Sunday, September 25, 2011

If I Was Cool You'd Be In Trouble

Well, there is quite a bit I might point out about my influence on last night's season premiere of SNL (Saturday Night Live). It's a detail-oriented job, but somebody's gotta do it. I do not revolve around this kind of thing, but do consider it all the type of stuff someone ought to be noting. And I also wanted to remind you, SNL has been thought to possess some kind of influence on the American Presidential campaigns, therefore, for five dollars you can tell me which candidate you want me to send in a joke about (or two dollars if the candidate is unlikely to win to begin with).

In the past I have asserted that my influence on this show (and on many others, such as Paul McCartney, Steven Spielberg, etc., etc.) is ongoing, and for the most part my SNL influence has involved just-written material of mine that didn't even exist at the time of the preceding SNL show. This has gone on for years and years, and there are times when I appear to have considerable standing around there - though it is for some reason forbodden for them to acknowledge or pay me. C'mon everybody, admit I'm a major influence, no one will get mad, we all know how it goes, the public expects there to be some sort of secret person behind the scenes who has some sort of magical, non-direct relationship with all, even more people than believe in the Easter Bunny.

Given the many things I've established in past blog articles, apparent to those with intelligence willing to invest the time and effort, I do not consider it presumptuous for me to ask reasonable people to weigh those things also included that I cannot specifically prove through readily available Internet resources - such resources do make available evidence of enough things to make the conclusion that I am a significant influence obvious to all.

Since the 2011 SNL season finale (i.e., since their last show), I have posted four comedy ideas at the site where I almost invariably post my comedy ideas, Archive.Org:
  • "Amnesia Land" (6.11.11)
  • "Investigations Into Why They Were Given Special Thanks" (8.5/11)
  • "The Everywhere Crowd" (9.3.11)
  • "Catcher In the None Of Your Business" (9.10.11)
[The dates are all copyrighted at the Archive.Org site]

1. On last night's SNL season premiere, a sketch about Susan Lucci had EVERYONE in the room raise their hand when asked if they ever individually had amnesia at one time or another on their soap opera. In my "Amnesia Land" sketch, EVERYONE in the room at one time or another is conked on the head to induce amnesia.

2. Not quite so obvious a reference to my "Amnesia Land" sketch occurred during SNL's last sketch of the night. A soldier comes to the side of another soldier lying on the ground dying, then must go a few feet away to cajole another dying soldier lying on the ground, then a third, then back to the first, and so on and so forth being the ongoing idea. In my "Amnesia Land," as each person in a room is one by one knocked down by a conk on the head, one of them comes to their side to cajole them back to "consciousness", this happening over and over as the ongoing idea.

2.001 SNL last night apparently forgot to include anything from the three other comedy ideas I posted since their 2011 season finale, and forgetting is something amnesiacs do (this is not a serious basis for correlation, and is instead a humorous remark on my part, humorrous for those who find it funny, that is - however, I may be explaining the obvious).

3. In the opening sketch, SNL had the Republican candidate John Huntsman asking you to vote for him while speaking in a (deliberately) poor Chinese accent. Earlier that day on Facebook, in posting a link to my video about Putin and Kasparov, "Bishop Pawn Forfeit Rule," my Comment was to use a deliberately poor Russian accent wording to ask you not to vote for Putin (as yesterday's news was the announcement that Putin was running again).

4. I have previously posted (and then time-stamped by reposting to Archive.Org as part of my volumes of collections of my blog articles) my assertion that Paul McCartney several years ago made a surprise appearance on SNL a week after I wrote to him through an intermediary asking him to be in a comedy sketch regarding my "Recipe For Fun" video (posted at YouTube, where I'm "Zoomsteinhoff") - I will not detail here the reasons behind that request. I am generally a major influence on a lot of Paul McCartney work, so I was not as surprised as I might otherwise have been when he appeared in a sketch with Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin and Martin Short, all about who had the poison in their drink. So you see, practically identical to the title of my video, "Recipe For Fun". Last night on SNL, Alec Baldwin was joined in his opening monologue by Steve Martin. They did a sketch not at all dissimilar from the aforementioned sketch that McCartney had participated in, in my view: it regarded what was in Alec Baldwin's urine sample, which Steve Martin drank in order to discern. In Alec's and Steve's sketch with Paul, again, a disgusting beverage (to the extent that a drink containing poison is disgusting). So it seems to me, this all comes back to me and my "Recipe For Fun".

5. A week ago I posted on Facebook a YouTube video of the Paul McCartney song, "My Brave Face" (a song on which I was an influence). That song contains the line, "I've been taking dirty dishes and throwing them away." On SNL last night, the Red Flag sketch has a character smashing one dish after the other, going through a whole pile of dishes. One could correctly use the term "throwing away" to describe what she was doing with the dishes. Yet they were not dirty dishes, one assumes they were relatively clean dishes. [I do not feel the cleanness of the dishes undermines my point; however, I see where the witnesses to my Facebook posting of the video are limited to people fortunate enough to be my FB friends.]

6. Alec Baldwin is known to be among Paul McCartney's friends. Additionally, my previous blog article showed (to anyone intelligent enough to know how to disseminate the information) further substantial evidence of my influence on the work of film producer/Ben Stiller business partner, Stuart Cornfeld. So now add in how Steve Martin has a starring role in an upcoming Cornfeld film about spotting rare birds; Steve Martin's recent banjo album, entitled, "Rare Bird Alert," includes an (excellent) song with Paul McCartney on lead vocal.