However I lay out the basis for this statement, it requires a little time, a little research follow-through on the part of the reader. So please get the bleep out of here you tedious know-it-alls who entitle yourselves to opinions without any sense of the importance of arriving at an opinion in a responsible, intelligent manner. This isn't the place for you.
- As I describe in my July 3, 2009 blog (and elsewhere in various other blogs of mine), the weekly TV sitcom that was Tom Hanks' first really big break, "Bosom Buddies", resulted from a conversation I had with someone.
- In my December 26, 2009 video, "Steven Spielberg And The Mall Man Factor" (posted at archive.org), I show how the Spielberg/Hanks movie, "The Terminal," was very significantly influenced by my 1993 "Mall Man" video (also viewable at archive.org).
- It therefore did not come out of left-field when Hanks' image on the cover of Time Magazine a week or so ago bore a strong similarity to a recurring image in "Mall Man":
In both instances, the photographic efffect is to use a very pronounced concentration of light on the face of the subject, in contrast with everything else in the image. This isn't to say that no one else has ever used this effect - of course it is something we see from time to time. Rather, the significance lies in the alignment of the previously described details in combination with the usage of this effect in this instance. The fact that it was only recently (Dec. 26, 2009) that I pointed out the relationship between Hanks and "Mall Man". I suppose, if you are very young, something that happened two and a half months ago was not recent. If you are Tom Hanks, my December 26th video should have been an event containing a degree of significance. One would not be surprised to find a reaction - a reaction in this form. One may also wish to read (or reread) my January 23, 2010 blog.
- A day or so before the appearance of this Time Magazine cover, I saw for the first time in years (driving by me on my way to work) a woman I knew, or a look-alike of a woman I knew, whose family was close to mine when we were young (including going on a vacation together). Her late father became Senior Editor of Money Magazine. Money Magazine is part of the same company as Time Magazine.
- A number of years ago, while her father was Senior Editor of Money Magazine, her brother, Woody, who was also a friend, was killed in an automobile accident (that may not have been an accident). His car suddenly got a flat tire, he had to suddenly pull off the freeway onto the shoulder to fix it, which was when he was run over and killed. This could have been a set-up. One has to consider this possibility, if one is realistic about the nature of the position his father held. The Senior Editor of Money Magazine makes decisions that can affect how people invest billions (collectively), and we all know that when that kind of money is involved, shady doings designed to gain influence/control can occur. As is also true if you are the Senate Majority Leader.
- Yesterday, the same day as this "accident" experienced by Reid's wife, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg were guests of President Obama at The White House, a "movie night" for the screening of something they jointly produced, entitled, "Pacific".
This would not be the first time that someone performing an insidious act threaded it through matters that connected in some way to me, nor would it be the first time that the perpetrator(s) threaded into it matters connected in some way to Steven Spielberg at the same time as myself. As an example, one may wish to read my blog of March 23rd (and others) regarding the death of Natasha Richardson, whose husband, Liam Neeson, was working with Spielberg at the time of her death.
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