Sunday, July 31, 2011

You Are Here

This will be in connection with something contained in my immediately preceding July 28th blog ("Crossfire Hurricane") in a section regarding Harrison Ford ("Harrison Ford Puts His Best Socks Forward"), which in turn was in connection with something that can be found in a blog of mine from January 30, 2010 ("May The Force Be Tested For Possible Negative Side Effects"), which regarded something posted in December 2009, etc., etc., and Steven Spielberg too, if you follow it all in the way you should!!! [I have used three exclamation marks here to specially help motivate you, as usually one is not asked to connect these types of dots just to be able to follow things, except by overly demanding people, who ask anything for any reason, and so we must all hate them, I hope they're not using three exclamation marks too, but I digress.]

I will here be pointing out to all the world those things I observed in the new Steven Spielberg/Jon Favreau/Daniel Craig/Harrison Ford movie, "Cowboys and Aliens," that I believe fall into the category of being in connection with my material. These observations of mine would not have been made based on similarities alone, in fact, for the most part the similarities alone would not form enough of a basis whatsoever. The extensive set of reasons that go well beyond issues of similarities, such as the shorthand/lexicon and the ongoing inside references from certain camps that have now gone on for decades with relation to me/my material, will be omitted from this explanation. You can close your eyes and point at a good number of my blogs, you'll find something, frequently things for which I was able to include evidence, if you can add two and two (sometimes, 18 times 3 divided by 12 subtracted from a trillion).

I am particularly delighted to have influenced "Cowboys and Aliens" - it is a great, memorable movie! I expect few to be able to appreciate why I consider it likely such vaguely similar bits and pieces in "Cowboys and Aliens" were done apropos of my having first employed them. This blog today is therefore more for the benefit of the few who did these things for "Cowboys and Aliens":

  • When Harrison Ford puts his hand on Daniel Craig's shoulder and Craig's reaction to this counts with the audience. This is the oft-used thing that I use in one of my three "more major" videos ("Gosk"; "Mall Man"; "Uncle's Dream" - all posted at Archive.Org), specifically here, my 1990/1992 "Uncle's Dream" video, the part where the mother's hand on the daughter's shoulder occurs, in connection with the line about "the hurting kind". "Cowboys and Aliens" has much stuff going on about the idea of the course of the child (and child surrogate) as set by the parent (stuff about who is or is not truly the "hurting kind" is also an important aspect of that moment in "Cowboys And Aliens").
  • People of one planet having a special power to mesmerize people of another planet. This occurs in both "Cowboys and Aliens" as well as in another one of my "more major" videos, my 1994/1998 "Gosk " video. We hear the Daniel Craig character respond with sarcasm when reminded how he had carelessly subjected himself to the mesmerizing; in "Gosk" the sarcasm is more extreme and not for the same reason, as the character using it does not accept that any mesmerizing has occurred. Nevertheless, in both cases it is a moment of sarcasm occurring within a discussion about aliens mesmerizing. I suppose one might possibly come across mesmerizing aliens in other stories within the genre, and so I would regard the degree of reference to my material here as likely the thing I also see a lot of from certain folk in entertainment: elements included apropos of me doing it (such as the opening logo shot of every DreamWorks movie, a bob in water, which I believe, for a set of reasons, began apropos of when I made this same image the opening shot of "Gosk" in 1994).
  • In "Cowboys and Aliens", the opening shot following the credits sequence has Daniel Craig sitting up into frame, dumbfounded. This strongly resembles something I use in two of my three "more major" videos, "Gosk" and "Mall Man". I use the action of a character suddenly sitting up from a lying down position to convey a more magically dramatic awakening. In "Mall Man" it is the video's earliest real-time-ish shot of the main character, seen at the end of the credits sequence (as in "Cowboys and Aliens"); in "Gosk", Dockert is lying down, when suddenly one of the girls says, "So what if we are on another planet?", after having previously made no concession whatsoever to this assertion by Dockert. This causes Dockert to open his eyes and sit up. The question of whether or not a character has cognizance of an alien presence is most significant to this sitting up moment in BOTH their movie and my video.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


A few little trinkets, a few tiny morsels, a few delights, or to put it another way, homework:


I've additionally quite recently posted at Archive.Org this birthday wish for Carl Jung, Mick Jagger, Stanley Kubrick (7/26/11) and Ringo Starr (7/7/11):

By the way, this may or may not have a relationship with my recent Paul McCartney birthday wish.

And as if that isn't enough to throw to you ungrateful heathen, I also have posted this bit of stuff:

In the interest of saving humanity, which has been a longtime hobby with me, as many people know, I again tried to ford my way into getting something started up. I'll bet that requires a little clarification to make sense. Well, let me put it like this.

First, I took this July 2007 posting of mine:

My Archive.Org description for this posting makes reference to people at the top of the Arabic terrorist food chain being focused on me, due to my secret importance in relation to the most prominent Jewish man, Spielberg, and someone else of comparable power/influence in our entertainment industry culture, McCartney.

My Archive.Org description for this posting also refers to a December 2006 email I sent to a major "Simpsons" director who once lived down the hall from me at CalArts during the '70s, Mark Kirkland (I also sent the Dec. '06 email to two others, plus a bcc to myself).

Those who received that email would have read the "Simpsons" episode idea that I later posted at Archive.Org in July 2007, which mentions Arabic enemies of the U.S. violating the Mickey Mouse trademark for their own purposes. IT WAS ONLY SEVERAL MONTHS LATER that Palestinian TV came up with Farfour, a Mickey Mouse look-alike character (enough so that it aroused severe condemnation from the Disney family), who was there to instruct Palestinian children in how much to hate Israelis (with some amount of effort made to convince children to appreciate suicide bombers).

It being that I have a Facebook friend who used to be a real friend of mine at CalArts, who is also now a Facebook friend of Mark Kirkland, I thought I could leave a trail of "breadcrumbs" so that Kirkland could wake up, see I'm right about this stuff, and help me get a real investigation launched. The one could make it more apparent to the other. A little help! So I sent a message to my Facebook friend. No answer, so much for us (humanity). Oh well. Because after that there's the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, 9/11, the Times Square Bomber, really plenty of stuff that I need investigated, owing to stuff left on MY doorstep. The funny thing about "me" needing this stuff investigated: though not clearly apparent to one and all, my not taking action in this would be enough to arouse the stored up fury of all humanity. You'll probably never know what I'm talking about.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Birthday Wish In A Bottle

I have just learned of something that people will surely be talking about after this blog, or perhaps only tweeting about (unless it would have been more proper the other way around, if I had written, "will surely be tweeting about, or perhaps only talking about"). There is reason to consider the possibility, though I do not deny it is not a probability but only a legitimate possibility, that Paul McCartney's recent birthday video to wish Ringo Starr a happy 71st birthday on July 7th was seriously influenced by me.

How could something like this have happened? Where were the authorities? Could this be in any way related to the fact that I am frequently a significant secret influence on significant actions (including artistic ones) by Paul McCartney? Could it be that it is not in the least bit unusual that there is, yet again, as there
almost invariably is with regard to Paul McCartney and myself, enough of a basis, owing to the evidence, for an objective mind to wonder why there is (and so often is) a reason to consider an apparent similarity as being more than just a similarity? Not to mention those innumerable times when there is provided more than just a reason to consider a similarity, but in fact something that crosses the threshold into the realm of being evidence, at least to the astute and fair mind.

And now, down to specifics.

We see, in the following June 18, 2011 birthday wish video to Paul McCartney, that I clearly "break character" after my initial, structured birthday wish, in order to offer up a birthday wish in a more natural, personal way (this contrast in tone is the main part of my very limited birthday wish video):

The above link evidences that I posted my birthday wish video for Paul McCartney at less than
three weeks before the following Paul McCartney video wish to Ringo Starr for a happy birthday:

Here we again see a message for a former Beatle that begins with a structured birthday wish (the performance of a song), followed by a break from the tone/persona contained in the song, so that a happy birthday wish is then expressed with a more personal tone.

This is of course something that one sees from time to time. Interesting, however, that we see it again less than three weeks later, especially considering Paul McCartney's frequent pattern of making such inside references where I am concerned (I would want to add that there are any number of instances where the evidence is clearer, as opposed to what is found here, where pre-knowledge of the pattern would be required before one can even begin to consider that one is witnessing a shorthand/inside-reference/influence).

So now what is to be done? Of course, I expect a complete investigation, witnesses, media, so forth. It seems innocent - oh yes, it seems innocent. Yet, if matters of this kind are permitted to occur without any degree of scrutiny, and without being subject to any form of measurement and consequential regulation, would not the future of happy birthday wishing be put at risk?

Seriously though (to be honest, I actually have a somewhat more serious tone than this, despite my having just written the words, "seriously though"), if it could someday be proven in a court of law that I have in any way made a contribution to Paul McCartney's wishing Ringo Starr a happy 71st birthday, I would consider myself to have been highly honored and privileged, as if I had received the American equivalent to being granted knighthood (though I wish he would let me in on it so that next time I'll know when I don't need to bother spending the money on a greeting card - unless this should be seen as regifting, in which case I would not feel that I have really been a part of Ringo's happy birthday wish from Paul McCartney, and that's if I felt myself a part of this birthday wish to begin with, which at this point requires more information before a conclusion can be reached).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Addendum To The Last Thing I Said

First Things First Or Second
Sometimes the universe isn't what you're expecting. In my previous blog article I was doubtful of any relevance to my seeing Sara Gilbert in traffic yesterday, thus altering the 9 out of 10 times equation to 5 out of 10 times (the proportionate number of times I will see a celebrity relevant to something in relation to me versus irrelevant). However, I have reconsidered, and it now appears somewhat obvious. Sara Gilbert is officially a regular on the show, "The Big Bang Theory." Named for one of the very few modern theories on the origin of the universe. So there I am in my blog yesterday, discussing how the theatre had the sound turned off at the beginning of "Green Lantern" while the narrator was explaining the origin of the universe.

What this all means is that certain very excellent people have come through to make me 10 for 10 yesterday with relation to the aforementioned equation, 100% in other words, or to be more precise, two for two.

Starting With John Goodman Leads To Sean Daniel
When I came to California from the East Coast in the early '90s, my first return after not being here since going to CalArts in the '70s, I saw John Goodman within the first week or two. Goodman is brought to mind as he played Sara Gilbert's father in "Roseanne," which is generally regarded as thus far being the height of both of their mainstream popularity (if one wishes to apply an overly conventional perspective). Within the first week or two of being back, I went to the Universal lot to see if, I don't know, perhaps, just walk up to someone I once sort of knew, Sean Daniel. Sean was the first person who had told me of the college I attended in the '70s, CalArts, and also the person I believed (and believe) forwarded my work to his friends Paul McCartney and Steven Spielberg, resulting eventually in "Jurassic Park", though they made whatever I started with their own completely. And also I believe I had many other reasonable and friendly reasons to say hello. Sean wasn't there, but I had no problem getting as far as his receptionist. As I left, the person whose name was indicated with regard to the place next to Sean's, John Goodman, went by on a golf cart. This became the same image you get of John Goodman in a movie released not long after that, "The Flintstones," as cavemen enjoyed a good game of golf. But the interesting part is that later that day, a good twenty or so miles away, Sean Daniel drove by me, and his car did some kind of jerking forward that made his head fling back a little. I later learned, when I went to see "The Flintstones", that John Goodman as Fred does this identical flinging back of the head when his vehicle gets going. I think what I'm saying is, the world has come a long way since the Flintstone period, and yet it hasn't!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

That's Easy For You To Sa

Is Paul McCartney A Republican?
No. (Although he is reputed to have certain Conservative views.)

Recent Talk That John Lennon Would Have Voted For Reagan From Fred Seaman (Lennon's Former Assistant)
Recent talk that John Lennon would have voted for Reagan is a reflection of (please choose some fragment from the following):

(1) Lennon could not belong, not to the left nor the right, not to mother nor father (the story is that his parents made the 5-year old Lennon decide which one of the two would have custody, only to have the victor - his mother - give him over to her sister to raise. Perhaps this ultimately made Lennon go left/right like some erratic maniac, not to mention running in circles when the moon is full, which never occurred but could be tomorrow's news, who can say).

(2) Lennon being among those artists who try to provoke a rise of a special variety by touching a nerve so as to keep things real, a behaviorism previously exhibited by this individual, hence, he says "Reagan" to shock.

(3) The wisdom of appreciating Lennon being cast in stone for all eternity for what he contributed through his music is equal and parallel to the wisdom of recognizing that many things he said out loud when he wasn't creating music should not be taken as lasting reflections of anything about him but rather should be completely reinterpreted as a yang to the yin of something, it being that he was first and foremost an artist trying to get a good story by presstime.

(4) When I was working on the movie "Gizmo", a 1974 project of Lennon's friend Howard Smith (I just worked in the office and also did some film library research), they also were using Evan Lottman as editor (later replaced by Terry Manning as editor). Evan had edited "The Exorcist", where Regan is the main character's name. Lennon had already in 1974 played games with movie characters names (I've written on this before), so perhaps this was a long-term effort to raise the devil so that people would get secret reminders to play certain records backwards in time for the bicentennial.

Knowing The Way History Gets Messed Around
I've conjectured that the Lennon A Republican? story might not go away as easily as snapping one's fingers, that it could be retrieved in ten years, twenty years, who knows what right-wing revisionists might enjoy exploiting. So I therefore further conjectured on the idea of doing a mockumentary, a fun collection of people who knew him forced to remember Lennon's politics, but genuine recollections. I don't really know how good an idea this would be, but I did definitely decide it wasn't a great idea, and that it isn't an idea worth being a voice shouting in the crowd about. Once everyone starts playing around with the Lennon Republican story, it could turn everything into a strange hodgepodge of confused teenagers. Yet couldn't the same thing happen from doing nothing, and leaving it to the right to play with down the road? So I sent out a few messages in the hope of reaching someone I once worked for, Howard Smith. Howard had first introduced John Lennon to the whole New York City radical scene, particularly folks such as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. If Howard were to be involved in a mockumentary pretending to study the political life of Lennon, it could be.... hilarious! They could interrogate Howard under the lights, asking what Lennon might have said about the way Jerry Rubin wore his beard, or did Lennon really laugh at Hoffman's jokes or was he pretending to while trying to infiltrate the Yippies as an undercover Republican those Abbie Hoffman jokes really weren't that funny were they so Lennon was pretending right? Right? Somewhere within Howard Smith's answers would reside the authenticity of an expert on the subject at hand. And that would filter through no matter how absurdly he is presented. And with Howard's involvement, perhaps others, even Yoko Ono, would lend support to my mockumentary. But Smith never wrote back (it's close to two days now), and as I said, I really don't know that it would be such a good idea. Therefore, I hereby suspend all work on this project, until someone else gets the ball rolling again perhaps, but someone with real weight here. On the other hand, maybe Fred Seaman's plan is to resurrect Lennon in the form of a great uniter of both Democrats and Republicans, being both? I could always do a part 2 to my "Frozen," video at about The Beatles being brought back to life, through Lennon and Harrison being brought back to life, through cryogenics. No, on second or third thought, I don't think I will go there - just too much work trying to imagine what George Harrison might say after having been dead but then being alive again but then being dead again but then being alive again.

More Distance Going
For those who have read or will read my immediately previous blog (July 1st), which ultimately connects to Paul McCartney I believe, so you'll want to read and view all of those other connecting blogs, etc. in relation to it as well, there is more news.

Unfortunately for those who have never verified any or several or all of the innumerable verifiable yet extraordinary things I have written about, this is another instance where one must take my word. I am hopeful that it will be considerably less of a demand to take my word for those who have already had the chance to check my veracity.

With that kind of lead-in, you would think I was about to describe an alien abduction. And if that's how I made you feel, prepare for an anti-climax, or at least for some, while for others, anyway, so I went to see the movie "Green Lantern". I had used my computer to find a theatre still showing it in 3D as the previous day the assumption that it would be everywhere proved seriously flawed. I am generally reluctant to use my computer to find a theatre if I can help it, as life has made me paranoid of certain powerful creeps. This time, the situation required it. But please feel free to call me paranoid.

I'm in the theatre plex, and they redirect us to a different location than is printed on the ticket. Time goes by, there are no trailers (no complaint from me on this). Then the movie itself suddenly starts, but without sound. I therefore miss the entire opening half minute sentence or two that explains how the universe works (I might possibly already know how it works, though I cannot say for sure). Then the 3D is NOT working right, there are objects kind of, not transparent, but, and shapes. Okay well, geez, lemme see, imagine somebody, uh, ok, somebody takin' a baseball bat to a projectuh, know what I mean? It was worse than no 3D at all. After the movie, as I'm leaving the theatre, I see some people in theatre uniforms to complain to, and then collect a few people for them at random as they're leaving the Green Lantern theatre. All confirm the same thing I described, in their own words, so we're each given free passes to see another movie. But please feel free to call me paranoid.

On my way home from the theatre, way out in Woodland Hills or somewhere, I find myself face to face (me in my car, he in his car) with a Justin Timberlake look-alike, or else Justin Timberlake. This is good, as I consider his work on SNL among the truly excellent stuff they've done, and I am also an influence on that show myself, and on other stuff in his general neighborhood.

I then mulled over what possible significance his going by might contain. In my immediately preceding (July 1st) blog I mention how, when I see a celebrity, 9 out of 10 times it connects with something going on in some sort of proximity to me, including possibly being in relation to a recent blog (there is thusly an implication of rich people having the power the follow people without difficulty). I also in my immediately preceding blog refer in this same discussion to a videoclip from June 2009 that features Cameron Diaz. So I'm mulling over the possible significance. The best I can come up with is, I was junior high school friends in homeroom with John Turitzin when I was growing up in Princeton, and also knew John at summer camp in Vermont, at Camp Timberlake. John is now among the three people who run Marvel Entertainment. So, the elements being.... Timberlake, Marvel, Green Lantern, who is a DC comic book character, with Marvel and DC being something of a Pepsi and Coke kind of thing. I went home, looked Timberlake up on my computer, and found he is currently starring in the number 2 movie in the country along with Cameron Diaz and several others. I must admit to feelings of concern that this poor man was somehow ripped, ripped from a busy schedule of acquiring MySpace and being the star of yet another movie about to open in a week-and-a-half, just to do his bit in responding to my immediately preceding blog, which must have read like a challenge as 9 out of 10, etc., etc. And as if this wasn't bad enough, I also saw one other celebrity, Sara Gilbert, who had nothing to do with anything that I'm aware of, unless I'm not thinking this through, and so the math was now 5 out of 10 (1 out of 2), if you want to see things from that perspective. That means I needed to see 8 more celebrities that day, but they all had to be in some proximity to some recent thing in connection with me. I continued on home, and that was that, their time was up, just one out of two, owing to Justin Timberlake's currently co-starring with Cameron Diaz. I could have kept driving around, gone anywhere, hundreds of miles away, it never matters, it could easily have completed the 9 out of 10 thing. Somehow it was not fated to be.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Moomoo's Sun No Shine Right Global Change Witch's Curse

I don't know if you're reading this, Al Gore or Bill Maher (as if - of course they are, both are! Oh wait, you're all clueless. My bad.). Here is where I shall leave my suggestion for a PR approach to a name change for "global warming" - assuming there is a mutual, all-around interest in getting a name change done on this confusing handle and then being done with it, as opposed to getting snagged even on agreeing on the shape of the table (sorry, that was me having a Vietnam War flashback).

So my idea would be, have a sketch in a Bill Maher Real Time Show, only first being sure it will be something that HAS to make the news, such as a brief sketch featuring, in-person, Al Gore PLUS Paul McCartney PLUS Barrack Obama (though his schedule may not permit) PLUS Steve Martin PLUS someone picked randomly from the audience, all joined together to solemnly agree, before the camera, on one thing: Change The Name "Global Warming" Officially. Hillary Clinton could notarize it, sign it, do whatever else it takes, and suddenly look seriously into the lens, Barrack alongside her (though his schedule may not permit), and say, "This of course was meant to be a fun sketch, but in all seriousness, from now on, well, you can keep calling it "global warming" if you like.... but WE (she motions around her at all the celebs gathered, who all cheer, Paul McCartney waving back), WE are hereby changing the name to: Climate Change. Happy Holidays Everyone!" (this may take 'til Christmas)

I think it would be great, even just for the idea of something important in the vernacular being "born" in so special a way (as opposed to the expression, "up your nose with a rubber hose," which all began back in a men's room in Chicago in the 1890s, unless it was at a fire station in Vermont in the 1690s).

On the other hand - perhaps the sketch would be better if absurd, with the final upshot being to rename it something totally ridiculous, in a doomed attempt to clarify the concept in people's minds, as "global warming" is truthfully too misleading (Where do I begin? The problem itself results in so many other extreme, far more direct concerns, such as zero heat - which, for the more slow-minded, one should think of as the very opposite of warm, though I am very far from being any kind of expert here).

Instead of "global warming", perhaps, hmm.... "Moomoo's Sun No Shine Right Global Change Witch's Curse".... How do you like that, I started out trying to make a joke, but I think I like this (better than "global warming")! Yes, it actually does almost have me wanting to sell everything I own so that I can afford an electric vehicle! (Special Note - This was not a dig at the movement to stop climate change, it was a dig at the fact that we don't even have the power to collectively bring electric vehicles within every car owner's financial grasp if our lives depended on it.)

Now that Bill Maher has become increasingly involved with the idea that the term "global warming" is confusing and should be changed (to "climate change"), I am pleased to say that I also stated the obvious in this regard back months ago - about half-a-year ago. Here is my huffington post "comment" several months ago:

Yes, and Tide detergent should advertise with the slogan, "Drink it and die!" Handles in these matters are EVERYTHING, so why use one that is obviously generating endless confusion? Sometimes the intelligent have to gear things towards what can be easily understood by the less intelligent (this is where soundbites came from), and "global warming" just does not work as a handle.”

I am occasionally an influence on Bill Maher (I have occasionally included in other blogs what I regard as clear evidence of this). In this instance, however, we are merely both stating the obvious, and both recognizing the importance of changing the wording on the handle, "global warming". I happened to find myself face to face with Al Gore (former Vice President, Nobel Prize Winner, etc., etc.) the other day, as we drove by each other on a narrow, random, obscure, probably middle-class residential street in Santa Barbara. I later looked up the fact that Gore recently (Feb. 2011) purchased a home in Santa Barbara. That doesn't make my seeing him necessarily random and unplanned in nature (though certainly it was not planned by me), as my experience has been that 9 out of 10 times I happen to recognize a celebrity face, it also happens to be a celebrity who around that same time is in connection with some sort of thing regarding me, such as an intertwining and direct connection to the previous week's blog article (e.g., years and years ago I left a message on the phone answering machine of someone I didn't entirely feel entitled to leave a message on the machine of. In the message I said I wanted to work for Steven Spielberg, speaking in a familiar way as I did sort of know the person - of additional note would be the fact that I had by then been a considerable influence on this and that Spielberg work. Within a week of my phone message, I was opposite Steven Spielberg as we waited in our cars on opposite sides of a red light. Can't rule out that it was a look-alike).

I would consider it remiss were I not to include mention of how I have no doubt of being behind a sketch the former Vice President was in when he appeared on SNL.

Fun Background Information
As I've mentioned before in many previous blogs, often including a degree of evidence, whenever I send in my sketch ideas for SNL, something always makes it through in some form for that next upcoming show, or occasionally the one after that. I'm particularly proud of the time I sent through someone a message to Paul McCartney (upon whom I am also a major influence) that I wanted him to make a surprise appearance in a sketch, and furthermore, that the sketch regard (for reasons I've detailed somewhere or another) my "Recipe For Fun." The SNL show that aired eight days later had a sketch featuring a surprise McCartney appearance (he was not even slated as the musical act), and the actual sketch was on a subject clearly related in various ways to "Recipe for Fun": Whose drink has the poison?

Back From The Fun Background Information And Still Having Fun
As I said, I am absolutely certain (for far more reasons than I could detail here) that I once had a sketch idea for the show Al Gore hosted, though the idea actually had little to do with Gore. It was about how Arab terrorists had planted a computer chip in chocolate that, by being planted in people who ate the chocolate, was automatically causing garage doors throughout America to automatically open and close unceasingly. So on SNL, instead, they had Gore play the evil head of a chocolate manufacturing company ala Willy Wonka sorta kinda. Not to mention that Sean Daniel was a White House guest of Bill Clinton, according to the record books, I cannot say I am one who knows Sean Daniel, I knew him a little a long time ago, though believe myself to influence him and his segment of the entertainment world (which happens to be a huge segment, extending to Steven Spielberg and so forth).

This is a brief return in time a fairly short distance, as new information may serve to further contextualize something I find of great note. I refer specifically to my August 8th, 2010 blog, "Stuck In Traffic, Not". I'll leave the actual piecing together of that to which I refer for those interested enough to follow-through on their own (you can't please everyone, and this stuff isn't for those unwilling to do the due diligence research). The new information regards Drew Barrymore being named "Erl" on the video game in the movie "Going The Distance". In a videoclip several years ago I stated how, through me, there was a Drew Barrymore connection to the origin of "My Name is Earl" (you can find this in my June 28, 2009, blog article, "Jolly Fun"), though I suppose I could not particularly prove I stated it back then as that video isn't locked in with any kind of timestamp. I suppose that makes this more for the benefit of those who can take my word on these things (sorry, wish everything I said was for everyone).

If you check the release date of "Going The Distance" (9/3/10), you will see it is not far from the time of the "traffic situation" I had described August 8th. I had already associated Drew Barrymore with Paul McCartney in relation to me when I wrote regarding when they were both contributors to the movie, "Everybody's Fine". So I see some intertwining connections, and not just because of these particulars. I would also see it all further contextualized by, well you'll have to look that up on your own, too. I recommend going to, creating a searchable database of all the collected volumes of my blogs - I'm up to Volume 5 now, in fact, this will someday be the first one in Volume 6! Hello, world of the FUTURE!!!