Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blue for Green

When last we left off in my previous Avatar-related blog (two blogs ago, dated Feb. 21st, "James Cameron and the Steinhoff Factor (non-3D version"), we were treated by me to (among other things) a clip from my 1998 video, "Gosk 2". I am referring to the "Gosk 2" clip included in that blog under a section entitled, "Something In The Air", it being that there were several "Gosk 2" clips in that blog. Now put on your special Tunnel Vision glasses (located in the section of your brain that can't bear to be pulled in more than one direction at once), because here comes another clip from "Gosk 2" (made newly relevant by the Oscars), continuing in that 1998 video of mine precisely from where the other clip left off (I've included three or so seconds of overlap with the previously-featured clip in order to help you see it in that context):

Excerpt from "Gosk 2" (1998)

And now I take you to the March 7, 2010 Academy Awards and Ben Stiller (someone I've occasionally referred to in my previous blogs, it being that he and Stuart Cornfeld,who I sort of knew in the '70s, together run "Red Hour Films" (Stuart being someone I refer to much more occasionally in previous blogs):

3.7.10 - Oscars Watercooler Conversation for Billions #1

Okay, now please remove your Tunnel Vision glasses - because instead of there being just one instance during the March 7th Oscars ceremony wherein I was being provided with something to fit in with my above "Gosk 2" clip, there was also this unforgettable George Clooney moment as well, which picks up from (fits in with) the very moment the above "Gosk 2" clip ends (you might need to imagine seeing Clooney in this clip as wearing blue skin and women's clothing in order to better appreciate the connection -unfortunately I have no special glasses to assist you in envisioning this, which I expect many will see as being for the best):

3.7.10 - Oscars Watercooler Conversation for Billions #2

I'm Dreaming of A White Dandelion Particle

I would close this blog with an observation about the images of little white flakes used as part of the recurring Oscars background graphics, however, I have neither the strength nor the patience to argue with everyone who would presume I must thereby be laying claim to every image of snowflakes ever created. My counter-argument to that would have been that, if that were the reason for their use of this graphic, why did they choose this year's "Avatar Oscars" (aka "Oscars") to use it? Hasn't it been snowing since even before the first Oscars ceremony in the '30s (not continuously)? Kinda funny they chose this year for it, ain't it? Oh yes, and were I to have closed this blog with mention of those little white flakes and their Avatar/Gosk tie-in, I would also have had to steer your special attention to the special significance the white flakes in “Avatar” have in connection with"Gosk 2", by steering you to my coverage of this subject in that above-referenced Feb. 21st blog. I would also add that many, many, many major awards shows seem to find a way to include as part of their recurring graphic backdrop images with clear similarities to ones I had recently generated (in this case, one of mine given recent significance). However, as I've already stated, I shall not be closing with this observation about the ceremony's use of the white flakes, you will instead have to imagine I did on your own, and imagine all that would have followed. Again, unfortunately I can offer no special glasses to help you imagine this.

I will instead close this edition of my blog with a slightly less controversial special thank you to Ben Stiller and George Clooney, not only for secretly pointing towards me, but also for their singular significance as being non-secret pointer-outers of the cause of the Haitian people as well.

["Alice" will have to wait for a future blog; as will mention of the special Steinhoff connection to the very final moment of Barbara Walters' Oscar Night interview, her final installment of this Oscar Night tradition.]

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