Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fun For Everyone

Well, that last post was extremely serious, if one recognizes the idea that, had Princess Diana lived, she might have entered into a semi-royal marriage with an Egyptian, an event that could have been world-healing; and that her murderers appear to have singled out my doorstep as a repository for clues to their guilt, owing to my secret great importance in relation to Spielberg, McCartney, and many others.

This current post may be thought a continuation of the "argument" contained in my previous post, in that it adds to the proof of my contention that I am perceived as having some degree of importance (someday someone will invent a device for measuring degrees of importance with precision):

After viewing this videoclip regarding Russell Crowe (and perhaps Christian Bale), one may also wish to read a blog I posted on September 21, 2008, entitled, "Not Enough Time For The Beethoven," and/or view my 1998 video, "Gosk 2", which is at (where my 1994 video "Gosk 1" can also be found).

As usual, I have this week seen other references to my material:
  • "Mr. Brooks" (my Dostoyevsky video)
  • "Smallville" plus "The Office" (Tony Scott/Terrance Williams)
These references were extremely obscure, and though they were identifiable to me as having to do with me, they are scarcely worth my trying to convey to the masses in a detailed way.

I am left in these instances to ask people to take things on faith. Nevertheless I believe that, in general, I provide far more things that do not require taking things on faith, things for which I offer proof as being references by others to my work. And so I hope people will not begrudge me these instances where I do not provide details. There is no small importance to granting credit for integrity and intelligence, if it is earned, otherwise there is much that would be buried.

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