeated refrain (though sung differently): "Sometimes I wish I could just drive away! Drift away! Drift away!" So on the one hand we have the new relevancy through the Letterman matter to me in relation to this woman in relation to this Kinks song. So then someone at work described experiencing a fan falling to pieces and flying through the air at a hot air balloon event in Arizona. This sounded much like a concern expressed by Natalie on the 9.25.09 Monk episode, "Mr. Monk and the Voodoo Curse", and as I do weekly Monk/Steinhoff videoclips, it seemed noteworthy that I should be the one hearing about the hot air balloon incident. This prompted me to tell the person at work (who is the only person in proximity to me who adorns her cubicle with a McCartney photo) how, when I was attending CalArts during the time of McCartney's first non-Beatles U.S. tour (1976), a former friend confided in me that the password to go backstage was to tell them you're on the balloon crew (years later, this same former friend went to a party with Cher as his date, and Ringo Starr in attendance). So that was at the beginning of the week, prior to the balloon boy non-story.

Tony Shaloub, star of "Monk", last year became part of an IHI event for which I was responsible with regard to arranging its Southern California Kaiser Permanente broadcast (we were a major contributor to this event). This was well after every episode of "Monk" began featuring references to my material. And sometimes a person at work is apparently given something to say to me that turns out to be a reference to something upcoming on "Monk" in a day or two (this is not out of the ordinary in my experience - as far as I'm concerned, they could just as easily have a Mafia connection that accesses the inside word, it is nothing that makes me feel a special confidence in such people).

So I don't claim to know the specific cause and effect - was it the new relevance of the Kinks' balloon song that secretly prompted the co-worker's fan story (which included a balloon reference) that resembled something on a Monk episode, or was it when I brought the McCartney balloon crew password into it? It is too odd, and too consistent with my experiences of being in such proximity to a front page story timing-wise, for me to assume that it just happened to happen.

Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip, 10.16.09

Smallville/Steinhoff Videoclip, 10.16.09
This one may need a few words to frame the context. First of all, the writers for "Smallville" also wrote "Mummy 3", which was produced by Sean Daniel. Sean Daniel (friend of Spielberg and McCartney), was the first person from whom I learned of the college I attended, CalArts, and is someone I consider among those involved in making references to me/my material in a WHOLE lot of entertainment industry product. That this is not the first time I've observed references to my material on "Smallville" is evidenced by my Smallville/Steinhoff videoclip posted with a timestamp at HeyAHey. Though there has been a bunch of Steinhoff stuff on "Smallville", sometimes in a very major way, some of which I've mentioned in my blogs, this here blogsite's timestamp is meaningless as it is malleable, while the HeyAHey's timestamp is not malleable, therefore it is not evaporating ink, proof-wise.

I previously mentioned I was accumulating various "Smallville" fragmented references to Steinhoff stuff for when I have enough to shout "bingo!" (or maybe just "bing!"). I am still accumulating these and am not using them in this videoclip, as this videoclip is of the self-contained, one TV episode/one Steinhoff work correlation variety, and does not require my "expanded context explanation" in the videoclip.

Secret Location

And now this blog's potential terrorist clue. On the first anniversary of 9/11/01, our eyes were trained on the national news, should the terrorists be planning a rendezvous with their activities of the previous year. Though the national news contained nothing generally perceived as a terrorist act, my approach has become one in which, as most major acts of terrorism have tied in with things regarding which I have a strong personal association (as I've described before, this is something I ascribe to my "doorstep" being targeted due to my secret super-importance), I look for something that isn't identifiable to the public at large. Sometimes I wish I had more time to study such things.

So I noticed on the first anniversary of 9/11 that a major national news item was a wildfire in Glendale, California, in the same area that served as a film location for me in 1998. I have used very few film locations throughout the years for my major works. My three main works have been "Steinhoff's Dostoyevsky's 'Uncle's Dream'" (1990, 1992), "Gosk, Parts 1 and 2" (1994, 1998), and "Mall Man" (1993). "Gosk" had about four locations, and the other two videos had two each. This is a very limited set of places.

In February 1993, less than a week after I filmed "Mall Man" at the NYC World Financial Center, an overpass away from the World Trade Center, the first bombing of the World Trade Center occurred (the 9/11 attack has been seen as a successful follow-up to this first, unsuccessful attempt at mass destruction, though there was a degree of destruction).

In February 1992, I filmed my Dostoyevsky video in the NYC apartment of a (now deceased) old family friend, who my mother had known for over 50 years. There was no clear terrorist connection to what happened to this film location. However, something extremely odd did happen: though this person had occupied this apartment for at least 30 years, and though it is essential that, if one uses a film location that one must return to for further shooting for continuity (it was the primary location), nevertheless this person felt prompted to suddenly sell their apartment after I put in a day's shooting with eight people (I only needed use of the apartment one other day). A month later he had sold the apartment to famed film director Sidney Lumet. So could someone have been pulling strings behind the scenes, someone somehow tied to those responsible for the other assaults on my few film locations?

And finally, the aforementioned wildfire in Glendale at a major "Gosk" film location on the first anniversary of 9/11.

I would therefore suggest that, if someone could trace who was truly responsible in any of these instances, all identical instances in terms of targeting my film locations in ways that struck me personally, one might thusly solve a much larger puzzle.

Saturday Night Whispers
As there exists the context of "Saturday Night Live" frequently making references to me/my material, I associate the Kristen Wiig sketch, in which the character repeatedly expressed experiencing orgasms from warm wind or cold wind (as well as other things, though the other things were not referenced repeatedly), with the title of my October 11th blog, "Water, Hot Water, Wet Paint, Etc." Using the words "water, hot water" is not dissimilar from using the words, "warm wind, cold wind". Air and water are associated, ask your science teacher. Or insist I am being triggered in a random way, whichever you prefer.

Chevy Chase Addendum
In my October 11th blog's videclip reference to (original SNL cast member) Chevy Chase's usage of my "Mall Man" material on the TV show, "Community", I should also perhaps have mentioned several Chevy Chase connections to me. When I lived in NYC from 1983 to 1993, among the 10 families occupying the co-op I lived in was someone who was Chevy's best friend when he attended Bard. Once I gave him a message he said he would get to Chevy, and the next day I was alone on an elevator with SNL's Mike Myers. Additionally, film producer and Ben Stiller business partner, Stuart Cornfeld, who I knew when I worked on an AFI film shoot in 1975, produced Chevy's "National Lampoon's European Vacation". The 1975 AFI film shoot featured a TV being smashed, a big thing, or at least a loud thing. So in 1993, on the same day that Stuart returned a phonecall, that night on Chevy's talk show they smashed a TV. TV's are smashed far less frequently than most people think. And in the mid-to-late '80s I spoke on the phone with producer Sean Daniel, who was at the time not only Vice President of Universal, but also credited in the Chevy Chase movie, "Spies Like Us", for driving a truck. I had called to applaud Sean's excellence in truck driving. Oh yes, and finally, the person who sold pot regularly to a friend in NYC during the late '70s also sold to Chevy's brother. My friend also had an in that permitted him to hang out on the "Blues Brothers" shoot, a movie (like "Animal House") for which Sean Daniel was extremely responsible.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Evaporating Ink

Letterman Glances To His Left

Contextualize is going to be my word from now on. People always talk about context, yet half the time the context in which they look at things has more to do with a convenient perspective, and less to do with a perspective where they have to put in time and/or energy to properly take into account what a particular matter warrants. Humor is often derived from underscoring the absurdity of the kinds of conclusions such an inclination can result in. Humor can be a momentary mutual forgiveness that sometimes we just don't have that kind of time or energy.

And now on to specifics: Something just happened regarding something I stated in my immediately preceding blog of Sunday, October 11, 2009, and although I shall be lifting my own phrase from its context, you are encouraged to read it in the context I provided in that blog.

Under a (wordy) heading contained in that blog, "Letterman, Regis, And Why Steinhoff, Jonathan Suspects Something Though It Makes Him Sound Crazy (Including Another Potential Terrorist Clue)", wherein I described my surmisal that I am part of the secret subtext to Letterman's very recent front-page adventure, I included this sentence:

"This same woman had on her wall at work, as the only non-business image, a photo I had taken (of a lobster truck, as she had described to me being sick on New Year's Eve but having been provided a lobster dinner by her husband)."

And now, framed by the context just provided (I believe you would actually have to read that entire section of my Oct. 11th blog to appreciate this), I give you David Letterman from his Wednesday, October 14, 2009 show - just three days later:

Unfortunately, as I've pointed out before, the timestamp on these blogs is malleable, I could edit something tomorrow that I wrote today and it would still retain today as the timestamp - therefore, there would only be proof that my Oct. 11th blog was actually written on Oct. 11th to those who saw the blog around the time that I published it. That is particularly unfortunate for those who haven't figured out, from the proof that I have occasionally been provided, and in turn shown, on various occasions, that I truly have been given secret importance, and there is true veracity in my words. It is also unfortunate when one considers that I have enemies, acting to serve ulterior motives or feelings of maliciousness, who would like to generate the idea that I lack integrity/veracity, and possess no secret importance. I believe I am up against big organized efforts, big money, big global power, and therefore there additionally are those whose impression of me is something to which certain people have deliberately misled them.

As it is quite clear to me that, at least for the moment, I have the ear of someone close enough to Letterman as to provide him with material for his October 14th monologue (likely Letterman himself), I should perhaps take this opportunity to show him/them an example of how co-workers are not always a million miles away from being the worst people in the world. Nor do I expect that part of my situation to be immune.

I have described before how, as a secretly super-important person in relation to people as important as Spielberg and McCartney, my "doorstep" has been chosen by those who would wish to "get to" those at the center of Western pop culture, through me, as a depository for terrorist clues. There have been fewer major terrorist events of our time that didn't somehow contain something to associate with me/my work/my situation, than major terrorist events of our time that have. And it is with benefit of the knowledge of that context that I have been scrutinizing many terrorist occurrences.

It being unmistakable to me that the perpetrators of these occurrences are connected to people who have always found the way to infiltrate my situation, so it has been that I have always encountered co-workers who have been involved in actions that connect. However, without the knowledge that previous occurrences have established this context to what I encounter, what I will now describe, as yet another example, will certainly seem something based on flimsy reasoning:

The July 21, 2005 Synchronized Attack On London Underground Stations
When the July 21, 2005 London attacks occurred, the names of four London underground (subway) stations became part of the story. And those hungry to play amateur detective, knowing that you never know what you know until you begin with a theory, began looking at the names of those underground stations in case they said something when put together. In other words, four words/names were handed to us: what's that spell (if anything)? Maybe nothing, maybe something, maybe enough of something to lead to endless, meaningless conjecture.... or not....

We had stations named Oval, Shepherd's Bush, Warren and Hackney. In the lexicon of matters pertaining to global terrorism, Oval is a word that "plays the game" - unless you feel like insisting that it only makes you think of the shape of eggs, in which case this is going to be a long day. Sound, common logic would now produce the thought: if this word is contextualizing the other words, or at least to be read in the context of the other words, it would become obvious why Shepherd's Bush would be words of significance. To illustrate this very basic point of logic, if I were to say, "Don't cry for me," and someone replied, "Who am I, Susanna?", I would have no trouble deducing that the other person had used my phrase to contextualize their response, therefore, their response contained a reference to the song, "Oh Susanna". The one fits with the other, the one establishes the context for the other. Oval, in the context of global terrorism, suggests, possibly, the White House's Oval Office (there isn't really any other oval that would come to mind in the context of global terrorism, perhaps one other at the most). And Oval contextualizes Shepherd's Bush, as Bush was then the American President. But where does that leave Warren and Hackney? It would be easy to consider, as a possibility, that the word Warren contains the relevant word, War, if it was implied that it should suggest something in this lexicon. We also notice that the terrorists, in this theory, are restricted to using already-existing names of underground stations, and so must make do with what they have. Warren is not a word that would have lent itself to contextualizing the other three words, however, once two of the four words set the context, Warren is to be considered in their context. Just as the name Susanna would not really even begin to suggest "Oh Susanna" were it spoken in the absence of the phrase, "Don't cry for me." This interpretation of the word Warren, and by association the words Oval and Shepherd's Bush, is weakened if Hackney is too big a fly in the ointment, too clearly not a card amongst other cards of the same deck. To put it another way, Hackney kind of shoots the whole theory to h e double hockey sticks.

The attack occurred on July 21, 2005. On July 19, 2005 I finished my last day of an approximately two-week temp job (at a company I had once had a permanent job with for six years before I quit in 2000 to try day-trading). One of the approximately ten projects I worked on during that approximately two-week job that ended July 19, 2005 was for a client named Jerry Hackney. Hackney had therefore become a word somewhat foremost in my thoughts. Hackney was also the missing puzzle piece two days later, if one follows the preceding paragraph.

Now, try to express all that I've just described, and require others to read numerous pages as part of the bargain. And now try dealing with someone who pretends that their way of putting two plus two together is to imagine that I'm some non-entity trying to blame Jerry Hackney for committing terrorist acts.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Water, Hot Water, Wet Paint, Etc.

Death Is Like A Carwash
I am pleased to announce that I recently published my new movie idea, "Death Is Like A Carwash" at Archive.Org. I should caution, however, that I do not actually know that death is like a carwash, and therefore, those particularly fond of carwashes risk being seriously disappointed should they choose to end their life out of a belief in this apparent assertion on my part.

Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip, 10.9.09
First, what is NOT in this week's Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip: As was the case as described in my 9.27.09 blog accompanying "Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip, 9.25.09" (they skipped a week, no show 10.2.09, so no Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip for 10.2.09), potential terrorist clues have again resulted in Monk including reference to same without delay. This week's came from what I described in my Oct. 4th blog (Item 6), and this extremely expedited response on their part again indicates to me their appreciation of the gravity/potential gravity, which I in turn greatly appreciate. Suffice to say (who all this is "suffice" to may actually leave out almost everyone), they showed they had followed-up to the degree of uncovering inside word regarding the IQ-Lithgow's sister thing. No, the inside word wasn't contained in the part of the Monk episode where someone was stalking, or killing. That's all I choose to divulge. But it does not make me look bad. No, really. Seriously. And that's all you will get out of me. As it is, what is sufficient is already almost too much.

Second, what IS in this week's Monk/Steinhoff Videoclip:

Letterman, Regis, And Why Steinhoff, Jonathan Suspects Something Though It Makes Him Sound Crazy (Including Another Potential Terrorist Clue)
Prologue-Type Stuff
As you will find by looking in on my 8.30.09 blog ("Boston Crane Shot" section), my 6.7.09 blog ("Delano's Speed And Tinted Window Limit"), and my 5.10.09 blog, I assert, without any doubt whatsoever, that the few things (all non-illicit) that passed between myself and a woman I once worked with at the same NYC company for six years, a woman who Regis Philbin once introduced himself to in an NYC restaurant, are part of specific inside-references that have occured EVERY TIME that Regis has appeared on Letterman for approximately the past ten years (not to mention some of Regis' Ripa's Letterman appearances). Those who watch Letterman know how specially important Regis' appearances on his show are (this is not a subjective assessment). I attribute their involving me, at least in part, to my secret great importance in relation to people such as Paul McCartney. There is also evidence that Spielberg has been at some end of the "doings" pertaining to this woman and myself (I cannot emphasize enough the fact that they seriously made very much out of virtually nothing, and my addressing it all as noteworthy should not be regarded as confirmation that their actions have a substantive origin in a relationship worth going on about, though naturally there is a part of me that enjoys it all).

More Prologue-Type Stuff
There is a strange coincidence in that this same woman first met her husband while working for the same company as my father, a company an hour outside of NYC, my father acknowledging that he knew her husband (though not acknowledging that he remembers her). I have sometimes wondered whether she wasn't secretly instrumental in my having been hired (thru a job agency) by the company we both worked for in the first place (I was there ten years). It had previously occurred that a NYC job agency placed me in an office suite in NYC next to my sister's. I do not mean the building next to my sister's, I mean an office suite next to my sister's. It seems obvious someone set up that job that put me so near to my sister (in that instance I was a temp for Harley Lewin, famed rock lawyer who handled the Jimi Hendrix Estate, a Rod Stewart matter, a Billy Preston matter, had a fist fight with rock promoter Bill Graham described in Rolling Stone Magazine, etc.).

Stuff Probably More In The Epilogue Category
  • This same woman (not my sister, please try to keep up) was depicted in a painting as the mother of the Alicia Silverstone character in the Amy Heckerling movie, "Clueless" (produced by Scott Rudin, who worked in the same building we were in). I had encountered Amy Heckerling years before, in 1975, when we both worked on an AFI film shoot.
  • This same woman had on her wall at work, as the only non-business image, a photo I had taken (of a lobster truck, as she had described to me being sick on New Year's Eve but having been provided a lobster dinner by her husband). In the movie "Clueless" there is a whole emotional thing relating to whether it's about who took a photo versus what a photo depicts, and all of the emotional confusion this generates.
  • There's also a bunch of other Heckerling and Silverstone and even Batman stuff I'm not describing as well (who has time for these endless details that help elucidate important things?).
  • The painting in "Clueless" depicting this woman, I learned thru investigating, was by an artist named Rinaldi.
  • The day immediately following one of Regis' appearances on Letterman, there occurred what became a major national news story: the abduction of children at a Jewish Community Center in Southern California. Specifically, Rinaldi Street.
  • I concluded at the time that Letterman and Regis may inadvertantly have the worst people in the whole world somehow in their loop, as do all of us super-important and secretly super-important people (we're a magnet for certain types), but it seems most unlikely that it is any of their own doing.
  • Now everyone's breath has been baited in anticipation of the fateful moment when Regis shows up on Letterman to touch on the tabloids' front-page subject of Letterman and his non-business relationships with his co-workers.
  • Could this whole Letterman thing trace back to the Letterman-Regis-Steinhoff, Jonathan stuff? Hmm, but it looks like someone is going to jail, that's cooking with a human life. Yeah, but so was (in my view) the stuff that interconnected with the Jewish Community Center abduction. Here is where one needs theories, and I begin with the premise that it's all some kind of a pre-planned thing, with someone pulling the short straw, etc. It comes too close to the Letterman-Regis-Steinhoff, Jonathan co-worker business. One theory would be that, just as we know a person can die for his country, so a person can go to jail as part of a plan to end the endless Letterman sex jokes about Clinton, which were messing with our perception of the former president, thusly fueling the Republicans and thereby messing with the survival of the planet. Let's also remember that Stephanie Birkitt, the girlfriend of the blackmail villain whose diary was exploited as part of his blackmail scheme, shared the stage with Letterman quite a bit, when the pretense of deep-rooted animosity was just part of their shtick (she would pretend that his requests of her were tedious enough to warrant insolence and insults). This blackmail business can't also be a show? I have seen a LOT of front page show biz (and other) stuff regarding things that secretly began with major interconnecting to me. I have been making this point from the beginning. I'm sure Lennon knew how hard it can be.
"The Office", "Community", "Marley and Me" and Me

I make no mention in this videoclip regarding NBC Thursday night sitcoms that an NBC Thursday night sitcom that was canceled this year, "My Name Is Earl", was created by me. Otherwise, I will let the videoclip speak for itself.

Drew Barrymore and More
As Saturday Night Live often makes inside-references/usage of things regarding me/my material, a few things I saw last night on that show strike me as also belonging in that category, but only if seen in the context of SNL's history of doing such Steinhoff-related things:
  • In a comment in relation to an article on Huffington Post this past week, as JonathanDS2U, I wrote something about scattershooting (about how the "convention" of making derisive remarks about pot smokers is a scattershot attack on a large number of people entitled to choose pot as their form of inebriation). On SNL last night, Drew Barrymore played a character who was described as chalking her cuestick in a scattershot manner.
  • In another comment I made to a Huffington Post article, I wrote that, though the Taliban was cutting off people's hands for voting in the Afghan election, this is the type of thing that gets forgotten about in time as people look back on the election results, failing to factor in how this would have distorted the election's outcome. On SNL last night, in the Larry King parody, Kristen Wiig played a character who said that, in time, the only thing people remember about a news story is the wiener factor, failing to factor in things that were important in the discussions that took place when the news stories were first on the table.
  • There was a sketch where a man was carried away by birds. Though this also occurs in my book, "The Coin That Came In Second" (which led to the creation of the Spielberg movie, "Jurassic Park"), I didn't clearly see anything else on last night's show that also connected to this work, which is generally how I judge there to be a deliberate reference. True, in the HBO premiere of "Marley and Me" (see second videoclip in this blog) they drive a car quite similar to one I used to drive (1985 Ford Escort), when my personalized plate read, "2 Coin"; and true, there was a sketch last night in which Drew Barrymore plays the author of a book; and true, Drew Barrymore starred in Spielberg's "ET"; and true, emphasis on the behavior of animals became relevant to the second videoclip in today's blog. None of these things are really enough, however, and I therefore mention them only to avoid omitting something intended by someone or another for inclusion here.
  • I am quite certain that Cameron Diaz, close friend of Drew Barrymore, drove by me on my way to work Thursday. Although I do live in Burbank, 99% of my "celebrity sitings" have this degree of immediate relevance, and so are to be scrutinized as likely being deliberately designed to exist in such a specified context. Additionally, my June 25th and June 28th blogs both feature videoclips that include Cameron Diaz involved in things relating to me.
  • Drew Barrymore's previous appearance on SNL included references to me/my material in nearly every sketch.
The Small Ones That Got Away
And finally, I'm building up a collection of more references on "Smallville" to my "Mall Man" video, and will put them together when I have enough to shout "bingo!", or maybe just "bing!"

Sunday, October 4, 2009



I have more terrorist stuff if anyone (such as President Obama - see my last few blogs) is listening, this time from 2002, and will go into sufficient enough detail that it should be a cinch for someone to investigate - this being part of the reason for my reluctance to provide it in so public a forum (the heads-up this will give to the living clues and others). However, as I stated before, by the time someone in law enforcement figures out that my information is worthy of being taken seriously because of the fact that I truly am a secret super VIP ala Spielberg and McCartney, enough so that terrorists would choose my "doorstep" to leave things on as part of an effort to "get to" (in the psychological sense, terror being a psychological state) those at the center of American "culture", the entire world could end three times over and still have time leftover to stand on line at the DMV (one familiar with the DMV should actually be able to visualize the entire world there, on line ahead of you). I cannot wait any longer. As always, this information requires you to put things together, incorporating a context based on knowledge, not ignorant presumption. This isn't algebra, it is simple arithmetic. As such, the "numbers" taken individually do not point to the existence of a larger, sum total picture. And yes, I am aware that some of these facts have few witnesses, in some instances only one - myself. Yet by now I must certainly have earned enough credibility that such "flimsy" evidence (myself as the only witness) warrants investigation nevertheless:

1. On May 21, 2002 I sent an email* to actor John Lithgow (about to star on Broadway in "Sweet Smell of Success"), referencing his sister, SJ, who had been part of my "crowd" back in 1969 when I was in the ninth grade (her boyfriend was my best friend - Bruce Conover, who is now Senior Producer at CNN, and at one time the primary liaison for journalists embedded with American military in Iraq). Someone else who was part of the larger "hippie-ish" crowd I was in during the ninth grade was a girl named Terry Barton (the first girl I ever slow-danced with!!!).

June 8, 2002 a different Terry Barton (yet from her name sure to evoke in me a recollection of ninth grade) was responsible for the biggest fire in Colorado's history. According to the news stories, the fire resulted accidentally from when "she was burning a letter from her estranged husband".

3. In an episode of the NBC TV show, "Friends" (I have referred to some of my connections to this show from time to time in previous blogs and on YouTube), "The One with the Candy Hearts", which first aired February 9, 1995, the girls "burn all the objects that are connected to the guys they have dated. But that turns out to become an arson."

4. July 4, 2002 was the first 4th of July following 9/11/01, and as such, everyone in the U.S. was extra-alert to the possibility that this would be enough to trigger another attack. Knowing that my "doorstep" counted with such types, I was extra-extra-extra-alert (but not so alert as to imagine things). On the evening of July 3, 2002 (as I recall I was at a fast food rest-stop somewhere east of LA and west of Phoenix), I saw the only thing during that three-day weekend that I considered worth noting, though it was nothing I considered very much worth noting at the time (as so often happens when important things occur): a license plate that included the word, "Nile". As the expression goes, the Nile is not just a river in (the Middle Eastern country) Egypt, though in this instance, I made a faint mental note of it for a reason beyond it's Egyptian significance: Niles was the name of the co-star on the NBC TV show, "Frasier", and David Angell, a creator, writer and producer of that same TV show, was the one and only celebrity killed by being a passenger on one of the planes on 9/11/01 (and we are nothing if not a celebrity-oriented society). I am reasonably sure the "Nile" license plate was either from Arizona, Nevada or California.

5. On July 4, 2002, we got our focus for the extra-alert the news media had put us on: An Egyptian killed several people in LAX. The anecdotal part of the news story we were given to chew on about this terrorist:

"Neighbors said Hadayet lived quietly, but became incensed when an upstairs neighbor hung large American and Marine Corps flags from a balcony above his front door after Sept. 11. 'He complained about it to the apartment manager. He thought it was being thrown in his face,' said another neighbor, Steve Thompson. The upstairs neighbor declined to comment."

6. On January 15, 2002 the NBC TV show "Frasier" aired the episode, "Mother Load, Part 2" for the first time, in which the following occurred:

"After Cam Winston dropped a huge American flag over Frasier's entire apartment window, Frasier takes his grievance to the condo board meeting."

*Dear Mr. Lithgow:
As you know, I knew your sister SJ in Princeton in the 9th grade when Bruce Conover, her boyfriend, was my best friend. Interestingly, a very long time ago when I saw the movie "IQ", which is set in Princeton and which includes Einstein as a character, I noticed something that reminded me of something that SJ knows about. Then, a while back when I went to see a taping of your show "Third Rock From The Sun", they had a guy who looked distinctly like Einstein putting people through the metal detector. Finally, a short time ago I went to see "Star Wars II". Again they had that thing that SJ knows about. As the title of your television show brings to mind someone trying to explain how to find a planet, as one would give directions, and as that very thing became a significant issue in "Star Wars II", I am demanding from you a free Star Wars lunchbox. [Incidentally, I very much enjoyed in the "Third Rock" series finale the reference to my written but as-yet unfilmed, "Kalorping for Gosk, Part III" . Also incidentally, while I was a film student at CalArts, Alexander "Sandy" MacKendrick (then Film School Dean/teacher) had us study a movie he directed, "The Sweet Smell Of Success". At one point I took a leave of absence to work for Village Voice columnist, Howard Smith, John Lennon's friend, in the Brill Building (where "Sweet Smell" was filmed). It was during this time that Lennon released a song that included the words, "Sweet as the smell of success".]
Jonathan D. Steinhoff, Burbank

Footnote to John Lennon reference in above email:
I omitted the fact that Lennon not only inside-references on "Walls and Bridges" the Sandy Mackendrick/Burt Lancaster movie, "Sweet Smell of Success", but Lancaster's "Rainmaker" as well, thus confirming context, e.g., if I said, "Couples are odd when one is a grumpy old man", one perceives a clear Jack Lemmon/Walter Mathau reference, but to just only say "couples are odd when" or to only say "grumpy old man", one would not necessarily be contextualizing in the mind of those with only basic knowledge of Lemmon/Mathau, and thus no Lemmon/Matthau reference would be apparent.

As I've stated before, I do not believe any of the people directly connected to the clues I've encountered are to be linked to anything, I believe they are pawns, with information.


As I've pointed out many times before, Saturday Night Live often finds use for my stuff:

My "An Irishman Visits Ralph Kramden's Brooklyn" was posted on YouTube and on September 1, 2009.

The context of my being face-to-face with Angelie Jolie (Brad Pitt wife) from cars yesterday on Sunset Boulevard a few blocks from the "Surrogates" movie billboard in which Jolie is shown from the middle up: my previous, September 30, 2009 blog regarding Jennifer Aniston (ex-wife of Brad Pitt), which in turn regarded my September 27th blog regarding Jen-friend Courteney Cox Arquette and Steinhoff "Gosk" star and Arquette friend, Robbie Cavolina. Jolie was stopped opposite me as I drove by, thus offering me an opportunity for a degree of scrutiny (for lack of a better word), and if it was not her, this woman unquestionably was meant to appear to be her (this is a less obscure concept for those who live in the real world).